Monday, June 20, 2022

Israel is Behind the JFK Assassination

On this Blog I go wherever the truth leads and it leads to this concerning the JFK Assassination.  A lot of my previous posts about the assassination have focused on Jackie Kennedy being the assassin because I think it is very important for that fact to be known to everyone.  But there is a bigger darker truth to be explored here which goes beyond Jackie Kennedy being the assassin.  Whatever her motivations for being the assassin really were, Jackie Kennedy was just a tool used by others who wanted to see JFK dead for their own reasons. Absolutely.  I said in a previous post that to determine who was really behind the assassination requires first an understanding that she did it and second requires looking behind her to see who put her up to it and why.  Well, I have done both of those to my satisfaction which is why I am making this post today.  It took me a LONG time to get to the point where I am confident enough to say this, but Israel is 100% behind the JFK Assassination.  The Plot to assassinate JFK originated in Israel and I am about to explain why in as clear and concise language as I am able to.  This is the ultimate Truth about the JFK Assassination once you go past Jackie being the assassin to the very bottom of the rabbit hole.  No longer fooled by the illusion, I speak the forbidden truth that Jews do NOT want the public to know because the Truth directly implicates (((them))) in this assassination.  All those books written by others about the JFK Assassination never said a word about any of this, which should be an eye opener to the red pilled about Jewish control of the United States for a LONG time.  When Jews do an assassination or a deception, they go all out on the disinformation front to bury the truth underneath a HUGE MOUNTAIN of Bullshit using MANY disinformation agents so the public never even gets a whiff of the forbidden truth but some of us have gained the ability to see so I tell you what I see.

Before I move to the very relevant topic of Israel, I want to first mention the CIA and its role in the assassination.  It is absolutely clear that the CIA was involved in the execution of the assassination in Dallas Texas but those who do not look beyond the CIA make a mistake. Of course the CIA was an enemy of JFK and wanted to see him replaced by LBJ, but the CIA would never have attempted an assassination of a sitting POTUS on their own without someone else (bigger than the CIA) assisting them and pulling their strings. So the CIA was involved in the assassination but the plot to assassinate JFK did not originate with the CIA.  The CIA was a front used by Jews to assassinate JFK and it was not the only front.  Those who want to blame the CIA as being the ultimate evil in the world do not realize that the CIA is a tool for the Jewish oligarchy to use in any way it chooses. So we must go beyond the CIA to those who secretly used it to accomplish their goal of getting rid of JFK by any means necessary.  I hope to make it clear why (((they))) wanted to get rid of JFK so badly and so quickly.  The timing of the assassination has great significance in understanding its true nature, as I will explain.  

The true reason behind the JFK Assassination which has been carefully hidden from the American people and the entire world involves the topic of nuclear proliferation.  In 1963, President John F. Kennedy was very concerned about nuclear proliferation and was very determined that countries that did not currently possess nuclear weapons would not be allowed to possess them.  He was doing that for the safety of the entire world.  Understand that before I go on to discuss Israel.  As you will see, JFK's fight against nuclear proliferation put him into direct conflict with Israel that was very determined to develop and possess its own nuclear weapons in 1963.


Most Americans hearing that word have no idea what it means because they have been kept purposely clueless about it, but Dimona was a project in Southern Israel that was doing nuclear research in 1963. (see map below)

Beyond doing mere research, Israel was actively involved in developing nuclear weapons technology at its Dimona facility. In the image below is shown the facility as it looked around 1963. This is where Israel was trying to develop its own nuclear weapon(s) when John F. Kennedy was U.S. President.  

Israel knew it was not supposed to develop nuclear weapons but it was doing it anyway in violation of U.S. and International Law.  Israel is a rogue Jewish state that does not care about any laws other than its own.  This is true now and it was true in 1963 before the Kennedy assassination.  

Please digest this information before we go further down this rabbit hole.  As will be shown later, John F. Kennedy was assassinated because of Dimona.  This is the secret at the bottom of the rabbit hole.

Now we can continue down this rabbit hole which will lead to the Non Jewish Truth about the JFK Assassination. 

To reiterate what I said above, Israel was attempting to develop nuclear weapons technology at its Dimona facility in 1963 when JFK was President.  At some point JFK became aware that Israel was or may be attempting to develop nuclear weapons at Dimona and he was determined to use his power as U.S. President to prevent it.  Because Israel was very highly dependent on the United States for its future survival, John F. Kennedy as U.S. President had authority over Israel to control it.  John F. Kennedy exercised greater control over Israel than most nations because of Israel's strong dependence on the U.S. Government.  The control JFK had over Israel was the financial and humanitarian aid Israel depended on.  If Israel refused to cooperate with what the U.S. Government wanted (led by JFK) then the aid that Israel so badly depended on could be used as a tool to force Israeli cooperation with U.S. will. If Israel failed to cooperate with the U.S. Government then that aid could be immediately suspended. Put another way, JFK had great power as U.S. President to tell Israel what to do.  This is important to understand.

JFK wants U.S. Inspections of Dimona

JFK insisted that Israel allow U.S. Government inspections of its Dimona facility to ensure that Israel was not using it to produce nuclear weapons technology.  He did not trust the word of the leaders of Israel about this.  He wanted U.S. Government inspectors to go into Dimona and look over everything to ensure Israel was in compliance with U.S. and international law.  

Israel stonewalls JFK over the Dimona inspections

Initially Israel stonewalled JFK over the U.S. President's request for U.S. Government inspections of the Dimona facility.  In other words, Israel ignored the request at first, which required JFK to use stronger measures to get the attention of Israel that he is serious.

David Ben-Gurion Resignation

The Israeli Prime Minister in 1963 was David Ben-Gurion, who JFK wrote a personal letter to in 1963 reiterating his request for U.S. inspections of Dimona which was being ignored by the Israeli government.  In that letter JFK suggested that U.S. aid to Israel would be jeopardized if Israel failed to cooperate with what the U.S. wanted.  JFK was expecting a response from the Israeli Prime Minister about his request but instead the Israeli Prime Minister suddenly resigned on June 26 1963 so he would not have to respond to it..  This was another stonewalling tactic by Israel to prevent U.S. inspections of Dimona.  So understand that in early 1963 Israel is actively stonewalling JFK over the Dimona inspections.  Besides being a stonewalling tactic, the resignation was also a delaying tactic to give the Israeli government extra time to decide how to respond to JFK's demand for U.S. inspections of Dimona.  Israel was determined to develop nuclear weapons but it was also determined not to lose the U.S. aid that its survival depended upon.

Levi Eshkol becomes Prime Minister

Levi Eshkol becomes the new Prime Minister of Israel on June 26, 1963 after the resignation of David Ben-Gurion.  At this point, JFK realized he was being stonewalled by Israel over his request for U.S. inspections of Dimona so he sent a letter to the new Prime Minister using stronger language to let the Israeli government know that it was expected to comply with what he wanted.  

Text of the letter from JFK to Levi Eshkol AKA The Dimona Ultimatum

What follows is the text of the letter JFK sent to the new Israeli prime minister reiterating his demands that Israel submit to U.S. inspections of Dimona.  Please read it carefully because it very relevant to the JFK Assassination. .This is the letter that triggered the JFK Assassination, as will be shown.

"Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

"It gives me great personal pleasure to extend congratulations as you assume your responsibilities as Prime Minister of Israel. You have our friendship and best wishes in your new tasks. It is on one of these that I am writing you at this time.

"You are aware, I am sure, of the exchanges which I had with Prime Minister Ben-Gurion concerning American visits to Israel's nuclear facility at Dimona. Most recently, the Prime Minister wrote to me on May 27. His words reflected a most intense personal consideration of a problem that I know is not easy for your Government, as it is not for mine. We welcomed the former Prime Minister's strong reaffirmation that Dimona will be devoted exclusively to peaceful purposes and the reaffirmation also of Israel's willingness to permit periodic visits to Dimona.

"I regret having to add to your burdens so soon after your assumption of office, but I feel the crucial importance of this problem necessitates my taking up with you at this early date certain further considerations, arising out of Mr. Ben-Gurion's May 27 letter, as to the nature and scheduling of such visits.

"I am sure you will agree that these visits should be as nearly as possible in accord with international standards, thereby resolving all doubts as to the peaceful intent of the Dimona project.  As I wrote to Mr. Ben-Gurion, this government’s commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized if it should be thought that we were unable to obtain reliable information on a subject as vital to peace as the question of Israel’s effort in the nuclear field.

"Therefore, I asked our scientists to review the alternative schedules of visits we and you had proposed. If Israel's purposes are to be clear beyond reasonable doubt, I believe that the schedule which would best serve our common purposes would be a visit early this summer, another visit in June 1964, and thereafter at intervals of six months. I am sure that such a schedule should not cause you any more difficulty than that which Mr. Ben-Gurion proposed in his May 27 letter. It would be essential, and I understand that Mr. Ben-Gurion's letter was in accord with this, that our scientists have access to all areas of the Dimona site and to any related part of the complex, such as fuel fabrication facilities or plutonium separation plant, and that sufficient time be allotted for a thorough examination.

"Knowing that you fully appreciate the truly vital significance of this matter to the future well-being of Israel, to the United States, and internationally, I am sure our carefully considered request will have your most sympathetic attention.


"John F. Kennedy".

An External Link

Following is a link I found to provide additional information and evidence about the letter exchanges between JFK and Israel over Dimona.  There were many letters sent between them.  Please see this link.

Following are some important quotes from this link that I see as very important to the JFK Assassination.  You really need to understand this to understand the JFK Assassination, because this led directly and quickly to the JFK Assassination in November of 1963.  This is the forbidden truth that has been concealed using Jewish deception and disinformation.  My personal comments are shown in blue.

U.S. Intelligence Estimated That by Mid-1960s Dimona Could Produce Enough Plutonium For “One or Two Weapons A Year”.

Beginning in April 1963, Kennedy insisted that the Israeli leadership accept regular bi-annual U.S. inspections, or in diplomatic language, “visits,” of Israel’s nuclear complex at Dimona in the Negev Desert.

Kennedy Warned Israeli Leaders in 1963 That U.S. “Commitment and Support” Could be “Seriously Jeopardized” Absent Inspection of Dimona Reactor.

Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and his successor, Levi Eshkol, tried to evade and avoid inspections, but Kennedy applied unprecedented pressure, informing them bluntly, in a near ultimatum tone, that Washington’s “commitment to and support of Israel “could be “seriously jeopardized” if it was thought that the U.S. government could not obtain “reliable information” on the Dimona reactor and Israel’s nuclear intentions.  Israel considered the letter to Levi Eshkol to be an ultimatum based upon the language JFK used.  This is why I refer to it as the Dimona Ultimatum.  It was an Ultimatum to Israel to either allow inspections or U.S. aid would be cut off.  Israel responded to it as a threat to its national security.  Understand that. 

Surprised by the U.S.’s firm demands, Eshkol took seven weeks, involving tense internal consultations, before he reluctantly assented.  Eshkol's assent to JFK was meaningless because Israel had no intention of complying with U.S. demands.  Although JFK gave Israel a choice of either allowing inspections or losing U.S. aid, Israel had come up with a third option on its own that would allow it to keep its nuclear weapons program and to keep U.S. aid flowing in.   That third option was to kill JFK and to replace him with a new U.S. President who would allow Israel to do whatever it wanted to do concerning its nuclear weapons program.  

The Israeli Plot to assassinate JFK

If you have not already seen it, allow me to explain it.  JFK wanted Israel not to develop nuclear weapons but Israel was very determined to do so in 1963.  JFK gave Israel an ultimatum to either allow U.S. inspections of Dimona or U.S. aid would be seriously jeopardized (or cut off entirely).  This was considered an unacceptable situation by Israel so it came up with its own solution.  Kill JFK to make his ultimatum null and void and replace him with a new U.S. President who would allow Israel to do what it wanted.  Absolutely.  This plot was originated in the summer of 1963 and turned over to others including the Israeli Mossad to make a reality.  It had to happen fast before the first scheduled U.S. inspection of Dimona took place in December of 1963.  This is what Prime Minister Eshkol had agreed to on paper but had no intention of keeping.  Instead Israel and Jews went all out to kill JFK before the inspection date.  

Edit to Add:  Although all evidence of it has probably been well hidden, the first thing Lyndon B. Johnson did after assuming the Presidency was to cancel the inspection of Dimona by U.S. Scientists that was scheduled to happen in December of 1963.  A Zionist long in the corrupt Jewish circle, LBJ killed the honest inspections of Dimona JFK had wanted first thing before he did anything else as U.S. President.  Although I believe there were later inspections, it was just for a show.  Israel kept its nuclear program and eventually developed nuclear weapons, which it promptly turned into a Jewish Blackmail tool called the Samson Option.  If you fuck with Israel, we will blow up the entire world.  And they mean it.  They are Psychopaths.  The same Psychopaths who murdered JFK to stop nuclear weapon inspections now hold the entire world hostage with nuclear weapons!  The word Evil applies to these Jews. Absolutely it does.


  1. Great work! Job well done! 👍🏽🙏🏽♥️🤗

  2. Today, yesterday and last week. I am laughed, ridiculed, attacked, and insulted because I spread your truth. They said that when they read about blaming the Jews, it meant I was high on drugs.

    1. Consider the source, brother. If you follow the truth it does not matter what others say about you. When I was a commenter on Youtube I was called every vile name in the book for spreading my truth. It didn't bother me then or now. Its the state of the world we live in. Its so corrupt that truth is viciously attacked or completely ignored by those who run this evil world. Keep spreading the truth.

    2. Do you really care what people like that think of you? It should not bother you at all. Consider it a badge of honor to be ridiculed for spreading the truth about the Jews and what they have done. You are a light worker to spread the truth, and they either fools or deceivers.

    3. Superior analysis! Thank you for your passion for the truth. (I’ve lost many human relationships over searching for the truth in every little thing I do, only to hear things like [yesterday], why don’t you use more time praying more and reading/researching less?” If this person only knew!—the sadness I once had is now that of righteous indignation!). Keep exposing brother!

    4. Thank for your kind comment. Exposing the truth is a very LONELY business and I get very little support from anyone else for what I do. But I do not require support from others to expose the truth. The truth I seek comes from within, not from without. So whether I am agreed with or not by the great mass of humanity who I am really doing this for, it matters not. I expose the truth because I am compelled to do so by a force greater than me. I serve the God of Truth and so I expose the Truth. Truth and Religion are two different things. I go for Truth and not Religion.
