Monday, September 9, 2024

My contempt for the Republican Party

 Not that I'm a fan of the Democratic Party by any means, I feel a special contempt for the Republican party of today. As I've said, both the major parties are controlled opposition to each other, with Jews pulling the strings on both. Its nothing but a political circus to keep the people confused and sometimes entertained by the false drama.  But my criticisms of the Republican party are as follows.

Unwavering loyalty and support to Israel and Jews. Ignoring everything bad Israel does.

Turning a blind eye to the plight of the Palestinian people.

Being christ cucks but just to get votes.

Turning a blind eye to gun violence. Opposing any type of gun control whatsoever.

Pretending to want to Make America Great Again when really all they want is to be in power again so they can do what they always have done. Making America Great Again is not their aim. It's just a campaign slogan, nothing more. If they get back in false control, it will be business as usual. They will not make any major positive changes but will do some token meaningless things like go after Democrats. Oh yes they will make a great drama of that.

Some of the worst fucktards are in the Republican party. The POS Ted Cruz comes to mind. Lindsey Graham is another winner.

Republicans will push anti Semitism laws for their masters while pretending to support free speech.

Condemning protests in support of the Palestinian people as being anti Israel and pro terrorism. Viewing support of the Palestinian people as anti American.

Using the Bible to justify supporting Israel.

Being controlled by AIPAC and seeing nothing wrong with it. 

Giving 50 standing ovations to the war criminal Natanyahu. Having a million times more loyalty to the PM of Israel than they do for the President of the US. I am beyond disgusted.

Pushing for war with Iran because the Jews want this.

There are some good things about the Republicans though but again, both parties are controlled by Jews behind the scenes. It's all a game.

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