Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Was Adolf Hitler secretly a Tool of the Jews?

I received this comment recently that I want to address this post to.

Hitler was the son of illegitimate Rothschild offspring. Without a doubt, used as a tool by international Jewry to bring about the destruction of Europe. The forced evacuation of Jews into camps and subsequent relocation around the world was not an act of genocide, but the opposite: ensuring their safety!

This Blog is not afraid to go anywhere in search of the Truth so this question must be answered.  The answers to my questions come from the inside so I will use that as a guide to answering the question.  Whatever comes to me, I will post.

I have heard this claim made before.  I have also heard others very strongly refute this claim and label it as Jewish disinformation to discredit the message of Adolf Hitler.  What is the truth?  I certainly do not know until I look from the inside using everything God has given me to see it.

I am not looking at that link for now because I do not want to be influenced by what could be disinformation.  I want to use my own intuition to answer the question.  I have personally seen things that have made me suspect something like this could be true.  One thing is Germany's pact with Jewish Russia in 1939 over Poland.  Certainly to make a deal with Stalin was a Deal with the Devil and Hitler had to have known this.  That Germany launched a full scale invasion of Russia in 1941 shows that Germany was very much against Russia and considered it an enemy worth destroying.  But were powerful Jews pulling Hitler's strings and Stalin's strings also?  It is possible.

The Rothschilds are only one of a group of powerful Jewish families ruling the world in secret but the name Rothschild is used as a tar baby to make the public hate the members of this one family and blame them for everything while giving all the other powerful Jewish families a complete pass. There are a number of other Jewish tar babies that the public is encouraged to hate, another is George Soros. but the point is, to say Hitler is a Rothschild smacks of immediate disinformation to me to discredit the man so that nobody will listen to Hitler's true message about the Jews.  That message was spoken in Mein Kampf and many of the speeches Hitler made to the German people.  I have heard that message and found parts of it to be very credible.  For example, it was Adolf Hitler who said the Jews are the masters of the Big Lie and how they try to get the common man to believe its true because its too big to be a lie.  Absolutely true.  This is the Jewish disinformation M.O. and the fact that Hitler disclosed it shows he was NOT an agent of the evil Jews.  A Jewish agent would have never told the truth about the Jewish secret of lying their asses off to everyone.  Hitler saw then about the Jews what I see now: they are pathological liars for which no lie is ever too big.  This is what the Talmud TELLS the Jews to do. Its documented.  If you want proof, research what the Talmud says about Jews lying and deceiving non Jews.  They are encouraged to do it as much as possible because this deception benefits the Jews and disadvantages honest non Jews who are deceived by it.  

 I need to look no further than that to answer the question.  Hitler was not a willing tool of the Jews.  The link is Jewish disinformation.  I will not even look at it. 


  1. Here I leave an article that relates Nazism with the Jews

    1. I do not like the world Nazi. Its a derogatory Jewish term and I refuse to use it. National Socialist Germany is how I refer to it. I will look at your link but I cannot promise you I will agree with what it says. I have my own views on this matter.

  2. One simple accusation, like ‘Hitler was Jewish’ or ‘Hitler was a Rothschild agent of the Illuminati’ can easily chase truth-seekers away, and divert them back into the Jewish ‘matrix’, into the realm of Jewish-controlled ‘Conspiracy’ & ‘New Age’ theories on the Internet.

    This is by far the best in-depth article I have found on the true funding of the NSDAP

  3. It is simply Jewish disinformation, Hitler and national socialists also drove out the freemasons and even documented their discoveries in the Paris lodge . To this day Hitler seized Rothschild possessions in Austria are still held by the state .
