Monday, September 30, 2024

Two Worlds Paradigm example of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (1968)


Two Worlds Paradigm

False World Explanation:

RFK was assassinated by a Palestinian named Sirhan Sirhan who did so willfully and without any mind control being used on him.  The motive for Sirhan Sirhan assassinating RFK was because of RFK's support for Israel.

Real World Explanation:

There are two possible explanations under the Real World explanation as follows:

Explanation 1: RFK was assassinated by a Palestinian named Sirhan Sirhan but the assassination was not done willfully or because of RFK's support of Israel. Mind control was used on Sirhan Sirhan to get him to do the assassination. The CIA was involved in the assassination by performing mind control on Sirhan Sirhan and assisting him in doing the assassination (using handlers, etc.) 

Explanation 2: RFK was assassinated by one or more professional shooters, not Sirhan Sirhan.  Sirhan Sirhan merely took the blame for it.  Mind control was used on Sirhan Sirhan to get him to take the blame for what the professional shooter(s) did.  

A woman in a Polka dot dress was involved in triggering Sirhan Sirhan's mind control programming.  She is what is known as a handler.  Sirhan Sirhan may have had multiple handlers involved in assisting him in doing what he did that day at the Ambassador Hotel.

The real motive for killing RFK was because that RFK would honestly investigate his brother's 1963 assassination if he became President and that could not be allowed so they eliminated him.  Israel/Mossad and the CIA were behind the assassination, the same ones who were behind his brother's 1963 assassination.

They purposely chose a Palestinian to be the assassin (or apparent assassin) because Israel hates Palestinians and wanted to not only blame a Palestinian for doing the assassination but to have the cover story that the Palestinian assassinated RFK because of his support for Israel.

They abducted this man and performed brainwashing on him in an undisclosed location. training him to do the assassination but to have no memory of doing it afterwards. The Mossad and/or CIA were involved in this.

I very strongly believe the very same technique was used on John Hinkley to get him to assassinate Ronald Reagan.

Links describing Mind Control being used on Sirhan Sirhan

More to Come


  1. Recently, they have been auctioning off a video of the JFK assassination. I don’t know which video they are trying to auction off. It is very likely that this is a new video created by AI to serve as fake evidence for future generations, rather than an old genuine video that has been available for a long time.

    1. The only video one needs to view the entire assassination is the film taken by Abraham Zapruder and that is freely available to anyone to view online. No other video evidence is needed. But yes they may have created some AI or CGI video to support Oswald assassinating JFK.
