Saturday, October 5, 2024

One thing Hitler got right


I try not to talk about Hitler on this Blog. He made a lot of bad decisions that got his country destroyed but there is at least one thing he did right and that was to forcibly remove Jews from their positions of authority in the German Government.  He recognized the Jewish M.O. of Infiltration and Subversion.  If you don't know about that then you are not red pilled but Jews and their minions infiltrate all governments, then those Jews and minions to Jews work their way into leadership positions and then they use those leadership positions to subvert the entire government.  Its what they were doing in the German government which Hitler clearly saw and he was determined to use his authority to forcibly remove that cancer. Notice this caused the Jews to publicly declare war against Hitler and Germany in 1933 in response, so Hitler definitely hit a nerve when he removed them from the German government.  They did not like that at all.  Hitler did the right thing in this case.

The reason I am bringing that up is that the same cancer in the German government is clearly in the U.S. Government.  The reason the U.S. Government is Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition right now is because of Jewish control.  If that control were to be suddenly removed you would see a complete turn around in the U.S. Government.  I am talking a night and day turnaround.  

It is my firm opinion that the U.S. Government is so subverted and Jew controlled that no election is going to fix this problem.  Democracy has been subverted so that the people are not in control but Jews and their minions are in control.  The Government does not do the will of the people. It does the will of the Jews and their corrupt minions.

To fix this will require IMO a Revolution by the American people to throw the members of this corrupt government out on their asses and to create a new government and in this government Jews will not be allowed to be members of the government.  In addition to Jews not being allowed to participate in the government, a mechanism should be put in place to prevent non Jewish minions to Jews from participating in the government.  I do not say how these things should be done.  I merely state that to remove the cancer and to keep it from reinfesting these are the steps that would be required to save America. Unless this is done, Jews are going to totally fuck over this country much worse than anything we have seen so far.  As bad as it is now, this is only the beginning of the destruction of America under Jewish control if Jews retain their control.  This is my warning for those who have ears to hear.

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