Tuesday, June 30, 2020
George Floyd "Death" by Cop: A state sponsored Psyop with many Crisis actors involved including the alleged Cops, the EMTs and of course George Floyd himself. George Floyd is not dead. This was a CIA/Mossad created Psyop that is supported by both the MSM and the rest of the Government. Although it appears that the police are the losers here, in reality the Police will be made stronger than ever before because of this. Trump is in on it too. Part of the reason for the Psyop is to make Trump look good to his Base (in opposition to the rioting, statue destroying mob) so they support Trump in November. Another reason is to cause racial division and to make people want to riot. Those piles of bricks placed around were there to influence people to grab them and break out windows with them. Again this was a state sponsored Psyop and George Floyd is not dead.
The man seen in the video shown on MSM that is supposedly George Floyd, which is the man in the Black shirt shown in the following image is NOT George Floyd. It is an actor portraying George Floyd. Do not mistake the illusion for reality.
The man seen in the video shown on MSM that is supposedly George Floyd, which is the man in the Black shirt shown in the following image is NOT George Floyd. It is an actor portraying George Floyd. Do not mistake the illusion for reality.
Death of journalist Michael Hastings: I suspect that the alleged death of Michael Hastings is a false flag. It has all the usual markers of a false flag. I suspect that Michael Hastings is not dead and his death was staged. Which place would be better for such a bombastic bamboozling non-event than a jewish neighbourhood in Hollywood with rabbi, kippa & gardenhose? This would not be the first death of an alleged truther that has been faked. For example, the man known to the world as Isaac Kappy is not dead IMO. His actual name was never Isaac Kappy. His real name is Jewish and has never been publicized. IMO Michael Hastings, as Isaac Kappy after he turned "pedophile whistleblower" was not who was presented to be in public. Both men were/are Psyops. Two of the clues that the Michael Hastings death is fake are that the remains were supposedly so badly destroyed in the fire that the body could not be identified as MH and that MH's remains were cremated against his family's will. All of this is fiction. http://osnetdaily.com/2013/06/decoding-the-disinfo-surrounding-michael-hastings-death/
I decided to create a Blog today and I call it Stranger in a Jewish World because that is how I see myself and the world. I see the world as controlled by Jews and their minions and I see myself as a stranger in this Jew controlled world. I have been a frequent poster on Youtube but Youtube is deleting many of my comments whenever I say anything (((they))) do not like. I would rather to be able to post and have my comments not be deleted. I mean, making posts on Youtube only to have Youtube immediately delete my posts is not freedom of speech of any kind. It is censorship. I am starting this blog in large part because I am sick of Youtube censorship. Here I plan to say what I want to say. Its called Freedom of Speech, Bitch. Deal with it.