I have been investigating the Dutroux Affair in Belgium and also going beyond it and I feel compelled to create a post about this on my Blog. I am interested in the Dutroux Affair and what it was really about but I am also interested in connecting this to other cases I have investigated on this Blog that may be related to this such as the North Fox Island case, the Finders case, the Franklin Credit Union scandal and the JonBenet Ramsey murder. Nothing happens in a vacuum and frequently there is a hidden connection between cases that on the surface appear to have nothing to do with each other.
Revelations of the Dutroux Affair
I don't want to recover the details of the Dutroux Affair that many others have covered but I do want to discuss some important revelations of that affair.
One of those revelations was that there was obvious corruption of key members of Belgian Law Enforcement not to properly investigate this case. These law enforcement officials were on the take not to expose this case. The investigation of the case was sabotaged by high- ranking members of law enforcement who were corrupt and on the take.
Another revelation is that Dutroux was not working just for himself. He was working for others. Dutroux kidnapped girls according to the specific wishes of clients, one of which was Michel Nihoul.
Jean-Michel Nihoul
Jean-Michel Nihoul: A brief biography | Conspiracy Dossiers
X1 (Regina Louf):
When 2 years old sent to live with her grandmother who owned a hotel used as a brothel for high-level pedophiles and Sadists. Child pornography was also created here. Used in child prostitution, she was introduced to her "child pimp" Tony Vandenbogaert at age 4. Taken for years to other locations for abuse and torture parties. Diagnosed with MPD/DID. She had 100+ alters,
Tony Vandenbogaert was well aware of X1's MPD/DID and he cultivated and used her alters in the abuse of her. This man was her mind control handler who could call up (bring to the front) her various alters at will.
Described being raped by German Shepherds. Sex with dogs and other animals (Bestiality) is very common in the child abuse networks.
Became pregnant at age 10.
Famous people were involved in her abuse including BenoƮt de Bonvoisin and Vander Elst.
Was present on a hunting party on children.
Said the royal family of Belgium was involved in pedophilic child sexual abuse. Police refused to even write down her testimony.
As a child loaned out by her mother to a "child pimp" and child pornographer named Jaques V. who produced S & M movies featuring children. Identified X7 as a girl who had been forced to participate in child pornographic movies. Identified Chantel S. as a girl who had been forced to participate in child pornographic movies.
Probably had MPD/DID.
From age 9 to 13 he was regularly picked up from the children's home he was living in and brought to abuse parties around Brussels. He later worked as a child prostitute. Within 2 days of his allegedly secret testimony he was threatened with death if he continued to testify to police.
Chantel S:
Her grandmother was into Satanism.
Nathalie W:
Officer who interviewed her refused to write down an official report. Raped by her father who was a member of the Rotary (a group similar to Freemasonry). Sexually abused by her father's friends at parties. When 10 years old handed by her father to a Belgian Prince and an aide who continued to take her to different abuse parties in Belgium. Purposely discredited by police investigators. MPD/DID victim.
Snuff Films
Many witnesses said that children were murdered and snuff films were created. These snuff films were shown at many parties.
Amsterdam, Netherlands became a hot spot of snuff film activity in the 1990's.
Elite Twelve
Investigators in Britain became aware of a pedophile group called "Elite Twelve" which was prepared to pay up to 5000 pounds to make videos involving tortute and S & M that may end up as a snuff film.
An Establishment Tactic to hide the truth
As I was attempting to investigate this pedophile group I saw something which I have seen before. Here is what I saw. When there is something that the Establishment really wants to hide that is using some name (such as "Elite Twelve"), the Establishment will purposely create one or more web sites using that same name, so that when anyone attempts to search for the :"forbidden name", all their search results will be for one of these web sites that have been purposely created just to hide the "forbidden name".
As an example of this, when I search for "Elite Twelve", I find all these web sites with a very similar name appear in the search results.
Elite 12 Lacrosse | Denver, CO
I could go on but five instances is enough. If you think this is a coincidence, think again. I have seen this same type of thing done repeatedly for a variety of topics. This is how the Establishment hides the truth about something forbidden.
FBI Corruption
The FBI will investigate and prosecute child prostitution and child pornography cases involving unconnected people but it will not investigate and prosecute child prostitution and child pornography cases involving connected people such as politicians and other VIPs. Instead it will do the opposite. It will protect the connected people. It will intimidate and threaten witnesses who threaten to expose a connected person. It will even murder to protect VIPs as in the case of investigator Gary Caradori of the Franklin Credit Union scandal. The FBI planted a bomb on the plane Caradori was flying in, murdering him and his son when Caradori attempted to expose VIPs involved in child sex trafficking. The FBI is the protectors of the Establishment instead of law enforcement when it comes to VIPs.
More to Come
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