Friday, July 31, 2020

Now I want to do a post about a topic that I came across a long time ago.  This is a very strange case but I believe it leads down several interesting rabbit holes that I want to explore further.  It is the case of Richard and Susan Hamlin of El Dorado, California.  Other people have covered this but I will want to go over it again because I think this case is very significant on several fronts.  

To get started, here are two links to articles about this story.  Its a long read but the story is a fascinating one.  I encourage you to read it and then later I will discuss some items of it that are of deep interest to me.

The following images lists the complaint made to the El Dorado County Sheriff's Office by Susan Hamlin.  Please click on each image to read it in detail:

In case you do not already comprehend it, Richard Hamlin is an innocent man who has been falsely prosecuted by a completely corrupt System.  I Believe a great injustice has been done to this man and that he should not be in prison at all.  Who will help me to seek justice for Richard Hamlin?  

The Nebula Network

This post is about a clandestine network known as The Nebula. This network was involved in the trafficking of diamonds, arms, narcotics (drugs) and nuclear materials.

This network was controlled by a man named Felix Przedborski (see below image).

Felix Przedborski was a mafia boss with dual nationality: Belgium and Costa Rica.

The network controlled a number of multi-national companies including General Electric.

Elements of the Israeli Government and the Mossad are involved in this network.

Some of the weapons of the Iran-Contra affair were transferred to the Nicaraguan rebels by this network.  Przedborski was on a first name basis with President Ronald Reagan at the time of Iran-Contra.

A word about the 43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit and the murdering nanny

Some of you may have already heard this story but supposedly back in 2012 during the Obama Administration an article was published by CNBC and other media organizations about a 43 trillion dollar lawsuit against Banksters by a mysterious entity called Spire Law Group.  Then supposedly on the very same day that an article about this was published by CNBC, two young children of a CNBC exec were supposedly brutally murdered by the children's nanny who was a trusted family friend.

The following link provides a good summary of the case:

The following link is of the Lawsuit itself allegedly filed by the mysterious Spire Law Group:

All of this is the story that they want us to believe.  What they want us to believe is:

1) These Banksters were sued on behalf of the American people for 43 Trillion dollars by a law group.

2) On the very same day or the day after, two children were brutally murdered supposedly in reprisal for the article being printed.

In this post we are going to look into this a little bit deeper.  When I first heard about this, I believed it was legitimate.  Now I do not.  Now I believe the entire thing is a deception or a Psyop.  Let me give you some reasons why I doubt the legitimacy of this entire thing:

The Law group that supposedly filed the lawsuit seems very unreal.  I tried to research into it and it does not seem to be a real law group.  It appears to be just a front.

The Law suit itself has disappeared completely as if it never existed in reality.  It came out of nowhere and it disappeared back into nowhere.  It was not a real lawsuit but part of a bigger deception that I do not yet fully comprehend.

Now let us turn our attention to the murdering nanny.

Initially I 100% believed that this woman murdered these two young kids as presented by the media but now I do not.  Now I see the entire event as being as unreal as the Sandy Hook School shooting was.  Notice that this alleged murder and the alleged murder of the kids in Sandy Hook happened in 2012 during the Obama Administration.  Also I noticed that the two kids who were murdered by the nanny are JEWISH.  Yes, that is right.  The CNBC executive and his wife are Jewish and the two kids that the nanny murdered are also Jewish.  Remember what I said about Sandy Hook, which is that many or all of the supposedly murdered kids were Jewish?  Well lo and behold these kids supposedly murdered by the nanny are also Jewish.  This is not a coincidence.  Looking at the fake Sandy Hook School shooting and the murdering nanny incident side by side what we see are two false events.  Both events have Jewish children as victims.  Both occur in 2012.  Both are highly publicized media events.  Both are unreal.

Another thing that tells me it is unreal is when I watch footage of the nanny who supposedly murdered the two kids.  This woman shows no real emotion whatsoever as she is being sentenced.  I mean NO EMOTION AT ALL.  No tears.  No sadness.  Its like she does not really give a fuck about any of it.  She is just an actor on a stage for the cameras to film.

The murdering nanny who does not give a fuck:

So I consider this entire event (the Bankster Law suit and the murdering nanny story) to be a big Jewish deception.  I do not comprehend the nature of the deception or what purpose they had in mind for doing this but I see it as a Zionist deception for some unknown purpose.  

Just as with the fake Sandy Hook School Shooting, this entire episode reeks of being a Mossad Psyop.  Remember, Jews control both the state and the media, so staging deceptions like this is no problem for them.  It is up to us not to be deceived by their deceptions. 

A word about the Franklin Credit Union Scandal

I feel compelled to make a post about what is known as the Franklin Credit Union Scandal.  A lot of other people have covered this incident and I do not want to cover the same old ground in this post.  What I want to do in this post is to get to the heart of the matter as I see it and go past all the details that keep people from seeing the forest for the trees.  Of course the Franklin Credit Union is the least important part of this story.  The credit union part of the scandal is just a false diversion from the real scandals involved in this.

Where to start?  I guess the best place to start is by posting links to the original April 2005 Rusty Nelson interview where he describes some very interesting things related to this incident. 

If you do not know who Rusty Nelson is, he was a photographer who found himself in the middle of this incident.  He was interviewed in April 2005 by Michael Corbin

Listen to what he says in this videos in full and then we will discuss some of the details mentioned in the video later.  His testimony is crucial to understand what really happened in the Franklin Credit Union Scandal. 

I am not just assuming that everything this man says in this video is true but I want to examine some of the things he says in more detail to try to shed more illumination on them.  

Here are some key figures who are alleged to play roles in this scandal:

Rusty Nelson, Photographer:

Larry King, Director of the Franklin Credit Union (Omaha, NE) and Republican fundraiser:

Robert C. Wadman, Chief of the Omaha, Nebraska Police Department at the time:

John DeCamp, Nebraska State Senator investigating the scandal:

Loran Schmit, Nebraska State Senator investigating the scandal:

Harold Andersen, Omaha World-Herald (Newspaper) Publisher:

Bob Kerrey, Governor of Nebraska (1983-1987):

Warren Buffett, Omaha, NE based Business Tycoon:

Gary Caradori, Private Investigator:

Peter Citron, Omaha World-Herald Celebrity Columnist:

Hunter Thompson, Photographer:

Ronald Reagan, U.S. President and alleged frequenter of VIP sex parties in Washington D.C. during his Presidency:

George H.W. Bush, U.S. Vice President and President and alleged frequenter of VIP sex parties in Washington D.C. during his Vice Presidency:

Barbara Bush, wife of George H.W. Bush who was allegedly seen at VIP sex parties in Washington D.C. with her husband during Bush's term as Vice President to Ronald Reagan:

Allegedly Snuff film activity was initiated from Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska. Additionally Offutt Air Force Base was where Monarch mind control experiments and related activities allegedly took place:

Following are some of the claims made by Rusty Nelson that I want to examine in more detail.  First I will list the claims of interest to me and discuss them later:

Larry Flew little kids all over the country for people to be sex toys for people with perverse needs.

He (Larry King) got kids from all over the country.  A lot of them came from Boys Town (located in Omaha, Nebraska), orphanages,  or places where they would really not be missed.

He (Larry King) would also catalog kids; he would pick them to order.

He (Larry King) had another photographer who was shooting kiddie porn, the gay porn and the snuff films.  Rusty Nelson was made up to look like this other photographer in order to blackmail Rusty Nelson and to put blame on Rusty Nelson. 

They would sell the snuff films to the wealthy business people for tremendous amounts of money.

Rusty Nelson was approached by Hunter Thompson to do a snuff film with Thompson in order to compromise and silence Rusty Nelson.

He (Larry King) would have one party that was the social gathering then after that there would be  few people who would stick around or come back and they would have a separate party and that was the sex parties.  Let's call these VIP sex parties since VIPs frequent them.

U.S. President Ronald Reagan was seen by Rusty Nelson at at least one of these VIP sex parties during Reagan's Presidency.

U.S. President George H.W. Bush and his wife Barbara Bush were seen by Rusty Nelson at at least one of these VIP sex parties during the time Bush was Vice President.

A lot of the alleged snuff film related activity was initiated from the Strategic Air Command (SAC) base in Omaha, Nebraska (Offutt Air Force Base).  Also MK-Ultra (mind control) related activity happened at Offutt Air Force Base.  Supposedly Larry King was so well known at Offutt Air Force Base that he was able to pass through the guard shack without ever being stopped.  [EDIT TO ADD:  I discovered that Larry King served a full four year term in the U.S. Air Force and was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force so this lends credibility to this claim of Rusty Nelson.  One question I have is was Larry King recruited to be in special U.S. Government programs while serving in the U.S. Air Force?  I suspect so.

Larry King was familiar enough with U.S. President Ronald Reagan that he was able to call Reagan to help King get his daycare center in Omaha Nebraska reopened that had been shut down because the owner of the property became aware that the daycare was being used for child prostitution.  After calling the President, the daycare center was quickly reopened. 

They would have what they called "Catalog Kids".  They would basically just go out driving around looking for kids and take pictures of them and then go to these wealthy influential people and say would you be interested in this one or that one or the next one?  And they would basically go snatch them.  [When I hear about this I immediately think of the group called The Finders.  I will probably be doing an entire post about The Finders in the near future since it is such an important topic that it deserves its own post].

Following the raid on Franklin Credit Union in Omaha, NE, Larry King was arrested but was soon paroled and went to work for the National Republican Party.  

The following are some things that Rusty Nelson did not say but that I grokked from his testimony:

Larry King had a photographer working for him who was used to film child pornography, gay pornography and snuff films.  This photographer was working for Larry King before Rusty Nelson even became involved in any of this.  His name is unknown and may never be known but for the sake of this discussion let us call him the "VIP sex photographer"

Rusty Nelson was approached by Larry King because of Rusty Nelson's similar build and resemblance to the VIP sex photographer.  The reason Larry King approached Rusty Nelson is to shift blame to Rusty Nelson from the VIP sex photographer if any of the activity the VIP sex photographer was involved in became exposed.  If this were to happen, the VIP sex photographer could quietly disappear from the scene and all blame could be placed on the innocent party, Rusty Nelson instead.

The VIP sex photographer was used in sex parties where VIPs attended.  Nancy Reagan's hairdresser was the hair dresser of the VIP sex photographer before Rusty Nelson even came on the scene.  After Rusty Nelson was recruited to be the fall guy, then this same hairdresser who made up the VIP sex photographer also made up Rusty Nelson so he would look as close as possible to the VIP Sex photographer. Although we never see a picture of the VIP sex photographer we can assume he looked a lot like this and dressed like this at these VIP parties:


Hunter Thompson was involved in the making of snuff films.  The reason Hunter Thompson approached Rusty Nelson to make a snuff film for him for $100,000.00 was for two reasons.  One was to corrupt Rusty Nelson and get him directly involved with the illegal criminal activity that Larry King, the VIP sex photographer and Hunter Thompson were already involved in.  The second reason was to Blackmail Rusty Nelson into silence about anything illegal he had seen so far or was about to see.  Bottom line reason was to silence Rusty Nelson so he would not think about ever telling the Police or anyone else about things he had witnessed.  

The following is a link to an article concerning Hunter Thompson and Snuff films that seems relevant to post here:

Here is what I consider to be a good expose about Gary Caradori, a private investigator who I believe was murdered:

Here is another good relevant link about this case:

A Drawing of what is alleged to be a VIP Sex Party.  Click on the image below to see it in more detail:

King was said to have provided the CIA with information gained from the users of the child sex ring.

Information from others outside of Rusty Nelson:

Peter Citron, Omaha World-Herald Celebrity columnist was named as one of the people who attended the VIP sex parties and who sexually abused children.  Citron was arrested during the Franklin Credit Union investigation.

Harold Andersen, Omaha World-Herald (Newspaper) Publisher was a promoter of Larry King.  After Citron's arrest, Anderson stepped down as World-Herald CEO after two decades and became a contributing editor.

Rusty Nelson doubts

I have listened very carefully to the testimony of Rusty Nelson and have discovered some big holes in what he is saying.  For this reason I suspect Rusty Nelson may be a disinformation agent. The following two links detail the reasons why I doubt Rusty Nelson's story.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

In a previous post I mentioned a tactic I had become aware of that the Snakes use in an attempt to suppress forbidden content that gets posted on the internet so that if anyone searches for the forbidden content what they find instead is a lot of meaningless content that is totally unrelated to what they are looking for.  I knew I had seen this tactic used before and I remember where I had seen it.  In this post I am going to describe that.  There is a certain video on Youtube of an ex Satanist who describes her childhood experiences in Satanism.  I have no reason to doubt this woman's testimony however bizarre it may sound.  Here is the video:

I am not a believer in Satanism but I do get curious when I hear someone talking about it especially if they seem sincere as this woman is. At the first of the video she talks about being the Fifth bride of Satan. Later she talks about having Communion every day at the Satanic Church and says that consists of Blood and Urine and Semen and a Black Widow.  Knowing nothing about Satanism, I thought to do a search on these terms (Blood and Urine and Semen and a Black Widow) and it is then that I first discovered the tactic I previously mentioned.  If you do a search in Google for Blood Urine Semen Black Widow and look at your search results you will see what I mean.  Here is one of the pages that comes up.  

Click on the above image to see it in better detail. Notice that the content on the page has many of the exact same terms that the woman in the above video was discussing.  For example "Fifth Bride of Satan" and "Blood, Urine, Semen and a Black Widow".  Notice the exact same terms used by the woman in the video are in this content.  What I am saying is that this is not a coincidence but is a purposeful misdirection, so that anyone searching to find out what these terms mean in reference to Satanism is going to find this Bullshit music group instead.  Its a way to hide something that they want hidden.  

As I said previously when you see this tactic being used, its for good reason.  If there were not something important to hide they would not bother to do things like this.  So there is something significant about these terms "Fifth Bride of Satan" and the Satanic communion using Blood, Urine, Semen and a Black Widow that they do not want people to know.  But the fact they they do not want me to know makes me want to know a thousand times more than I would have.  In fact, their attempts to hide the truth is like a magnet for me to hone in on it to discover what it is exactly they are trying to hide.  I am curious about this and I am going to look into it deeper.  I will post what I find here if anything but I can already tell you that no search engine is going to give me what I am looking for because they are not going to allow it.  This is hidden information for a reason.

A word about NASA shills

NASA shills are anyone who is purposely pushing NASA-related lies such as the Apollo moon landings.  A NASA shill does not have to work directly for NASA or the U.S. Government.  Anyone can be a NASA shill as long as they are willing to lie for NASA and the U.S. Government, usually for money.  Jews in Israel are perfect for this since lying to and deceiving non-Jews is part of their DNA, which is one reason why I have concluded that many of the NASA shills are from Israel.  The other reason is because I believe the Apollo moon landing hoax is a Zionist deception. Besides those NASA shills pushing the lies that NASA and the U.S. Government want them to push there are two other varieties of NASA shills who deserve special mention here:

The first are the shills who are pushing flat earth or that space is not real.  This is a discredit by association campaign by the Snakes to paint everyone who questions whether the Apollo moon landings were real as believing the earth is flat or space is not real.  You often find this type of NASA shill very willing to say that the Apollo missions were staged because the earth is flat or because space is not real.  Understand the tactic.  Of course these shills do not believe the ridiculousness they are spouting.  What they want to do is to convince anyone who is on the fence about the legitimacy of the Apollo moon landings that those who do not believe in it are lunatics who are completely detached from basic reality.  They want to turn off any truth seekers asking questions.  There are a whole lot of these NASA flat earth or space is not real shills on the Apollo moon landing videos on Youtube.  These are paid shills.

The second are shills who are saying that the Astronauts went to the moon and saw UFOs there and so that is why they stopped "going to the moon" or why the Astronauts act so strange in their press conferences.  Again, these shills do not believe this but they push this bullshit to make people who do not know any better believe that the moon missions were real. These are paid shills.
I have complete and total contempt for the government of the United States of America. It flushed its legitimacy and credibility down the toilet with all its lies and deceptions. Now this government is fit for only one thing:  Overthrowing.   Once enough of the American people become awake to the lies of the U.S. Government I am hopeful that REVOLUTION will be the result.  Let it come quickly.

I have become aware of a tactic used by the Snakes as part of their deceptions.  I became aware of it before but my awareness of it was deepened just now when I did a search for "Apollo:  Smoke and Mirrors" on Youtube.  Try doing that search yourself and be amazed at what comes up as the result.  Okay, I have an explanation for this but you to have to think like an evil lying snake to comprehend it.  Suppose there was some video being circulated on the internet exposing a forbidden truth that you did not want people to see.  If you were a snake, how would you deal with that?  Of course you could delete the video and ban the accounts of people posting it but after awhile that would start to look suspicious.  People might get the idea that something was being hidden from them and that would make them want to search for it and watch it even more.  So what else could you do, as a lying Zionist snake, to deal with something that people were searching for that you did not want them to see?  One thing you could do is to purposefully create false meaningless content that went by the same name as the search term for the forbidden content. So when people search for the forbidden content, all that comes up in their search result is the false meaningless content. I have seen this tactic used for several different forbidden topics but I want to emphasize it here for the Apollo: Smoke and Mirrors video that I was trying to find on Youtube.  Let's take a look at what came up in my Youtube search results instead:

Its a coincidence you say but I tell you it is not.  I have seen this same tactic used in several cases.  What they do, in case I have to spell it out for you, is to create meaningless bullshit content of the same name as some forbidden content that they are trying to suppress, so that anyone searching for the forbidden content will find the meaningless bullshit content instead.  I will post more examples of this as I find them but I thought it would be illuminating for people to see the way the snakes work when they want to hide and suppress some content.

These people are lying Psychopaths so to understand them and what they do you often need to think like a lying Psychopath and not like a normal honest person would.  Anything they can do no matter how shameless and dishonest and immoral it may be to hide their lies, they will do.  

Another thing I want to add is that whenever you see this tactic being used it immediately gives credibility to the content that the snakes are trying to hide.  If there was not a good reason to do it the Snakes would not bother.  If they do this its for a good reason and you should try to determine why.  

The CIA Connection to the JonBenet Ramsey Murder

By my own investigations it has become apparent to me that there is a hidden CIA connection to the JonBenet Ramsey murder. This post is a spin off of another post about connecting all the dots in the JonBenet Ramsey murder.  I decided to create a separate post about the CIA-related dots to make things easier to understand. In this post I will be discussing all the ways in which the CIA is connected to the JonBenet Ramsey murder, either directly or indirectly. 

Claudia Mullen

The first dot concerns the Church Committee hearings of the late 1970's, which was a U.S. Senate investigation of U.S. intelligence agencies like the CIA and NSA led by U.S. Senator Frank Church (see below image).

It was revealed that the CIA sexually blackmailed Frank Church to get him to limit or stop his investigations. In that link Claudia Mullen reveals that she as a child was sent by the CIA to set him up so he could be sexually blackmailed. The CIA had put Claudia in a special school which trained children in the art of sexual blackmail. So the CIA had one or more of these schools training children in the art of sexual espionage prior to 1977. This involves U.S. Government mind control. (MK ULTRA, etc.). Long and short of the story is that the CIA sent this child when she was around 8 to set up Frank Church in a situation so he could be blackmailed to silence him and end his investigations. I don't know the details of what happened but apparently the CIA successfully blackmailed Church and his investigations came to an end soon afterwards. But the important thing in terms of this post is that the CIA was actively using children for a sexual purpose. U.S. Government sponsored mind control was used. Special CIA created schools were used. The purpose the children could be used for could be for sexual blackmail purposes or for a whole range of other purposes. This is just the tip of the iceberg that many others have exposed on the internet. 

Underground Child Prostitution and Pornography

Law enforcement in New Orleans investigating underground child prostitution and child pornography in the late 1970's arrested a man calling himself Robert Lang. Robert Lang was a Boy Scout Leader in New Orleans who was sexually abusing young boys in his scout troop and filming it in child pornography. Boys from low income families aged 8 to 12 from Lang's scout troop were groomed and supplied as boy prostitutes to a network of wealthy clients located across the United States. In other words, Lang was involved in child sex trafficking. Among those charged as clients were: a millionaire from California named Robert B. Mallers, a Boston real estate mogul named Hugh Mellor, and a Boston financier named Richard C. Jacobs, who was a minority-owner of the New England Patriots NFL team. Lang also supplied out of state politicians with male prostitutes through a tour guide service called Adelphi Tours.

During the course of investigations it was revealed that "Robert Lang" was an intelligence asset that had credentials showing that he had served in all four branches of the U.S. military (which is impossible). This man is what is referred to as "sheep-dipped" in the intelligence community. 

While other men who did what Lang did were given stiff prison sentences, Lang got his sentence entirely suspended and then he disappeared. The conclusion of investigators is that Lang was a CIA agent and his name was fake.

This case shows that the CIA was directly involved in underground child prostitution and child pornography in the 1970's. This is just one case that came to light but there are probably many others like it that were never exposed. 

The Finders

The next CIA-related dot we are going to discuss is the Finders. This was supposedly a Religious cult but the cult was just a front. During 1987 investigations into the case, Law Enforcement raided two warehouses in Washington D.C. What they found there is evidence of global child sex trafficking.  They were about to do further investigations but suddenly all investigations into this were stopped. The CIA claimed it was an internal matter and all investigations into it was stopped. But this incident exposes that the CIA was directly involved in international child sex trafficking and also involved in child pornography.  So you begin to see a pattern develop between the CIA and child sex trafficking and pornography.  This is related to what came later during the JonBenet Ramsey murder which also involved sex trafficking of JonBenet and other children and child pornography. Everything connects, as I will demonstrate. 

The Franklin Credit Union Scandal

The next case we are going to discuss is the Franklin Credit Union Scandal which happened in 1988, one year after The Finders exposure. This is a huge case which I created a post about here. Named after financial fraud at a credit union in Omaha Nebraska by a man named Larry King (pictured above), what this case is really about is child sex trafficking, child prostitution, and child pornography. It involves sexual abuse and child prostitution of boys from Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska.

So many secrets involving so many people were exposed during this and undoubtedly the CIA was very heavily involved in every aspect of this. This case also involves MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control of children being conducted on U.S. military such as Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha. High profile people such as Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush have involvement. VIP sex parties involving sex with children were involved. The FBI has major involvement in hiding the truth and protecting the bad guys.  This case is a rabbit hole and my post barely scratches the surface of it. But the main point in terms of this post is that the CIA was involved in child sex trafficking and child pornography creation and distribution. That is the common theme here which relates to the later JonBenet Ramsey murder.  Nothing happens in a vacuum. Everything connects. 

Martin Marietta

Martin Marietta was a Defense-industry related company headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland that is one of two companies that later merged to become Lockheed Martin (LM).  It has been known for a long time that Martin Maretta was one of many front company for the CIA. See this linkThe CIA ran Martin Marietta behind the scenes but the pretense is that it was an independent company with no relationship to the CIA. 

The HQ of Martin Marietta was in Bethesda, Maryland as evidenced by this linkThe headquarters for Martin Marietta and later Lockheed Martin is 6801 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda Maryland.  Remember this address because it will be seen again later. 

In Bethesda, Maryland not far away from the Martin Marietta headquarters is a major CIA facility.  Martin Marietta and the CIA were not so secretly joined at the hip.

Martin Marietta has relevance to this post because John Ramsey was an agent for this CIA front company before its merger into Lockheed Martin.  

Martin Marietta had a major facility in Denver, Colorado, which is about 26 minutes away from Boulder, Colorado. This facility was called Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace.

A person who played an important role at Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace and later played an important role in Lockheed Martin was a man named Peter B. Teets. See image below.

Peter B. Teets has a very impressive biography. See this link and this link

All of this information will become relevant later in this post.

Lockheed Corporation

Lockheed Corporation was a Defense-industry related company headquartered in California that is one of two companies that later merged to become Lockheed Martin (LM).  It has been known that Lockheed Corporation was one of many front companies for the CIA. See this link.  The CIA ran Lockheed Corporation behind the scenes but the pretense is that it was an independent company with no relationship to the CIA. 

Lockheed Corporation has relevance to this post because John Ramsey was an agent for this CIA front company before its merger into Lockheed Martin.  

John Ramsey as an agent for Martin Marietta and Lockheed Corporation

From the early 1980's onward, John Ramsey started a number of companies such as Advanced Products Group. The official story (which is almost always a Lie) is that John Ramsey was an independent businessman who started these companies on his own. But the truth is that very early on John Ramsey was an agent of Martin Marietta and Lockheed Corporation. Martin Marietta, Lockheed Corporation and the CIA sponsored John Ramsey in the companies he created. There is documented evidence of this.

I used to have another Blog on WordPress where I was exposing this information when suddenly my entire Blog got deleted. At the time I thought it was the anti-Semitism of my Blog that led to its deletion but now I think it was because of what I was exposing about John Ramsey's hidden connections. The deletion of that Blog ended my investigations into this but now I am finally coming back to it.  John Ramsey's secret connections to Martin Marietta, Lockheed Corporation and the CIA have great relevance to the later JonBenet Ramsey murder and the cover up of it.

Access Graphics is a Front Company

I have done the research to prove that Access Graphics is a front company of Martin Marietta, Lockheed Corporation and the CIA.  See the following link:

What is exposed is that Access Graphics did not start in Boulder, Colorado as we have been misled to believe. Access Graphics started in Bethesda, Maryland, where Martin Marietta has its headquarters. Access Graphics is clearly a front company for Martin Marietta and John Ramsey is clearly an agent for Martin Marietta. Before John Ramsey even moved to Boulder, Martin Marietta started Access Graphics, Inc. Lockheed Corporation purchased Access Graphics 1991. And then the agent John Ramsey was made President and CEO of the CIA front companies he was associated with. 

Front Companies associated with "Teqspec"

As I was doing this research it became apparent to me that there are a group of companies associated with the name "Teqspec". These companies are all related and they are all front companies. The official story (AKA the official lie) is that John Ramsey created two of these companies named Teqspec Distribution Company and Teqspec II, Inc. in Atlanta, GA in 1983 but the truth is different.  Following is a list of different companies associated with Teqspec:

Teqspec, Inc. a Florida company incorporated in 1979.

Teqspec Distribution Company, Inc. company allegedly created by John Ramsey in Atlanta, GA in 1983, later renamed as Microsouth, Inc.

Teqspec II, Inc. a company allegedly created by John Ramsey in Atlanta, GA in 1983, later renamed as Electrosouth, Inc. There is no online evidence of Teqspec II or Electrosouth, Inc. existing that I have been able to find. 

Teqspec Electronics Corp. a Florida company incorporated in 1983.

Teqspec Sales Corp. a Florida company with U.S. Government contracts associated with the Defense Industry.
This is a smoking gun that I did not expect to find. What this means is that all these Teqspec associated companies are connected to the U.S. Government and the U.S. Defense Industry and the CIA. This has great relevance to the topic of this post because John Ramsey was involved with multiple U.S. Defense Industry companies. You just have to connect all these dots which I do in the following section. 

Relevant Companies List

Now I want to list all the other companies John Ramsey was involved with or have some connection to him or to Access Graphics or to anything else related. This list is sorted in chronological order to make it easiest to understand the truth. 

Calcomp, Inc. Anaheim, CA 1958.
Incorporated as California Computer Products, Inc.
Business: Computer peripheral equipment.
Address: 2411 W. La Palma Avenue
A wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Corporation.
This has a connection to John Ramsey because in 1988 he became President of a company called Agt Holdings, Inc. in Anaheim, California at this exact same address of 2411 W. La Palma Avenue.  This is smoking gun evidence that proves John Ramsey was an agent.

Teqspec, Inc. Wilmington, Delaware, August 1976. 
Its common for corporations that plan to do business in multiple states to first incorporate in Wilmington, Delaware. It does not mean they have a business located in Delaware. Its just on paper.

Southern Peripherals & Instruments, Inc. Atlanta, GA 1978.
It appears that John was a Manager in this company but had no ownership of it. People from New York owned the company. This was before John married Patsy and while he was still married to Lucinda. I don't see anything nefarious about John Ramsey's employment in this company. John Ramsey did not become an agent until sometime after he married Patsy Ramsey in 1980. Patsy's father was Don Paugh, employed by Union Carbide, another CIA front company. I see Don Paugh as a CIA agent/asset who recruited John Ramsey to be an agent/asset. It is noteworthy that Don Paugh was a high level (32nd or 33rd degree) Freemason. John Ramsey's father James Dudley Ramsey was also a high level Freemason. So the high level Freemason connections of Don Paugh and John Ramsey explain why they were both chosen to be agents/assets by the CIA and its front companies. 

Teqspec, Inc. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. February 1979. 
Denis Harrington and Richard C. Zahn are listed as the officers.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 993 Cape Canaveral, FL 32920.
Although John Ramsey does not appear to be associated with this company, it uses a similar name as two other companies that John Ramsey allegedly created later. Its a foreign filing, meaning the parent Teqspec Inc. is located out of state. The document does not list the location of the parent out of state company. Its located in Fort Lauderdale which is a port city in Florida. This indicates that this company may be involved in international import/export through this port city.
Teqspec, Inc. is connected to another company named Space Probes, Inc. which shares the same mailing address (see next entry). 
This may have been a front company. 

Space Probes Inc. Cocoa Beach, Florida. February 1979. 
Denis Harrington and Richard C. Zahn are listed as the officers.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 993 Cape Canaveral, FL 32920.
Although John Ramsey does not appear to be associated with this company, it has relevance because Denis Harrington and Richard C. Zahn are the same officers of Teqspec, Inc.  Its a foreign filing, meaning the parent Space Probes, Inc. is located out of state.  Its located in Cocoa Beach which is a port city in Florida. This indicates that this company is involved in international import/export through this port city. Note that these two officers are involved with businesses in port cities of Florida, one on the west coast of Florida and one on the east coast of Florida.
Space Probes, Inc. is connected to Teqspec, Inc. which shares the same mailing address (see previous entry). 
Outside of these incorporation documents there is no information to be found about the parent Space Probes, Inc. outside of Florida and what this company was actually involved in.  This may have been a front company,

Periphix Corp. Palm Harbor, Florida. November 1982
Denis Harrington and Richard C. Zahn and Bernard Prehuss are listed as the officers.
Although John Ramsey does not appear to be associated with this company, it has relevance because Denis Harrington and Richard C. Zahn are the same officers of Teqspec, Inc.

Teqspec Electronics Corp. Cocoa Beach, Florida July 1983.
Denis Harrington and Richard C. Zahn are listed as the officers.
This is an out of state registration meaning there is a parent company named Teqspec Electronics Corp. located outside of Florida. 
Although John Ramsey does not appear to be associated with this company, it is under a similar name as two companies John Ramsey allegedly created in Atlanta, GA also in 1983. This connects John Ramsey to these two Florida men Denis Harrington and Richard C. Zahn. Could organized crime be involved here? 

MicroSouth, Inc. Roswell, GA September 1983.
Officers: Thomas Woolsey, CEO. Robert Bernardi, CFO. 
Although John Ramsey does not appear to be associated with this company initially in 1983, it is under the same name as a company John Ramsey was directly involved with and the CEO is a known John Ramsey associate (Thomas Woolsey). 

Teqspec Distribution Company, Inc. Atlanta, GA 1983. Renamed to Microsouth, Inc. in 1984.
Board of Directors: John Ramsey (Atlanta, GA), Thomas Woolsey (Morristown, TN), Robert Dinning (Winston Salem, NC).
Before John Ramsey renamed this Atlanta, GA company to Microsouth, Inc. there was a pre-existing Microsouth Inc. located in Roswell, GA with Thomas Woolsey as the CEO. So the name of the Atlanta GA cooperation got changed to the name of the pre-existing Roswell, GA corporation. 
There is no documentation to be found of the original incorporation of Teqspec Distribution Company, Inc. before its name got changed to Microsouth, Inc.

Teqspec II, Inc. Atlanta, GA 1983. Renamed to ElectroSouth, Inc. in 1985.
I can find no documented evidence that Teqspec II, Inc. existed. There is also no documented evidence of ElectroSouth, Inc. We are told this happened but there is no evidence to support this claim. Unless its proven then we can assume its disinformation and disregard it. 

Periphix Corp. Norcross, Georgia. March 1985
Denis Harrington and Richard C. Zahn are listed as the officers.
This is a foreign incorporation. The parent company is Periphix Corp. in Cocoa Beach Florida. It means this Florida corporation filed to be able to do business in Georgia. 
Note: There is no incorporation document for Periphix Corp in Cocoa Beach, Florida which is a long ways from the other Periphix Corp located at Palm Beach, Florida. Why is there is no incorporation document for Cocoa beach?

Advanced Products Group, Inc. Decatur, GA 1985.
Donald Paugh is the officer, who lived in Roswell, GA.
There is no mention of John Ramsey being associated with this company. Only Don Paugh is involved with this company. 

Abacus Systems Corporation, Missouri December 1985.
This is a foreign filing meaning that a company outside of Missouri named Abacus Systems Corporation is permitted to do business in the state of Missouri. 
NOTE: There is no record to be found of the parent company Abacus Systems Corporation outside of Missouri that must have been incorporated previous to this.
This is significant because in the next entry we see John Ramsey listed as the President of Abacus Systems Corporation. This is before Access Graphics existed. This is before John Ramsey moved to Boulder, Colorado. So important evidence is being hidden of how John Ramsey got to be President of Abacus Systems Corporation and where the parent company was located. Further research indicates that the parent company was located in Boulder, Colorado but there is no incorporation document to be found for it. Abacus Systems Corporation is a front company created by Martin Marietta in Boulder, Colorado prior to December 1985.  This Boulder front company is directly connected to Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace. 

Abacus Systems Corporation, California December 1985.
President: John B. Ramsey
This is a foreign filing meaning that a company outside of California named Abacus Systems Corporation is permitted to do business in the state of California using the name Western CAD Distributors (see next entry). 

Western CAD Distributors, Inc. California December 1985.
CEO: John B. Ramsey
Dissolved November 1991
Note: The address of the parent company is listed as 1426 Pearl Street, Boulder Colorado which is the address of Citizens National Bank in Boulder. 
Now here is where the story gets weird. Access Graphics in Boulder was created in 1989 and the address of it was also 1426 Pearl Street, Boulder, Colorado. So let me connect some dots to provide some illumination. John Ramsey was President of Abacus Systems Corporation in 1985 which was doing business in California under the name Western CAD Distributors. The parent address in the above document for Abacus Systems Corporation was 1426 Pearl Street. This is before Access Graphics had been created. At the time Citizens National Bank occupied this address. Later on, Access Graphics occupied this same address.  So years before Access Graphics existed, John Ramsey listed the future address of Access Graphics on that incorporation document. John Ramsey was President of Abacus Systems Corporation in 1985 at 1426 Pearl Street in Boulder, CO before Access Graphics existed and before John Ramsey moved to Boulder. Years later in 1989, Abacus Systems Corporation at 1426 Pearl Street, Boulder Colorado was turned into Access Graphics at 1426 Pearl Street.  Now we know why they hid the incorporation document for Abacus Systems Corporation in Boulder, Colorado. This is what we call a smoking gun. 

At this point it is appropriate to step back so we can see the forest for all the trees. The official story we have all been told about John Ramsey creating Access Graphics is bullshit. There is another story revealed by the evidence and I am going to summarize it here.

1. Martin Marietta (a CIA front company) created Abacus Systems Corporation as a front company in Boulder, Colorado in 1984 or 1985 and made its agent John Ramsey President of the front company. The reason Boulder, Colorado was chosen for the front company is that Martin Marietta has a large facility in Denver, Colorado called Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace. Boulder is less than 30 minutes away from Denver. 1426 Pearl Street was chosen as the address of Abacus Systems Corporation.

2. In 1989 Martin Marietta turned Abacus Systems Corporation at 1426 Pearl Street into Access Graphics. Martin Marietta already had a front company at that address. All they did was change the name to Access Graphics and kept it at the same location.

3. In 1991 Lockheed Corporation purchases this Boulder Colorado front company through its subsidiary CalComp, Inc. Martin Marietta and Lockheed Corporation are both CIA front companies who were in bed with each other years before their 1995 merger to form Lockheed Martin. But the front company got transferred from Martin Marietta to Lockheed Corporation in 1991.

4. In 1991 after this transfer is when the agent John Ramsey moved his family from Atlanta, GA to Boulder Colorado so he can be closer to this front company. But John Ramsey does not really work at the front company. John Ramsey works at Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace in Denver but he lives in Boulder to have involvement with the front company.

5. John Ramsey is installed as President and CEO of the Access Graphics front company which is highly profitable. We can only guess why it was so profitable. Beyond being a front company selling computers and peripherals world wide, what was Access Graphics really involved in? Maybe we will get an answer to that question with further research.

Note: As I said, Western CAD Distributors was dissolved in 1991 but as I was investigating this I discovered something worth mentioning. The agent for the company (which had to be John Ramsey) resigned from association with the company in 1990. 
The following year in 1991, this document got filed:
In this document is listed FTFT. I did not know what FTFT stood for so I looked it up. Apparently it is abbreviation for a world wide company called Future Fintech Group, Inc. (NASDEQ: FTFT) See this linkA little more investigation into this company makes me very curious about it. There is a group of 24 companies associated with FTFT. I don't want to discuss it in this thread so I may create a separate post investigating these companies. But it appears that Western CAD Distributors Inc. started by John Ramsey in California was taken over by Future Fintech Group, Inc. 

Now we continue with the relevant company list:

Teqspec Inc. Atlanta, GA. January 1986. 
Denis Harrington and Richard C. Zahn are listed as the officers.
Although John Ramsey does not appear to be associated with this company, it is under a similar name as two companies John Ramsey allegedly created in Atlanta, GA in 1983. 

Abacus Systems Corporation, Arizona March 1986.
The domestic state is Colorado. So this Arizona Corporation is a spin off of the Abacus Systems Corporation front company at 1426 Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado.

Patsy Ramsey & Associates, Inc. Atlanta, GA April 1986 - July 1993.
Officers: John Ramsey, Patsy Ramsey
There is no mention of what this company was involved with.

Abacus Systems Corporation, Michigan October 1986.
This is a foreign filing meaning that a company outside of Michigan named Abacus Systems Corporation is permitted to do business in the state of Michigan. The parent company was Abacus Systems Corporation at 1426 Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado. 

MicroSouth, Inc started a branch in Nashville, Tennessee in January 1988
There is no mention of John Ramsey being associated with this branch. Thomas Woolsey, one of the officers of the company lives in Tennessee so this branch is no doubt associated with him.

MicroSouth, Inc started a branch in Raleigh, North Carolina in January, 1988
There is no mention of John Ramsey being associated with this branch. Robert Dinning, one of the officers of the company lives in North Carolina so this branch is no doubt associated with him.

MRA Systems, Inc. Orland Park, Illinois July 1988
President: M.V. Rothschild
The reason this company came up on my radar is because MRA Systems, Inc. later acquired Access Graphics in Boulder, CO located at 1426 Pearl Street. 
The fact that a man with the last name of Rothschild was President of this company immediately gets my attention. See this link.
In the following link we see evidence that MRA Systems, Inc. is a front company of Lockheed Martin in Bethesda, Maryland.
This means that the 1988 incorporation of MRA Systems, Inc. in Illinois was a front company of Martin Marietta, Bethesda, MD. And a Rothschild was made its President. 

MicroSouth, Inc filed to do business in Tampa, Florida in October, 1988
Officers: John Ramsey (Atlanta, GA), Thomas Woolsey (Morristown, TN), Robert Dinning (Winston Salem, NC).
This means MicroSouth Inc. from Georgia was doing international business from Tampa, a port city on the coast of Florida. 

Advanced Products Group, Inc. Roswell, GA August, 1988 to October 1989.
Officers: Don Paugh, John Ramsey, Tom Woolsey, Bob Dinning
This is the merging of the 1985 Advanced Products Group, Inc. (Decatur GA) with another company to form this new company in Roswell, GA. This is a foreign incorporation meaning that there is another company with this same name outside of Roswell, GA. Although John Ramsey had no affiliation with the previous version of this company in Decatur, GA he is affiliated with this new company along with partners Woolsey and Dinning and Don Paugh.
This company existed for around 1 year in Roswell, Georgia.

Agt Holdings, Inc. Anaheim, California. December 1988.
President: John Ramsey
Note: The address of AGT Holdings is 2411 W. La Palma, Ave Anaheim California. This is the exact same address of CalComp, Inc in 1958, a wholly own subsidiary of Lockheed Corporation.  
In 1991 Calcomp, Inc. would buy Access Graphics in Boulder.
Note from the first link that Agt Holdings, Inc. owns a trademark for Access Graphics!

John Ramsey was NOT an independent businessman who created Access Graphics as the official story misleads us into believing. John Ramsey was an agent and him being an agent is very relevant to the death of his daughter later and the cover up of it.  This the foundation for understanding what comes later. 

AGT Group, Inc. New York, New York, May 1989
This has relevance because John Ramsey was President of Agt Holdings, Inc. in 1988. Agt Holdings is without doubt part of AGT Group, which is a group of companies.

S.R.W. Motor Cars, Inc. Georgia July 1990.
John Ramsey listed as officer.
This may or may not be the same John Ramsey.

CAD Source, Inc. Georgia December 1990.
John Ramsey is the CEO.
This is a Foreign Profit Corporation meaning there is an entity named CAD Source, Inc. outside of Georgia which is the owner of this company. 

CalComp, Inc. purchases Access Graphics, Inc. in 1991.
Note: CalComp, Inc. was owned by Lockheed Corporation. In reality it was Lockheed Corporation that purchased Access Graphics that was created by Martin Marietta. So as early as 1991 there was an direct affiliation between Martin Marietta and Lockheed Corporation. Martin Marietta created Access Graphics in 1988 and Lockheed Corporation purchased it in 1991. 
Note: John Ramsey did not move his family from Atlanta, GA to Boulder, CO, until after this acquisition.

Florida Foundation for Research in Spinal Disorders Gainesville, Florida. September 1992
Director: Richard C. Zahn

Advanced Products Group, Inc. California March 1993.
This is a foreign filing meaning that a company outside of California named Advanced Products Group Inc. is permitted to do business in the state of California using the name Access Supplies Group, Inc. See next entry.

Access Supplies Group, Inc. California March 1993.
President: John B. Ramsey
Products/Services: Worldwide Channel Integration.
Note: Worldwide Channel Integration was the same thing Access Graphics was involved in. 

Capital Asset Research Corporation. Georgia 1994
John Ramsey listed as officer
This is a foreign incorporation with the parent company located in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Merger talks between Lockheed Corporation and Martin Marietta begin in March 1994.

Lockheed Martin (LM) is created in 1995 by a merger of two companies: Lockheed Corporation and Martin Marietta.
Headquarters: Bethesda, Maryland.

MicroSouth, Inc. Roswell, GA June 1995.
This is a reincorporation of the previous MicroSouth, Inc. from 1983 when it merged with some other company.
J. Thomas Woolsey is the only officer now. Robert Bernardi is no longer associated with the company. John Ramsey and Robert Dinning are also no longer associated with the company.

Southern Advisors, Inc. Georgia 1996
John Ramsey listed as officer

Abacus Systems Corporation, Wilmington, DE. October 1996
Note: I find this document suspect. Abacus Systems Corporation was created in 1984 or 1985 and doing business in multiple states before 1996 so why would this incorporation be so late? I suspect the date of incorporation has been changed to hide the truth. Since Abacus Systems Corporation was a front company its understandable why they would want to hide its real incorporation date. This is deception to make it appear as if Abacus Systems Corporation still existed in 1996 when in reality it ceased to exist in 1989 when Access Graphics was created. 

Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace

Martin Marietta (CIA front company) had a major facility in Denver, Colorado called Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace. This facility plays a major role in the story of the JonBenet Ramsey murder so we are going to discuss it here at length. The connections between Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace and John Ramsey are of particular importance.

Here are some connections between Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace and John Ramsey and the JonBenet Ramsey murder.

1. Martin Marietta created a front company called Abacus Systems Corporation at 1426 Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado in 1984 or 1985. The reason Boulder was chosen as the location for the front company is because of its close proximity to Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace. Even though John Ramsey lived in Atlanta, GA, he was made President of Abacus Systems Corporation in Boulder in 1985. The agent living in Atlanta became the President of the Abacus Systems Corporation front company located in Boulder in 1985. 

2. Martin Marietta created a front company called Access Graphics on paper in 1988 from its Bethesda, Maryland headquarters. See this link. The following year in February 1989 Martin Marietta created many branches of this front company across the nation. One of those branches was at 1426 Pearl Street, Boulder, Colorado where it already was operating a front company named Abacus Systems Corporation. Abacus Systems Corporation in Boulder became Access Graphics in Boulder in 1989.  When this change of name happened for the front company in Boulder, John Ramsey was President of another front company called AGT Holdings in Anaheim, California. John Ramsey was automatically connected to Access Graphics in Boulder in 1989 because he was the President of Abacus Systems Corporation there. 

3. Lockheed Corporation (also a CIA front company) purchases all of the Access Graphics operations across the U.S. in 1991 through its subsidiary CalComp, Inc. One of the operations it purchases is the one at 1426 Pearl Street, Boulder Colorado. Note: Even though Lockheed Corporation officially owns Access Graphics, the Access Graphics operation in Boulder Colorado is still closely affiliated with the nearby Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace. Behind the scenes the CIA controls both Lockheed Corporation and Martin Marietta so its immaterial which CIA front company actually owned Access Graphics in Boulder. What is important is that the CIA controls Access Graphics in Boulder and Access Graphics in Boulder is closely linked to Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace.

4. It was only after Lockheed Corporation purchased Access Graphics that John Ramsey moved his family from Atlanta, GA to Boulder CO so he could be close to this Boulder, Colorado branch of the Access Graphics front company. As I have shown, John Ramsey was an agent of Lockheed Corporation, Martin Marietta and the CIA. This agent allegedly became President and CEO of Access Graphics in Boulder, CO but this is a lie.  

Although the agent John Ramsey lived in Boulder, CO and worked at least part time at the Access Graphics front company there, John Ramsey had offices in Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace. The real location where John Ramsey worked was at Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace and not at the front company. 

5. Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace is highly connected to the U.S. Government. It is highly connected to the U.S. Air Force. It is highly connected to NASA and the U.S. space program.  It is highly connected to nuclear missiles used to protect the United States. 

Lockheed Martin Aerospace Corp

It pays to be curious and to do your own investigations into things. That is how you uncover secret relevant information. As part of this investigation I uncovered a mysterious company called Lockheed Martin Aerospace Corp.  It is shown in this link. There are three companies listed in that link. Two of those companies are described in more detail but there is no link providing details into Lockheed Martin Aerospace Corp. That got me curious to try to find out more about this company.

Here is a link describing this company. The company was headquartered in Bethesda, MD and was founded in 1990. Curiously this company is named Lockheed Martin Aerospace Corp but Lockheed Corporation and Martin Marietta did not merge until 1995. So how could there be a company by this name in 1990, five years before the merger? 

This company is directly associated with Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace. 

1426 Pearl Street Boulder, Colorado

As I was researching this subject, I saw a pattern connected to 1426 Pearl Street Boulder, Colorado.  Here is the pattern:

John Ramsey was President of a company named Abacus Systems Corporation in 1985 and the address of Abacus Systems Corporation was listed as 1426 Pearl Street Boulder, Colorado. This is years before John Ramsey moved to Boulder, Colorado in 1991.

John Ramsey was President of Advanced Products Group, Inc. (Atlanta, GA) in 1985 and the principal address of this company was 1426 Pearl Street Boulder, Colorado. This is years before John Ramsey moved to Boulder, Colorado in 1991. 
Note: the Secretary for Advanced Products Group, Inc. (Atlanta, GA) in 1985 is Roger K. Hoover, who was an officer of Martin Marietta, Bethesda, Maryland. This is proof that John Ramsey was as agent of Martin Marietta in 1985 or earlier.

John Ramsey was President of Advanced Products Group, Inc. (Boulder, Colorado) in 1985 and the address of this company was 1426 Pearl Street Boulder, Colorado. This is years before John Ramsey moved to Boulder, Colorado in 1991.

John Ramsey became President and CEO of Access Graphics, Inc., the address of which was 1426 Pearl Street Boulder, Colorado.  
Note: There is no incorporation document to be found for Access Graphics, Inc. in Boulder, Colorado. Although it is referenced in other incorporation documents, there is no incorporation document for it.  

A New View of John Ramsey

The official story (AKA the official lie) is that John Ramsey was an independent businessman and computer genius who created multiple computer-related companies but my investigation paints a far different picture of John Ramsey.

My investigation shows that John Ramsey was a U.S. Government/CIA stooge who was made President of multiple front companies that were not created by him. Others created these front companies including Abacus Systems Corporation, Advanced Products Group, Inc, Agt Holdings, Inc. and Access Graphics, Inc. and John Ramsey was made President of these front companies.  That is the accurate picture of John Ramsey that needs to be understood before we can even begin to understand his role in the death of his daughter and the cover up of it.

More to Come