Friday, September 27, 2024

You do NOT create your own reality

This is a post I feel compelled to make after seeing enough people saying that you create your own reality and that by simply believing differently you can change reality for yourself and others. When I was smoking marijuana I came to believe this but this is not the truth. 

The truth is that you do not control reality by your beliefs. You can believe any way you want to and still be a slave to Jews. Jews would prefer that you do nothing to actually change your reality because that means they will no opposition in their real control over the world.

Don't be seduced by new age mysticism that sounds pleasing to the ears but is totally false. You will never change physical objective reality by simply believing differently. You have to actually do something to change reality. 

You have to fight Jewish control of the world. How? By doing everything you can to wake up your fellow man to what Jews have done, are doing and will do. If you are red pilled you have that responsibility. There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. Those who walk the path spread the truth they have discovered, just like I am doing on this Blog. There is no Easy Button here. This is very serious and very difficult. We live in a treacherous world where treacherous Jews have gained control of the world. You won't change that by simply believing differently. You have to fight. You have to resist. You have to help wake others from the Matrix. You have to do your part. I am here to show you the path but you have to walk it. 

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