Thursday, October 3, 2024

Who is this Blog for?

 This Blog is mostly for the truly red pilled. As a red pilled person I speak to other red pilled people to communicate a shared truth that only the truly red pilled will recognize. But this Blog is also for the Blue pilled who are beginning to question their "reality". The truly Blue pilled won't come here but those who are waking up will seek the truth here. I have a mission from God to speak the truth and to expose the lies and deception of the world and to expose the liars and deceivers. Since I am an American my primary target audience is the American people but my message is to all people in every country. 

America is undoubtedly one of the most corrupt countries on the planet if not the most corrupt country but similar corruption exists in many other countries across the world. It seems the corruption is worst in the Western countries. Wherever there are Jews and their minions running the government and the media and the financial institutions and industry there will be corruption. But I digress.

My purpose in creating this Blog is to help people wake up. I woke up and now I want to wake other people up. I am a prophet of a new Religion called Truth. I am sent from a God who loves truth and hates lies and Deception.  I spread His message as it is given to me. 

That message is that truth is good and Lies and Deception are evil.  

All who follow the truth will hear my message but to the liars and deceivers I am the enemy because I expose them.  It is my great honor to expose them. I speak for those who are despicably used and against those who are snakes wearing sheep's clothing whose only purpose is to deceive. I don't need to identify those people because you should know who they are.  Two of them are currently running for POTUS in 2024.

What I can tell you all is that we live in very treacherous times. The bad guys have control and they are using that control to do bad things. In Gaza and the West Bank. In Lebanon. Soon to happen in Iran. In Ukraine and Russia. In Taiwan.  In other places. We may see WW3 break out soon. I see all the signs of it. We are in treacherous times. Now is the time to help wake up those who are blind and sleeping. We have a duty and responsibility to wake up everyone can.  Walking the Path means you spread the truth to the deceived. You do not just learn the truth for yourself and do nothing with it. That is what is referred to as keeping your candle under your bed. No, you learn the truth to spread it and to wake up others. All red pilled have that mission. I show the way as it has been shown to me. Do your part. Learn the truth and spread the truth. Awaken the sleeping. Bring sight to the blind. We are all in this together so let us work together in a unified mission to spread the truth and expose the lies and deception of the Jewish Snake

A better explanation of the Jewish Snake for those who want to know what it is and how it works.

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