Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Two Worlds Paradigm example of October 7

 Two Worlds Paradigm

False World Explanation:

On October 7, 2023 the terrorist organization Hamas brutally murdered over a thousand Israeli citizens and kidnapped hundreds of innocent Israeli citizens and brought them back to Gaza to hold them hostage.  Israel was a completely innocent victim in this unprovoked attack.  It had no foreknowledge of it and was caught completely by surprise. Israel is the victim of Hamas and by extension a victim of the Palestinian people who chose Hamas to represent them.  Hamas and the Palestinian people are evil.  Israel is innocent and good and the victim that is forced to defend itself against evil terrorism inflicted upon it.  Israel only wants peace.

Real World Explanation:

October 7 was a planned PSYOP by Mossad and Israel.  Hamas is a Mossad asset, secretly controlled by the Mossad.  The number of dead Israelis (if there are any actual dead) is much less than the number (((they))) say died.  The true purpose of this PSYOP is to destroy the Palestinian people in both Gaza and the West Bank and to steal their land.  Israel wants war and conquest of the Palestinian people.  It seeks the destruction and/or exportation of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank and the annexation of all their land for Israel. Israel and the Mossad were fully aware of October 7 before it happened because they made it happen and then made themselves look like a victim to the world. Israel is guilty of using this as a pretext to murder tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian people which they have done. Israel purposely manipulated the Palestinian people to choose Hamas (which Israel controls) to represent them. Hamas is a puppet for the Mossad and Israel.  It does not and has never represented the Palestinian people.  It does the bidding of the Mossad. Israel wants only war and conquest over the Palestinian people. It does not want peace. It wants conquest. 

How can I expose this PSYOP?  Let us begin with an article by Seymour Hersh.

Seymour Hersh questions October 7

The Mysteries of October 7

Questions asked by Seymour Hersh:

1. Why did Hamas stage an early morning raid on October 7 in what turned out to be a series of unguarded kibbutzim in Israel South?

2. Why were only a few Israeli soldiers on duty that morning?

Anomalies pointed out by Seymour Hersh:

1. Prime Minister Natenyahu is saying nothing about Israel's failure to defend its citizens.

2. There was no Israeli army presence in the kibbutzim and villages under attack for at least 8 hours.

3. It has been widely reported that Israel, at the instigation of Prime Minister Natenyahu, was financing Hamas.

Seymour Hersh is obviously not a red pilled person but at least he points out some strange anomalies and asks valid questions about October 7.  We will look deeper into the concept of October 7 being a Mossad PSYOP.

October 7 was an Inside Job

October 7 was an Inside Job   <== MUST SEE VIDEO!!!

More to Come


  1. There is no logical reason for Hamas or the Palestinians to attack Israel because doing so would certainly result in very brutal bombings and many deaths among their own people. When I read the news "Hamas attacks Israel", I sense something very wrong with it, as if it is a controlled event, because there is no logical reason for Hamas to do that to receive extreme suffering and deaths for themselves and their people (Palestineans)

    1. There is no logical reason except to purposely invite the IDF to level Gaza and kill tens of thousands of Palestinians, which the IDF did. The MSM is Zionist and report what the Zionists want reported, so of course they only say "Hamas attacks Israel". You are wise to sense something very wrong with it. I sensed the same thing quite some time ago but I am one of the more red pilled people who actually thinks and questions independently without having to be led by some "intellectual Guru" telling me what I should believe. Yes, it was a controlled event, AKA a PSYOP. Hamas works for the Mossad not the Palestinian people. Just remember that.

  2. They always intentionally staged dramatic events with many deaths to have reasons for endless wars & sufferings. The 9-11 event was the same controlled event, leading to a 20-year Afghanistan war that killed countless people and cost the US economy trillions of dollars

    1. They are very good at staging events, as proven by 9-11, the Sandy Hook School shooting and other such events. As for many deaths, you should definitely question that notion. In the False World of the Two Worlds Paradigm they claim many deaths, but how many deaths were there in the Real World? That is a question for you to think about. In 9-11 it is claimed that 3000+ people died but how many people actually died in that "attack"? Once you expose 9-11 as a staged event it becomes much easier to see other staged events such as October 7 in an entirely new light.

    2. Another example of false death claims is the Sandy Hook School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. In the False World 29 people died. In the Real World, no people died. So apply that to other such staged events such as 9-11 and October 7 to see how they use lies and deception like a high number of deaths to their advantage. You must see through the deception.
