Monday, October 14, 2024

The Tavistock Institute


So I am about to go down the rabbit hole on the Beatles again because I am being called to do that but before I can do that I need to discuss the Tavistock Institute from which not only the Beatles but the entire British invasion and sixties rock scene sprang.  So we need to understand what this organization is really about.

This is one of the front organizations controlled by Jews that I have spoken of on this Blog many times before.  Other front organizations are the CIA and Freemasonry and others.  

The following link is for a PDF that provides a good expose of what the Tavistock Institute is really about.  Its a long read containing a lot of information but this shows how Jews exert control on the world in secret using front organizations.  The front organization conceals the Jewish hidden hand.  Jews love to control in secret and this how they do it. 

You might not want to hear that the entire sixties rock scene was engineered to bring on the downfall of America but that is where the truth apparently lies.  Sometimes its not easy to learn the truth.  Its not easy to learn that what you thought was true is not true at all and that there is a deeper truth that you had not even suspected.  Yes, it is hard to find out sometimes but its always better to know the truth.  

But in the case of the Beatles, as I will show in a later post, understanding that this group was a creation of Tavistock reveals the truth about many things and many mysteries about the Beatles, such as about Paul dying, the Butcher Album, the change in the Beatles in 1966, etc..  All of that will be covered later.  For now learn about Tavistock.

This book is a huge red pill about Jewish control.  Every red pilled person needs to read all of this to learn.

Some important quotes from the PDF:

Without Tavistock, there would have been no WWI and WWII, no Bolshevik Revolution, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars. But for Tavistock, the United States would not be rushing down the road to dissolution and collapse.

Funding for the Tavistock Institute was provided by the Rothchilds (JEWISH)

Funding for the Tavistock Institute was provided by the Rockerfeller family (JEWISH)

Tavistock's goal is to usher in a New World Order, or One World Government (of JEWISH control).

Tavistock's uses Lies and Deception to control.  It turns Lies into Truth and Truth into Lies.

One of the main objectives at Tavistock was to achieve the degradation of women.

It was el Roi's personal flag, now called the "Star of David" that became the official flag of the Khazarian nation when they settled in Poland after being forced out of Russia.

NOTE: The Star of David Flag is actually the personal flag of the Khazarian leader David El Roi who chose to adopt Judaism onto the Khazarian people!!!  So the flag of Israel today is the flag of the Khazarian nation from centuries ago!!!  Israel is really Khazaria. It has no lineage to ancient Israel from the Bible.

The flag was adopted by the Zionists as their standard and is still mistakenly called the "Star of David." Christians make the error of confusion linking it with the Old Testament King David, when in fact there is no relation between the two.

The principal architect of enmity brought to bear against Russia was the Rothschild dynasty and it was this burning hatred that Tavistock used and channeled in its plan to destroy Western civilization.

More to Come

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