Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Latest post about Jackie Kennedy and the Head Shot...

 For those still following this Blog, I am still around and still saying Jackie did the head shot, as outrageous as that may seem to many people. But its not outrageous. Its a sign of Jewish control that they could use her to do the assassination of her own husband AND get away with it. What you have to understand is that Jackie was just the assassin and she was not working alone. She had many people helping her do this. And of course she did not do it for herself but for those who wanted JFK dead for their own reasons (see my Dimona posts). In order for Jackie to do what she did and get away with it required MASSIVE corruption of a lot of other people, both inside the U.S. Government and without. I hope people reading this get that. But this all ties back to JFK's insistence that Israel not to be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. Never forget the true motivation for the assassination. 

I leave it for other serious researchers to prove Jackie was the assassin from what I and others have shown. This rabbit hole needs to be fully gone down but I no longer have the will or the resources to do it, but someone needs to research this.  I know most people are afraid of touching this third rail because they fear ridicule if they say it (they want you to feel ridiculous for saying it) but this is the forbidden truth that exposes a lot of other things about Jewish corruption of America that needs to be explored. 

As for the question: Was mind control used on Jackie to get her to do what she did? In my opinion, not. I believe she did it knowingly and willingly, which is why I strongly believe Jackie Kennedy was Jewish. She deserves further investigation into her background and her corruption. 

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