Saturday, July 11, 2020

Kimball Castle in Sedalia, Colorado

As I have said many times on this Blog, I don't know where the death of JonBenet Ramsey occurred.  When I was a member of I was one of the first people to realize that the story told about the JonBenet Ramsey was a disinformation cover story and that the death of the child did not take place inside of her home. This is before I even knew about Nancy Krebs.

Initially I thought the death of the child occurred in the home of Fleet White Jr and Priscilla White in Boulder but I later realized that was not the case. 

For a long time I have not known where the death took place. All I could say is that is was somewhere with driving distance of Boulder. I have speculated about various places it could have taken place in such as on the grounds of Lockheed Martin Denver, Aerospace, on the grounds of St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder or in a remote location outside of Boulder owned by Fleet Oil Company.  But none of these locations satisfied me as being the real location where JonBenet died.

Years go by and today I found some old articles related to the JonBenet Ramsey murder mentioning a castle called Cherokee Ranch Castle located in Sedalia, Colorado. The information that I saw prompted me to create this post.

From the below map you see that Sedilia, Colorado is around 1 hours driving time from Boulder, Colorado, so it is definitely within driving distance.

From this map it is shown that Sedilia is close to both Boulder and Denver. It is also close to Arvada, where Shirley Krebs and her family lived. Remember that Gwen Krebs and the daughter of Shirley Krebs attended the same party where JonBenet was killed, so Arvada being close to Sedilia is significant.

Here are links to article that prompted the creation of this post:

I don't know how much of the information on these web sites are factual. There is a tremendous amount of disinformation on the internet and one has to be very careful about what one believes to be the truth. But based on some other information I have come across it is at least worthy of me to investigate this lead to see what truth is there concerning the JonBenet Ramsey murder.

Claims from the first link to be investigated:

Every year during the Summer and Winter Solstices, the Illuminati are known to gather there for a Satanic Human Sacrifice Ritual. This gathering will be heavily guarded and many No Trespassing signs are posted on the property.

The elite Luciferian Satanist will be arriving on June 20, 2012 in their huge limousines, and dark tinted windows SUV's. The top 100 Satanist Banksters will be arriving and stay through the June 21st, performing their rituals of orgies and human sacrifice. 

There is association between meetings at this castle and meetings of the Bilderberg group.

Tweet Kimball is a Satanic high priestess.

Philanthropist Mildred Montague Genevieve "Tweet" Kimball purchased the property in 1954. It was actually, a gift from her CIA husband.

Tweet was well known for her lavish parties and entertainment of distinguished guests from all over the world.

Nicholas Schultz, 7 year old boy was pimped out by his father Paul Schultz. According to investigation, Nicolas was taken by airplane to the castle by a wealthy real estate tycoon named Jerry J. Moore and molested there by adults. This was part of a child sex ring, hosted by Kimball Castle for the elite.

Paul Schultz was a part of a cult that practiced ritual murder. This cultic belief system is a part of the CIA intelligence establishment. It is also called the Brotherhood of the White Temple.

The Summer Solstice Satanic Human Sacrifice Ritual is also called the Brotherhood of the White Robe. 

Brotherhood of the White Temple is a CIA front organization.

Claims from the second link to be investigated:

George W. Bush is a Luciferian.

The Denver International Airport Scandal and it's secret underground base.

The Oklahoma Bombing (CIA Involvement)

Iran-Contra Drug Money Laundering Mena Ark. to Denver Colorado. (M & L Business Machines Co)

Blackmail of Congressman and Senators (The Boulder Properties Scandal, Media By Pass Magazine Dec 1999 and May 2000 aka "Bush Crime Family parts 1 & 2)

"The Denver Connection" to The Bush Crime Family, Leonard Yale Millman-King-Pin

The Tiffany Lamp Meetings--Human Sacrifice in Sedalia Colorado at the Kimball Castle

"Tiffany Lamp Meetings Group"

During these meetings a Human Infant is abducted from usualy a hospital in the surrounding area.

George Bush Sr. is an Illuminati kingpin. Mind control programming is carried out on all offspring so that total control and complete secrecy are maintained. George Bush Senior is known to be an adept at trauma-based mind control programming.

Mother-of-Darkness castle of Chateau des Arnerois

More to Come

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