Monday, September 9, 2024

Another post about Trump

 The more I look into Trump and his associations the more I see how sleazy this guy is. Not only does he have tons of Jewish connections, he has other deeply troubling connections. I really believe this man is evil. 

But my new take on Trump is that he is 100% a Jewish puppet but Jews are behind the Democrats too. 

What game are the Jews playing with Donald Trump? He is one of theirs and yet they are pretending he is not. They pretend to oppose him but what is their end game? 

Who do Jews want to win the 2024 election? Either candidate is owned by them and will serve them but who do they want to win?

I have been predicting they want Harris to win but it could be they secretly want Trump to win. If Trump wins he will be their obvious tool even more so than Harris. He will help Israel more than Harris. He will fuck with Iran more than Harris. 

Here is what I suspect. They are purposely making things so bad under Democratic control that people will vote for Trump. I mean, look at the state of the country and the world. It's horrible. Maybe it's horrible for reason so people support Trump to fix things. But Trump is theirs, so he is in on the game. 

And that assassination attempt on him to make him look like a hero is really suspect in retrospect.  The way Trump raised his fist and said fight fight fight was planned for him to do. That whole thing was set up to increase his popularity and make him appear to be heroic. He is not heroic.

So I suspect Jews are playing a psychological game with Trump and the American public. Maybe they want him to win.

But Trump is corrupt. No honest red pilled should support him. He is a wolf wearing sheep's clothing. Everything in me tells me Trump is a bad person but they are purposely trying to make him appear attacked and a martyr so people will want to support him. It's a game being played with the American people. See through it.

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