Friday, July 3, 2020

Sexual Blackmail

This post is about Sexual Blackmail, which I define as the setting up of a target in a sexual situation that is filmed or photographed. The film or photographs are then used to blackmail the target in order to control him or her. If necessary, the target will be shown the film or photographs and told that it will be released to the MSM unless the target cooperates with some agenda that the blackmailers want the target to do. The target then feels compelled to do what the blackmailers want to prevent this. 

The target of sexual blackmail is a person of importance. This may be a politician. This may be a member of royalty. This may be a Hollywood or music industry celebrity. This may be an important MSM personality. This may be a person of higher rank in the military. This may be a person involved in Law Enforcement. This may be a person of importance in industry. The target may be in a key or leadership position in an organization that the blackmailers want to control. 

The sexual situation is created by one or more agents associated with a group involved in blackmailing to put the target in a compromised state so the target can be blackmailedThe sexual situation may be homosexual activity with an adult male, heterosexual activity with an adult female, or sexual activity with an underage person or child of either sex.

Groups involved in Blackmail operations

Various groups are involved in Blackmail Operations, some of which may be front organizations for other groups in a hierarchy. Some of the groups that are involved in blackmail operations are:

Intelligence agencies. These intelligence Agencies may be associated with a particular state (country) or they may be independent of any state. The CIA and the Mossad are two intelligence agencies heavily involved in Blackmail operations. These intelligence agencies may be fronts for other groups that want to control the targets or the organizations they represent.

Organized Crime. Organized crime has an interest in blackmailing. For example, organized crime may want to blackmail high ranking members of Law Enforcement in a city where the organized crime has operations (such as Chicago or NYC) to keep law enforcement from investigating and prosecuting its operations.

Satanists. Satanists have an interest in blackmailing to maintain the secrecy of their operations. For example, Satanists may want to blackmail high ranking members of Law Enforcement in a city where Satanists are active to keep law enforcement from investigating and prosecuting Satanists.

Jews. Let's not forget what this Blog is all about. Of course Jews have an interest in using blackmail to control important people and organizations and they usually are involved indirectly using front organizations which Jews control such as intelligence agencies. Jews are at the top of the sexual blackmail food chain. 

Early involvement of Organized Crime

Jews associated with Organized Crime such as Lewis Rosenstiel and Meyer Lansky were involved in sexual blackmail from the 1930's in America. The ability to corrupt and blackmail politicians, policemen and Judges was fundamental to mafia operations.

Early Association of intelligence with Organized Crime

Before the CIA was created there was the OSS. Both the OSS and the CIA had an association with organized crime. Organized crime and intelligence shared blackmail material with each other.

CIA Blackmail program involving children

Claudia S. Mullen revealed a CIA blackmail program involving children from the 1970's onward to film as many high government and agency officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations for blackmail purposes as possible.

Some CIA personnel involved in this program were Richard Helms (deputy director of the CIA), Dr. Gottleib, Captain George White and Morse Allen. 

This program would first train children in special CIA schools how to sexually please men. Then these sexually trained children would be used in blackmail operations. The children were told that they were serving their country by doing this to help the U.S. stop communism.

The Role of Mind Control

Mind Control such as MK Ultra or Monarch Mind control is frequently used in sexual Blackmail. This involves the splitting of the mind into multiple alters that can be trained for specific tasks by a mind control handler. One of those tasks is sexual blackmail operations but there are others such as assassination operations. The U.S. Government, other governments such as the U.K. government or the Australian government, the U.S. military, the CIA, organized crime (mafia), and Satanists are all heavily involved in mind control operations. Mind control is being used world wide. 

There was special subproject of MK Ultra called "X" that dealt specifically with sexual blackmail ran by CIA employee George White (see below image).

This program started out by training adult female prostitutes in the art of sexual espionage before moving to sexual blackmail that initially involved only adults before later using children.

Frequently children chosen for sexual programming come from families associated with government or military intelligence agencies. Also children from Satanist families are frequently chosen for mind control. 

Special rooms used for Blackmail

Frequently special rooms are created for Blackmail purposes that have built-in hidden cameras around the room or behind one-way mirrors to secretly film all activity that happens inside the room. The cameras may be infrared to capture even what happens in the dark inside the room. The room may be a bedroom or some other room. 

A witness in the Dutroux Affair in Belgium in the 1970's identified as X1 is one person who revealed the special rooms equipped with secret cameras for blackmail. X1 was a child mind control victim that was used in blackmail operations. She knew the locations of the hidden cameras and she was instructed to get the targets clearly in the picture. She was instructed to entice the target to violently hit her and brutally rape her to increase the blackmail potential of the film being taken. 

CIA Hotel rooms used for Blackmail

Claudia S. Mullen revealed that the CIA used special hotel rooms hooked up with cameras for Blackmail operations. These were at some of the best hotels in New Orleans and other locations around the country. 

Children trained at special CIA schools were used for this sexual blackmail.

Politicians (Senators, Congressmen, etc.), government officials and anyone else the CIA wanted to get leverage on was filmed in this blackmail operation.

The unwitting targets were purposely given these special hotel rooms so they could be blackmailed. This means that the hotel staff was in on the game.

The M.O. of Sexual Blackmail

The same witness (X1) of the Dutroux Affair revealed the M.O. of the sexual blackmailers. Here is a description of it.

1. The target is invited by the Agent out to a restaurant to eat an expensive meal at the Agent's expense. This is grooming the target for later sexual blackmail. Strong liquor is served during the meal so the target becomes intoxicated.

2. The target is invited to a party where there are prostitutes. The prostitutes are age 16 to 18. 

3. More alcohol and drugs such as cocaine would be given to the target at the party to lower his inhibitions.

4. Only then would the target be led to a special room rigged with secret cameras where a young girl was waiting. This is where the blackmail happens.

Examples of Sexual Blackmail

In this section are listed examples of sexual blackmail that are known to have occurred.

The first example involves U.S. Senator Frank Church who was blackmailed by the CIA to limit or stop the investigations of the U.S. Senate into the covert activities of the CIA. This happened in 1977. The CIA set up Senator Church in a blackmail sting operation with an nine year old child named Claudia S. Mullen. This child had been trained in a special CIA sexual blackmail school along with other children. 
While I don't know the details, it appears the blackmail operation against Senator Church was successful. 

Agents involved in Sexual Blackmail

A variety of agents are or have been involved in Sexual Blackmail. Here is a list of some of them. The names are listed in chronological order according to the approximate date of their involvement in sexual blackmail.

Lewis Rosenstiel

Lewis Rosenstiel (A Jew) was one of the earliest people to be involved in Sexual Blackmail operations. Hosted extravagant "blackmail" parties that included boy prostitutes that Rosenstiel hired for certain guests. His guests included important government officials and members of organized crime. The parties were bugged with microphones, the audio recordings of which were kept for blackmail. 

Former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was one prominent person who attended Rosenstiel's blackmail parties in the 1950's and 1960's (see below image). Hoover was a homosexual and blackmailed by members of organized crime including Meyer Lansky. 

Meyer Lansky

Meyer Lansky (A Jew) was a powerful figure in organized crime who was involved in sexual blackmail rings. Lansky was attempting to entrap powerful people using sexual blackmail as early as 1939.

Lansky obtained compromising photos showing former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover in drag (J. Edgar Hoover was secretly homosexual) and used them to blackmail the entire FBI not to investigate or prosecute him or his organization. By this example you see the early use of sexual blackmail by organized crime of law enforcement. The ability to corrupt district attorneys, policemen and Judges was fundamental to mafia operations.

Lansky had close ties to the OSS (CIA predecessor) and military (naval) intelligence. Not long after its creation the CIA formed ties with Lansky and his operation so very early on there was an association between the CIA and organized crime. 

J. Edgar Hoover

As head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover collected blackmail material on many people which he used to his personal advantage and to the advantage of the FBI to control others. Himself blackmailed by organized crime, Hoover likely learned from others the power that could be gained by sexual blackmail.

Roy Cohn

Roy Cohn (A Jew) was a very corrupt, very connected person involved in Blackmail operations. 

Cohn's mentor was Lewis Rosenstiel. Later on Cohn became Donald Trump's mentor. So you see the corruption that is passed down from one generation to another.

Lewis Rosenstiel (Jew) ==> Roy Cohn (Jew) ==> Donald Trump (Jew?) ==> Jeffrey Epstein (Jew)

Cohn was closely associated with the Reagan White House, the CIA, the FBI and organized crime. A close associate of Lewis Rosenstiel. A close associate of former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover was instrumental in helping Cohn get to be the assistant of Joseph McCarthy during the 1950's communist investigations (see below image).

Cohn attempted to blackmail the U.S. Army which led to his removal as McCarthy's aid.

Hosted Blackmail parties for Lewis Rosenstiel in New York City. Young boys were present. J. Edgar Hoover was at the party as was Lewis Rosenstiel. Rosenstiel, Cohn and Hoover all participated in sexual activity with the young boys at the party. 

Cohn got his power from Sexual Blackmail. Cohn was highly connected with the U.S. Government, the FBI and the CIA. His specialty was to use young boys to set up and blackmail important people in the U.S. Government and U.S. military to compromise them and control them. The people that Cohn targeted were high ranking members of the U.S. military such as Admirals and Generals and also members of Congress. 

One prominent person attending Cohn's New York City blackmail parties was Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, a pedophile who helped other pedophiles become Priests in the Catholic Church (see below image).

Roy Cohn made a lot of high profile friends. Among Cohn’s friends were top media personalities like Barbara Walters, former CIA directors, Ronald Reagan and wife Nancy, media moguls Rupert Murdoch and Mort Zuckerman, numerous celebrities, prominent lawyers like Alan Dershowitz, top figures in the Catholic Church and leading Jewish organizations like B’nai B’rith and the World Jewish Congress. Many of the same names that surrounded Cohn until death in the late 1980s would later come to surround Jeffrey Epstein, with their names later appearing in Epstein’s now-infamous “little black book”. 

Roy Cohn was connected to the Reagan White House (see below image).

One high profile friend of Roy Cohn was Donald Trump, current President of the United States. Roy Cohn was so close to Donald Trump that Cohn became Trump's mentor.

The fact that Roy Cohn was Donald Trump's mentor speaks volumes about the current President of the United States. I very strongly suspect that Donald Trump himself has been involved in sexual blackmail. 

While President Trump is clearly connected to both Epstein and Cohn, Cohn’s network also extends to former President Bill Clinton, whose friend and longtime political advisor, Richard “Dirty Dick” Morris, was Cohn’s cousin and close associate. Morris was also close to Clinton’s former communications director, George Stephanopoulos, who is also associated with Jeffrey Epstein.

Sherman Kaminsky

Sherman Kaminsky (A Jew) was the leader of a homosexual blackmail ring in New York City that involved using young male prostitutes to entrap important people such as politicians and members of law enforcement. 
See the following link.

Edwin P. Wilson

CIA directed homosexual blackmail operations were intensifying in 1974. Edwin P. Wilson (shown above) ran one of those operations for the CIA. Wilson's job was to subvert member of both Houses of Congress by any means necessary. 

An associate of Robert Keith Gray (see next section).

Robert Keith Gray

Chairman and CEO of Hill and Knowlton, one of the two biggest Public Relations firms in the world with clients such as AT&T, IBM, Xerox and Dupont.

Deputy Director of Communications in the 1980 Reagan Administration who reported directly to CIA director William Casey.

Said to be Harold Andersen's (former Omaha World-Harold publisher) closest friend in Washington.

Reportedly a specialist in homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA.

Collaborated with Roy Cohn.

A very successful fundraiser for the Republican party. 

Robert Keith Gray was directly involved in Iran-Contra as a supporter of the Nicaraguan Contra rebels trying to take over the Sandinista government. 

Craig Spence

Craig Spence was a ABC News correspondent in the 1980's who became a successful conservative Washington, D.C. Lobbyist.

In 1989 it was revealed that Spence had been pimping out children to the power elite in Washington, D.C. in apartments bugged with video and audio recording equipment throughout the 1980's.

Associated with many powerful and influential people.

Associated with Roy Cohn and CIA Director William Casey. 

Spence was known to throw lavish parties like Rosenstiel, Roy Cohn and others. These parties were bugged to compromise guests for blackmail purposes.

Known to have offered young children for sex to attendees at his blackmail parties, along with illegal drugs like Cocaine.

Some blackmail operations took place in Spence's Washington, D.C. house which was filled with recording equipment.

Connected to U.S. intelligence, particularly the CIA. Spence boasted that he was working for the CIA.

Involved in Iran-Contra by smuggling Cocaine in the U.S. from El Salvador in an operation that involved members of the U.S. militar

Spence was a business partner of Larry King (see next section) in companies like "Dream Boys", "Man to Man" and "Bodies by God".

Spence was concerned that the CIA would double cross him and kill him and then make it look like a suicide. Ironically that is just what happened when he was later found dead and his death was quickly ruled a suicide.

Larry King

Larry King of the Franklin Credit Union scandal was using children for blackmail as well as for prostitution and pornography. Like Roy Cohn he was closely connected to the Reagan White House.

King was a business partner of Craig Spence (see previous section) in companies like "Dream Boys", "Man to Man" and "Bodies by God".

Larry King was directly involved in Iran-Contra as a supporter of the Nicaraguan Contra rebels trying to take over the Sandinista government. 

Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein (A Jew) was an Agent for the Mossad involved in Blackmail operations. Epstein was not working for himself. He was working for the Jewish Mossad and Israel and the Jewish Snake to control significant people through blackmail. 

Epstein was an intelligence asset connected to various intelligence agencies including the Mossad, the CIA and MI6.

One of Jeffrey Epstein's many targets was Prince Andrew (the British Duke of York), pictured below.

Ghislain Maxwell

Ghislain Maxwell (A Jew) was an Agent for the Mossad involved in Blackmail operations. Maxwell was not working for herself. She was working for the Jewish Mossad and Israel and the Jewish Snake to control significant people through blackmail. A close associate of Donald Trump which is yet another reason to suspect Trump of being involved in blackmail operations himself.   

John Ramsey

Although not proven, there is enough circumstantial evidence for me to list John Ramsey as a possible sexual blackmail agent involving his daughter, JonBenet Ramsey.

In separate investigations on this Blog I have shown that John Ramsey was an agent of the U.S. Government, the U.S. military and the CIA. He has an early connection with Satanism. As early as 1966 he was involved in child sexual abuse and child pornography creation and distribution as revealed by Nancy Krebs.

Later on he was involved with sex trafficking his daughter JonBenet Ramsey to prominent people in Colorado and possibly prominent people outside Colorado. He was involved in child pornography being created of his daughter which was filmed either by him or a photographer/pornographer Ramsey hired named Randy Simons.

And then there is this little image that surfaced during the JonBenet Ramsey murder investigation showing Mossad Agent Ghislain Maxwell at a child beauty pageant where JonBenet was.

Contrary to what the shills say, there is no doubt in my mind that Ghislain Maxwell was at a child beauty pageant where JonBenet was. Ghislain Maxwell was a Mossad Agent involved in sexual blackmail of targets using children and here she is at a child beauty pageant right next to JonBenet Ramsey. This is no coincidence. 

Putting this together with everything else I have been able to find out about John Ramsey is what leads me to suspect that John Ramsey (and Patsy Ramsey too) was involved in sexual blackmail operations using his daughter as the bait. If this is true then who was John Ramsey working for? The CIA? The Mossad? The U.S. Government? The U.S. military? organized crime? Satanists? All of the above?

Donald Trump

Although not proven, there is enough circumstantial evidence for me to list Donald as a possible sexual blackmail agent.

The circumstantial evidence for this is that Trump was very closely associated with three different people known to be involved in sexual blackmail operations: Roy Cohn, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislain Maxwell.

Roy Cohn hosted many of his sexual blackmail parties at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. After Cohn's death in 1986, Trump bought the Plaza Hotel in 1988 and started hosting his own parties there where young women and girls were introduced to older, richer men and illegal drugs and young women were passed around and used. It does not take a rocket scientist to see how Trump himself could have been blackmailing people in the same location and using the same techniques he was taught by his mentor. No honest journalist (do honest journalists even exist? Oh yeah they do. They get murdered like Gray Webb) has investigated the possibility that Trump was involved in sexual blackmail although the evidence for it has been there for many years.

Covenant House

In the False World of the Two Worlds Paradigm, Covenant House is a charitable organization ran by the Catholic Church whose goal is to provide safe housing and holistic care to youth ages 16–21 experiencing homelessness and survivors of human trafficking but in the Real World it is something far different. On this Blog we don't talk about the False World. We leave Wikipedia to do that. On this Blog we discuss the Real World, the one you're not supposed to know anything about. I wear my "They Live" sunglasses 24-7 so I can tell you about this world.

One figure that was instrumental to Covenant House funding was Robert Macauley (see below image).

Macauley was President George H.W. Bush's roommate at Yale University and a close friend of the Bush family. Macauley joined the board of Covenant House in 1985.

Macauley’s organization, the AmeriCares Foundation, was one of the main sources of funding of Covenant House. The Americares Foundation was later accused of funneling money to the Contras in Central America in the Iran Contra scandal.

From 1985 to 1989, Covenant House’s operating budget grew from $27 million to $90 million. Its board came to include powerful individuals including top executives at IBM, Chase Manhattan Bank and Bear Stearns. It was during this time that Covenant House grew into an international organization. It opened several branches in sever countries, including Canada and Mexico.

It’s first branch in Central America was in Guatemala and was headed by a man named Roberto Alejos Arzu (see below image). 

Arzu was a CIA asset whose plantation was used to train troops used in the CIA’s failed “Bay of Pigs” invasion of Cuba. Arzu also worked for AmeriCares and was tied to several Central American paramilitary groups. Intelligence community sources say that the Arzu-led branch of Covenant House procured children for a pedophile ring based in the U.S. Years later, Mi Casa, another U.S.-run charity in Guatemala that George H.W. Bush had personally toured with his wife Barbara in 1994, was accused of rampant pedophilia and child abuse.

Leaders chosen to be Blackmailed
The powers that be purposely seek out corrupt, morally compromised individuals and cultivate them for leadership positions who have something hidden in their past that can be used to control them. Individuals who have a secret sexual past such as homosexuals and pedophiles are often chosen. So without any blackmail operations being used against the person, the person can automatically be blackmailed based upon their past activity.

Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House during the Bush Administration was in this category. His past sexual indiscretions with young boys was known and this is why he was chosen for an influential position so he could be blackmailed. 
The Jewish Snake likes to have leverage over its puppets. Hastert said or did something that displeased his Jewish masters so they destroyed him but I am of the opinion that the accusations against Hastert against teenaged boys when he was a high school coach pales in comparison with the blackmail material the Jews had on him if they had chosen to release it. It was not necessary for them to release the child sex activity to remove Hastert as Speaker of the House. 

I very strongly suspect that Donald Trump is in this category because of his past sexual activity with his daughter Ivanka when she was underage and sexual activity with other young girls. More on this later. 

Voluntary Sexual Blackmail

I don't even know what to call this but the term voluntary Sexual Blackmail describes it. The sexual blackmail described earlier is involuntary sexual blackmail where a target is set up and blackmailed without his knowledge. In voluntary sexual blackmail, a corrupt person is voluntarily filmed in a sexually compromising position usually with a child. The person (I do not refer to him as a target) is aware that he is being filmed and he consents to the creation of the blackmail material being created against him.   

The people who control things behind the scenes (call them what you will) insist that people who reach a high enough position of leadership (for example, President of the United States), willfully submit to the creation of blackmail material to be used against them to control them.  So if the person ever attempts to defy the Establishment then this Blackmail material can be shown on the Main Stream Media and the person will be immediately removed from leadership. This is the perfect way to control a person and turn him into nothing but a puppet.

The people who submit to voluntary sexual blackmail are already corrupt and fully in bed with the corrupt powers that be so they have no problem submitting to voluntary sexual blackmail.

What is seen in the above photograph (which is not fake in any way) is an example of voluntary sexual blackmail. In this picture is shown former President Barack Obama very early in his Presidency being photographed by multiple people in a sexual situation with a young female child approximately four years of age. The woman on the far right is very likely the child's mind control handler who may also be the child's grandmother.  In Satanist multigenerational families, children from these families are frequently tortured/traumatized to control their minds.  It is very likely that the woman and the child are part of the same family.

A whistleblower released this photograph. But in this example, if Barack Obama ever refused to do what his masters wanted him to do then this could be used to threaten him with in order to control him. If Obama refused to cooperate then these images would be released to the MSM and Obama's Presidency would be destroyed. So (((they))) had Obama by the balls. This means Barack Obama was nothing but a puppet during his entire Presidency and he is far from the only puppet President. 

More to Come


  1. Very interesting stuff, thank you. However, I don’t consider the photo of Obama to be very compromising. He’s touching her head but it seems unlikely that he’d do something Cecil’s in broad daylight while surrounded by people.

    1. If you could see the entire image you would change your mind about it not be very compromising. I have no doubt what I see in that image. If you do its only because you are brainwashed not to see what you are seeing.

    2. So you are saying that that is a cropped picture, and the full picture is worse?

    3. I'm saying there were other pictures taken besides this one that showed everything. This picture is one of many that were taken that could be publicly released without being deemed child pornography. If the picture is innocent as you suggest then why is the secret service agent glaring at the photographer in a threatening way? Just because it's outside means nothing. It could be taken at Camp David, a private Presidential retreat.
