Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Excluded from the Wayback Machine

 I frequently use the Wayback machine to retrieve the content of dead web sites, usually censored by Jews, just to read what the Jews do not want me to see.  But sometimes I come across a dead web site that has been purposely excluded from the Wayback machine.  Now me being a curious person and all, I want to know why a web site would be excluded from the Wayback machine unless it is just useless spam,  But the kind of links I am looking up are not spam but very relevant material. So if a link I am looking up has been scrubbed from the Wayback machine I am very curious about that.

One such web site is : http://www.gaiguys.net.  

This web site is not entirely dead. It still exists but some posts I am interested in seeing have been conspicuously deleted from it. But in this post I want to see what kind of content is on the web site that the Jews might not want me to see.

Doing a little research, it looks like this web site has been hacked and all the original content removed and replaced with meaningless garbage.  The Snake is behind this. 

Ok, a little more research reveals this link:

Gaiaguys.net loses long battle against satanists

In the above link, he says he wrote a Blog post about about www.gaiguys.net being shut down by Satanists but that link is dead, Fortunately that Blog post exists on the Wayback machine and here it is:


Okay, I have stumbled upon something here which I have heard about before.  This relates to deep corruption within the Australian government and about their involvement in covering up a lot of bad things happening within Australia.  But the Jewish Snake is here in Australia too.  It is world wide.  The exposure of corruption in Australia can reveal corruption elsewhere too. 

Links related to Satanic Ritual Abuse in Australia and elsewhere

Escaping Ritual Abuse in Australia


Now this rabbit hole leads back to Australian Fiona Barnett and her wild claims. Do a search on this Blog for Fiona Barnett to read my many posts about her. I don't trust Fiona Barnett not to be an agent of the Jews. She makes some claims that really get my attention but I am suspicious of her, as I have stated. She blames everything on Satanists and nothing on Jews and that is a big red flag. But if Satanism exists and I believe it does, then are not Jews running it behind the scenes? I believe they are. But the Satanism thing is huge not just in Australia but in America and probably many countries in Europe. I belive Satanists exist and they are using mind control to sexually abuse children. 

More to Come

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