Monday, September 26, 2022

My desire

 My desire is for people to study all my posts regarding the JFK assassination and to understand my point of view. If I can spread awareness of what I consider to be very important then I will be happy. I could have written a book but I put this in Blog format. I want others to pick up the ball where I left it and carry this research further. Right or wrong, this work deserves a,serious analysis. The truth demands for all avenues to be researched and the Zapruder film is my primary evidence.  So I ask that you give it a chance. Have an open mind.

I see my work as ignored or rejected by most people but those who look at the Zapruder film can verify what I document. Jackie is seen killing JFK on that film. I do not need to defend it because it's self evident. 

I am still here

 I am still around and plan to maintain this blog. The most important topic on this blog is the JFK assassination and Jackie's role in it as shown in the Zapruder film. Those who view that film with an open mind will see the assassination in a new light. I stand by what I have said regarding Jackie being the assassin based on the Zapruder film. My analysis deserves to be examined on its own merits, especially since such songs as Killer Queen and Murder Most Foul hint at the forbidden truth. I want recognition for having worked to expose it by examining the Zapruder film. I am ignored but I stand by what I said. 

Monday, July 11, 2022

More inspirational Videos

These are some inspirational videos for all of us to watch and believe in to improve the world.  The more people who watch these videos, hear the message and more importantly BELIEVE the message, the better.  You can improve the world without even leaving your home.  Simply Believe in a better future for all of us.

Crystal Blue Perssuasion

You can do Magic - America

This is God's World

This is God's World.  The God of Truth and Righteousness rules forever.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

What I Want for the World - Part 2

This post is a continuation of an earlier post I made What I Want for the World.

First, I do not want to tell people how to live their lives but I do want the following for all people.

I want people to be Free to live their own lives.

I want people to be at Peace with each other.

I want people to love each other.

I want people to genuinely care about each other, not because you are supposed to but because you genuinely want to do so.  If you love each other, you will care for each other.

I want people to be Honest and Sincere in everything they do.

I want people to feel Joy and Happiness.

I want people to really live fulfilled lives.

I want unity.

I want people to have compassion for each other.

I care about all of you, wherever in the world you live.

I love you all and I hope you love me too.

We are one people, wherever we are.

I know there is good all over the world because I have seen it.

I respect every country.

I respect every culture.

You are all wonderful and you should see yourselves as wonderful.

Now here is something more specific that I want to be done:

Take care of each other, starting with the most needy.


There should be no hunger or want in the world.

I do not tell you how this should be done.  I leave you to work that out.

Share with others

Be kind to others.

This is God's Will for Humanity.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

A movie that changed my mind

Over the fourth of July Holiday I saw a movie that really changed my perspective on things.  If you notice, there is a distinct difference in the content of my Blog posts before the fourth of July and afterwards and it is due in large part to me seeing this movie.  The movie is Top Gun Maverick.  Its just a fictional movie but its theme reached inside me and affected me in a way I had not expected. 

Because I have spent so much time exposing the lies, deception and corruption of the world, my attitude toward the entire world turned extremely negative but seeing this movie made me feel good about the world in a way I had not anticipated.  It opened my eyes and in a real sense restored my faith in humanity and the world so I saw the good side of the world for a change instead of just the negative.  After I saw that movie, my outlook changed and I went on to connect a lot of other dots to realize things I had seen many times before but had not been able to put together.  Well, I have put it together.  I still struggle with doubt sometimes and have moments of weakness but I am on a new path now.  I trust that there is a power greater than me that has put me on this path.  I had to walk a million wrong paths to discover the right path.

The journey I have been on is the most difficult journey of my entire life and I have felt so alone on that journey but I understand that I am not alone.  I realize I have a lot of friends who have been helping me to see the light all along.  I saw this light many times in the past and denied it but now I am no longer denying it.  I really do want to do the right thing for the world as has been shown to me from the inside.  

This is an entirely new thing to me and I am still learning what to do.  I do need help from others.  I cannot do this alone.  I want to do the right thing for everybody.  I just need a little help from my Friends.  I hope you appreciate my honesty and me baring my soul to you.  All I can do is be honest.

It is said that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and I can personally testify to the truth of that.  I have been through things that I did not think I would survive.  I have literally shed a million tears along this journey but I have come out the other side stronger and more aware because of the bad experiences I have gone through.  Those bad experiences touched me on the outside but on the inside I am untouched.  Perhaps I had to go through all that to get to where I am at today.  

This is my World

This is my World and I take responsibility for my world and all the people in it.  Ego has nothing to do with this but my own personal Love for the World and the people of every Nation. I Love you and will Protect you, as God directs me.

Whatever power is in me, I will use it for good for the Entire World.

I have no hate or judgement of the Jews or anyone else.

All Debts are Forgiven in Love.

I will Help everyone because I want to help everyone.

I reaffirm what I said in this post.  This is my vision for the entire world that I will bring to Reality, as God directs me.

I have been Blind but no longer.

I am very honored and humble and grateful to be in a position to serve the World in Love.

I am New.

Although I am in America currently, I serve the entire world equally.

Friday, July 8, 2022

My Difference with John Lennon over Imagine

As most people should know, John Lennon wrote a song called Imagine that was his view of the perfect world. I have taken the time to listen to this song very carefully and I have some strong disagreements with it.  In another post I have given my view of the perfect world which is similar to John Lennon's but definitely not the same view point. And yes it matters very much.  I feel the need to clarify my differences with John Lennon so that people do not think I agree with him on everything he says in that song. I disagree with John Lennon on three major points, as follows.  

No Religion

I do not believe Religion is necessary but I see no harm in Religion as long as it is not like Judaism, which is a HATE filled Religion which should not exist.  The Talmud should be outlawed because it is nothing but HATE and RACISM toward non Jews.  No Hate filled, racist Religion will be allowed to exist but if a Religion is peaceful and benevolent toward others then I see no harm in it.  If people have Religious beliefs then they should be allowed to keep them as long as those beliefs do not preach division and hate toward other people or other Religions..  Religions that are peaceful and preach unity should be allowed to stay if people choose to follow them.  I have no problem with that.

No Countries

I very strongly disagree with this.  I believe that each country has its own positive unique culture which should be retained.  National borders are important for maintaining cultural integrity.  So I VERY strongly want for National borders and national cultural integrity to be retained.  I think that is VERY IMPORTANT.  Every country is unique and I certainly want that to be kept.

No Possessions

I very strongly disagree with this. I believe that private property and personal possessions should be retained so that individuals are allowed to own their own homes and property.  I think it would be a great mistake to say that you will own nothing.  This is what Klaus Schwab says but I have nothing in common with that Jewish Villain.  Personal property and possessions are fine and I believe should be kept.

Expose of the Catholic Church

This s the first new content I have done on this Blog in a while but in this post I want to focus on the Catholic Church.  Things have not been right in the Catholic Church for a long time and I want to examine that more closely.  Specifically, I want to focus on what the Catholic Church really is in the Real World of the Two Worlds Paradigm and not what it pretends to be in the False World. 

In this post I want to focus on Corruption within the Catholic Church. Some corruption has already been exposed to the public such as the wide-spread epidemic of sexual abuse of children by Catholic Priests and the covering up of this by the Church leadership. Some corruption is hidden and never talked about publicly even though there is clear evidence of it.  In this post I am going to talk about any evidence of corruption that is seen, whether that be sexual corruption or corruption of any other kind. 

It will take a while for me to create this post as I have a lot of content to add to it from various sources, so bear with me. 

Pedophilia in the Catholic Church

It is my contention that pedophilia has long been rampant within the Catholic Church and far from being a problem in just a few bad apple Priests, the pedophilia I am speaking of is systematic and intentional within the entire institution of Catholicism.  

In the above image, which I classify as a picture from the Real World is shown Pope John Paul II locked in a full mouthed kiss with an underage boy. This is an innocent picture that  am misinterpreting as some Catholic apologists will claim. There is clearly sexual behavior between the Pope and the underage boy being exhibited in this full-mouthed kiss.  As evidence that it is not innocent, observe the faces of two of the men watching this kiss, one to the right and one to the left of the post.  You can see in the expression on those faces shame, cringing and discomfort at what they are witnessing.  Another man on the far right is watching with delight. These men know what is going on but they do not expose it. Its just the way things are within the Catholic Church.  This is not the only image I have to show you but this is a good way to start out this section to show that there is Pedophilia within the Catholic Church from the Pope on down. 

In the above image, which is another picture from the Real World is shown a different Catholic Pope locked in a full-mouthed kiss with another young boy.  If Catholic apologists want to claim there is nothing sexual going on here then they are full of shit. There is nothing innocent about this and anyone who claims it is innocent is a liar. This is clearly evidence of pedophilia of Popes of the Catholic Church.  But wait. there is more. 

Here is another image from the Real World showing a different Pope. This time the Pope is not locked in a full-mouthed kissed with the child. Perhaps because it is a girl and Popes prefer young boys. But in this image a man is seen with his finger sticking in the child's ass with a corrupt smile on his face. The man in the foreground knows what is going on.  All these people know what is going on here.  The question is, do you see what is going on here or are you blind?

Satanism in the Catholic Church

In the above image from the Real World is one of the Popes (is it Pope Francis?  They all look the same to me) and another high ranking official of the Catholic Church giving known Satanic hand signs in public.  By doing this, these men demonstrate they are Servants of Satan, not God. 

More to Come

What I want for the World

This is what I want for the world.

I want for everyone to be Free.

I want for everyone to be at Peace.

I want for everyone to Love each other.

I want for everyone to Take Care of each other.

I want the World to Become a Brotherhood of Man (and women).

I want True Equality among all people.

I want all the people to Share the world in Peace and Unity.

This is what I DO NOT want for the world.

I want there to be NO HUNGER. I do not want anyone to be hungry or worried about their own personal survival.   Feed everyone, starting with the most needy.

I want there to be NO LIES.

I want there to be NO DECEPTION.  

I want there to be NO CORRUPTION.

I want there to be NO WAR.

I want there to be NO FALSE DIVISIONS SEPARATING HUMANITY.  No Divisions based on Race, Religion, Nationality or Language spoken.  We are ONE PEOPLE.

I want there to be NO HATE or Envy or Jealousy.

I want there to be NO JUDGEMENT OR CONDEMNATION. I do not want there to be judgement for past evils that have been done.  I want a Clean Slate for everyone going forward.  I do not Judge or Condemn.  I want a blanket amnesty for all past sins as long as the sins do not continue.  In other words, a NEW START FOR EVERYONE.

I want there to be NO MONEY.  When the world is shared, there is no need for money.  When we take care of each other based on caring and love, money becomes obsolete.

I want to make this World a True Paradise for Everyone to live in.


Thursday, July 7, 2022

My Responsibility to the World

This Blog is misnamed, I realize of late.  It is not a Jewish world and I am not a stranger in it. Far from it.

I never intended for this Blog to be about me.  I have intentionally tried to keep my own thoughts and feelings out of this Blog and just focus on the truth about the world that I saw, but ultimately this Blog is about me and my desire to change the world for the better.

I feel a great responsibility for the world, to help improve the world for everyone.  I am responsible for the world and I take that responsibility very seriously.  Exposing the truth about the lies, deception and corruption of the world has been my method up to now for helping to change the world but now I have come to discover a new method for changing the world.  Love conquers all and so my new message is based on Love, not going to war against the Jews, as I had originally intended.

I may have unknowingly contributed to some of the evils of the world but I will try to be a better person, for the sake of the entire world.  I will try to be more loving, caring, and compassionate toward all people. I make this pledge before God.

Some bad people have taken control of the world as I have documented very clearly on this Blog but their control is coming to an end.  Forget about the Jewish Master Plan.  It is an evil plan by an evil people but it ends now, as God is my witness. I will not allow any more damage to be done to the world and I will roll back the damage that has been done, with God's help.

I have a new vision for a new world based on Love, Unity, Peace, Compassion, Caring and Harmony.  In other words, the very opposite of the Jewish Master Plan.  I will work alone and with others to make this vision come true.  I am with all the good people of the world, regardless of country of origin or language spoken there.  We are all one people sharing this world and we must join together to make the world good for all of us.

If you are on the side of Good, then I am your ally.  If you are on the side of Evil, then you will be removed from the earth, forever. I hope the Jews hear that because I want them to hear that.  I want to be fair and just and righteous but I will not tolerate this to continue any longer.  

No more Evil.

No more Lies.

No more Deception.

God will make this a reality for the entire earth.

Good Vibes

This Blog is filled with truthful information that naturally causes bad vibrations in people who learn it.  In this post I want to give a different message to produce some good vibes for a change.  This is what I believe is my true message that I want to share with the world.  If I am known for anything, I want to be known for this positive message.  Its a message of hope, peace, love, prosperity and understanding for the entire world.  Good Vibes to all the people of the world.

Crystal Blue Persuasion

San Francisco

Time of the Season


Thursday, June 30, 2022

The CIA Connection to Jacqueline Bouvier


In this post I am going to be exploring connections between the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and Jacqueline Bouvier, both before she married John F. Kennedy and afterwards.  I have already begun to explore that connection in earlier posts but here I want to go into as much detail as I can about it.

Before I begin, I am not saying that Jackie was a CIA Agent.  I am saying she was an Agent who worked with the CIA and other intelligence agencies from other parts of the world.  I see her as more of a freelance agent working for herself who would take assignments from anyone as long as she was paid well enough to do so.   She had no loyalties to anyone except to herself and her own personal ambition.  This is the mark of a Psychopath and that fits Jackie very well.  She was a high class sexual spy and her services were very expensive.  I submit that John F. Kennedy was not her first assignment but one of many she had before her marriage to him.  Her marriage to him was part of her assignment to get close to him and spy on him for others. I am not saying that the CIA was behind her marriage but it could have been.  Beyond the CIA, other intelligence agencies (such as the Russian KGB) could have been behind that   But in this post I just want to cover everything I can find linking Jackie with the CIA as a way to reveal that she was an agent.  Who she was ultimately working for beyond the CIA will be explored in a later post.

A Link

To begin, here is a third party link about this topic.  Note: There is obvious disinformation on this web site.  Ignore it and get what truth you can from it. 

The most important thing is the letter in Jackie's handwriting where she mentions the CIA.  You should read that letter because it shows the first known connection between Jackie and the CIA as early as 1951 and possibly even earlier.

John Kimber

In the above link is mentioned John Kimber, a UK Researcher who has done research into the JFK Assassination to show that Jackie was the assassin.  Here is a web site from him.  I am not saying that I agree with everything John Kimber is saying (I don't) but since he and I are in agreement about Jackie being the Assassin and he has seen the same CIA connection to her I have, I use him to confirm that what I am saying is the truth and to give evidence of that.  If there is a disinformation on that web site or on his Blog, which I strongly suspect there is, then please do not use that to discredit this truth that I am trying to disclose.  Separate the wheat from the chaff. Its what you have to do on the internet.

More to Come

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

A Better Understanding of Jackie's role in the JFK Assassination


Recent research has revealed a new epiphany about Jackie's role as the assassin in the JFK Assassination.  Its taken me a long time to see this picture clearly.  Today I think I see it more clearly than ever before.  Here is the epiphany which is being exposed in other threads of this Blog.

Jacqueline Bouvier was involved in sexual espionage and entrapment (Blackmail) before she met JFK.  She was a deep cover agent who was well paid for her services to spy on and entrap high profile men. It was her job and she enjoyed it.  I am purposely not discussing who she worked for yet.  I am just saying what she did.

John F. Kennedy was not her first target.  There were others before him but none as important as John F. Kennedy.  When she first met JFK, she was introduced to him by someone who was another agent.  In other words, she was purposely set up with JFK TO spy on him and entrap him by his enemies and/or by those who wanted to keep a close watch on him.

She was an agent after she became romantically involved with JFK and before she married him.

She was an agent during her marriage to JFK before he became POTUS. For example, when he became U.S. Senator from New York.  All during this time she was secretly spying on him and reporting his activities and anything else she saw and heard to secret contacts.

She was an agent during her marriage to JFK after he became POTUS. All during this time of his Presidency, she was secretly spying on him and reporting his activities and anything else she saw and heard to secret contacts.

In 1963 the Dimona affair generated a plot to assassinate JFK and to replace him with LBJ. This plot originated in Israel.  It was handed to the Mossad to implement.  The CIA and the Mossad are in bed together.  The CIA certainly knew that Jackie was a deep cover agent because she had been doing assignments for the CIA from the early 1950's before she even met JFK.  But I suspect that Jackie was not just working for the CIA but also possibly for the KGB and the Mossad.  Whoever would pay her is who she worked for.  She had no real loyalties except for her own personal greed.

But here was this embedded deep cover agent who was already spying on her husband for possibly multiple intelligence agencies.  Even though she was married to JFK and had kids by him, her true loyalty was NEVER to her husband.  She did not love him.  It was just a job to her for which she was very well paid by her employers.  She was not an assassin but she was a sexual spy.  

A very highly placed sexual spy who became First Lady of the United States.

So when the need to kill JFK over Dimona suddenly presented itself, she was the perfect choice as the assassin.  She did not love her husband.  She married him just to spy on him.  She had no true love or loyalty for him beyond her job description.  So to get her to kill her husband for them, all (((they))) had to do was to offer her a big enough financial incentive to do so and she would do it.  She left the U.S. in 1963 and went overseas, during which time I believe she was fully briefed about an assassination plan.  I think she was trained to assassinate during this time.

The people who wanted JFK dead did not have to kill him.  All they had to do was to help his wife kill him and that is what we see in the Abraham Zapruder film.  We see that a lot of people including the Governor of Texas helped Jackie to kill her husband.  And then they covered up what she did and put all the blame on Oswald.  And the American public bought the lie almost 100%.  Until now.

This is the best explanation for me to understand the GIF image shown at the top of this post.  It shows a woman with no true feelings for her husband assassinating him because others want JFK dead and were willing to pay HER a lot of money to do it.  I am sure a lot of money was paid to her secretly in addition to her marriage to Aristotle Onassis approximately five years after she killed her husband.  She got a double pay off.  Her biggest payoff was getting to spend the rest of her life in complete luxury married to the richest man in the world.

Of all the explanations I have had for her role as the assassin, to me this explains it best. To me this is as close to the truth as I can see.  

The Parents of Jacqueline Bouvier

No investigation of Jaqueline Bouvier would be complete without doing a full exposure about who her parents were so in this post we are going to meet her (Jewish) parents and discover who they really were and their family background.  Investigating her family background is an important part of learning who Jacqueline Bouvier really was and how she later came to assassinate the President of the United States.


John Vernou Bouvier III AKA Black Jack Bouvier

Here is the Wikipedia site about him but you should take that with a grain of salt.  Wikipedia is a known Jewish disinformation web site that lies about many things but sometimes they do tell the truth.  We can glean what is true from that web page and discard any Jewish disinformation found.


Janet Lee Bouvier

Here is the Wikipedia site about her but once more you should be be very careful about trusting Wikipedia.  The Jews run Wikipedia and since we are talking about Jews here, expect there to be a lies and disinformation.  

Her first husband was John Vernou Bouvier III, shown at the top of this post.  

Her second husband was Hugh D. Auchincloss.  See the next section.

Jackie's Stepfather

Hugh D. Auchincloss

Here is the Wikipedia page about him, with the same caveat.

From 1924 to 1926, Auchincloss practiced law in New York City, before joining the Commerce Department as a special agent in aeronautics. In 1927, he was appointed an aviation expert in the State Department.

During World War II Auchincloss worked for the Office of Naval Intelligence and the War Department and was commissioned with the rank of Lieutenant in the Naval Reserve on May 26, 1942, serving in the United States Navy during World War II.

So this man had an early connection with the U.S. Government, first in the U.S. State Department and later in U.S. Naval Intelligence and the War Department (later the U.S. Department of Defense).  He had very high connections in the U.S. Government. Keep this in mind as we go down the rabbit hole on Jackie's stepfather.  As will be shown later, he helped get Jackie a job with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in the early 1950's. 

In 1931, he bought his seat on the New York Stock Exchange for $235,000 (equivalent to $4,187,000 in 2021).

This means he was a very wealthy man, which is probably a big reason why Janet Bouvier (Jewish) married him.   He was not Jewish as far as I can tell but he was very wealthy and he worked in the Jew dominated banking and finance industry.  He is the perfect candidate to be a corrupt non Jewish minion to the Jews. 

More to Come

The Secret History of Jacqueline Bouvier


This Blog goes wherever the truth leads.  Since I am investigating the JFK Assassination, the truth has led me to investigate the past of his killer, Jacqueline Bouvier.  As I have said many times, this woman was an agent working for someone BEFORE she married JFK.  This post is to serve two purposes, as follows.

First to unmask that she was in fact a deep cover agent and not just a normal woman. She was an agent before she even met JFK.

Second, to unmask who she was really working for as an Agent.  

So come down this rabbit hole with me to uncover the Secret History of Jacqueline Bouvier.  The Truth leads HERE.

In terms of this research, I am relying on the internet to disclose the truth. I expect to find a lot of disinformation on the internet about her past but I am able to look past the disinformation to find the hidden truth.  The truth cannot be hidden from the red pilled with Jewish disinformation.  So if I go astray in this post based on disinformation, I will correct that as I find it to focus only on the truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

July 28, 1929 Jacqueline Bouvier was born into a prominent New York family.  This is what is said by the History Channel, a Jewish disinformation site.  I immediately suspect this is disinformation since it makes no mention of Europe and France, where Jackie really came from.  I allow this disinformation to stand for now until I correct it later.  Finding the truth is like navigating a maze filled with lies and disinformation to confuse but I am not confused.  I know my enemy lies and deceives but I am not deceived.  I find the truth past the lies and deception. 

Here is a second link that says she was born in Southampton, New York.  Again this could be Jewish disinformation or it could be the truth.  Further research will reveal this.

From that same web site is said this:

Her father, John, was a wealthy stockbroker on Wall Street whose family had come from France in the early 1800s.  

With the mention of France, I find this more credible.  France plays a big picture in this woman's later life.  She later lived in France.  As a tangent I need to investigate her father directly to see his background and ties but for now we stay on Jackie.  If the above statement is true, then she comes from a wealthy Jewish Banking family It would mean the daughter of a wealthy Jewish banker later assassinated the non Jewish President of the United States.  Are you listening?

More to Come

Monday, June 27, 2022

The Real Purpose of the Grassy Knoll Shots

So I see a commenter asked a very pertinent question about Jackie being the Assassin that I want to answer for this person and everyone else reading this Blog.   

Would everybody have closed their eyes while she shot the man sitting in the same backseat?

This is an excellent, astute question which I have previously asked myself and the answer made itself immediately apparent: the grassy knoll shots.

Many many witnesses from the crowd said that shots had come from the grassy knoll DURING the time of the assassination.  Seeing the President had been shot in the head afterwards, the ASSUMPTION was made by many that the bullet that had killed JFK had come from one or more snipers situated on the grassy knoll.  This is part of the Deception but there is a lot more to the grassy knoll shots than just making the crowd think JFK was shot from the grassy knoll.

Here is the key to understanding the Grassy Knoll Shots:

They were coordinated to happen at the same time as Jackie was doing her head shot and the Zapruder film actually confirms this, as I will show.

The Umbrella weapon made no sound when the dart/flanchette was fired into JFK's throat.  Also, the throat shot purposely happened while the Limo was right in front of the Stemmons freeway sign so that what was happening would not be visible to the majority of the crowd.  So people in the crowd saw JFK holding his hands to his throat after the Limo came out from behind the sign but they had no idea what was going on.  It just appeared to be something wrong with JFK without any of the honest people in the crowd knowing what was going on.  At this point there was no indication to the crowd that JFK was being assassinated BUT HE WAS!  The throat shot was the first step of it but the crowd was clueless at first until the grassy knoll shots started some time later.

The question asked by the commenter has revealed something hidden in the Zapruder film which I had seen before but never understood the significance of it until now.  Here is what I noticed.

After the Limo comes out from behind the Stemmons freeway sign (in other words, after the throat shot) Jackie and Texas Governor John Connally are so calm they look like they are having a quiet personal conversation inside of the Limo.  This part of the Zapruder film is Surreal!  Here the President of the United States is holding his hands to his throat in CLEAR DISTRESS and nobody around him seems to notice or care.  Not his wife.  Not the Motorcycle cops riding beside the Limo.  Not the Secret Service.  Nobody seems to even see it!  But back to Jackie and John Connally.  They seem to be having a calm private conversation in the back of the Limo and are both aware that JFK has been shot in the throat but they do not care about his state of duress because HE IS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING ASSASSINATED and both of these Conspirators fully know it.

But at some point after their calm conversation and before Jackie does her wet work, something happens that is shown clearly in the Zapruder film.  John Connally is no longer calm but is suddenly crouched down on the seat.  His wife Nellie is doing the same thing.  John Connally is seen yelling something as he crouches down.  But in the seat just behind him, Jackie Kennedy is completely calm.  She shows no fear of being shot by anyone.  Have you watched the Zapruder film closely enough to see that?  I have and it is there exactly as I describe.

What goes on? Sherlock Holmes would congratulate me for seeing what so many others have missed, including myself for so long.

The assassination was coordinated.  I need to revise my post The JFK Assassination: Sequence of Events to show this new information, but here is the rough sequence of events which is all confirmed by the Zapruder film itself.  

1. The Throat shot happens behind the Stemmons freeway sign.

2. Jackie and John Connally have a little conversation calmly between themselves in the back of the Limousine right in front of JFK, as if he isn't even there.  JFK has been immobilized by the throat shot so he is not there mentally as his wife and the Texas Governor are talking about him.

3. John Connally turns his head all the way around from his seat to verify that JFK is truly immobilized and unable to defend himself before giving Jackie the verbal cue to proceed with her wet work.

4. He turns his head back around, and that's when the grassy knoll shots went off.  How was this coordinated?  What I believe is that multiple snipers were situated on the grassy knoll.  These could have been either CIA Agents or Mossad Agents or even members of organized crime who also wanted to see JFK dead because his brother was going after the Mafia.  Perhaps these men had binoculars so they could see when John Connally turned back around in his seat.  Or perhaps they had walkie talkies or other secret communication devices provided to let them know when to start firing.  But at some point these snipers started firing their weapons.  They did not fire them at the Limousine but over the heads of the watching crowd.  Their job was to terrify the watching crowd and cause them to hunker down in fear for their own lives at these loud shots suddenly ringing out from the grassy knoll.

5. When the snipers started firing, both John Connally and his wife Nellie react to it.  They both crouch down in the seat as if terrified. John Connally yells out something.  All this is BEFORE Jackie even fires the head shot.  Watch the people in the background, who all know what is about to happen.  The woman in the foreground wearing gray puts her hand to her face and looks away so she won't have to see it.  

6. But notice that as John and Nellie Connally are crouched down in fear from the loud sniper shots, Jackie in the back seat is NOT crouched down. 

She is as calm as a kitten as she wraps her arm around her husband like a Black Widow Spider and calmly shoots him the head.  

This is all documented evidence shown on the Zapruder film.  It could be used in a court of law to prosecute those behind the assassination, including Jackie and the Zionist Texas Governor.

This does not even mention Jackie throwing the murder weapon on the left rear section of the trunk where it was retrieved by U.S. Secret Service Agent Clint Hill (Jackie's Secret Service Agent) who then met Jackie half way onto the trunk to give it back to her before the Limo drove to Parkland. In the first image below, notice the two CIA agents calmly taking pictures of the assassination as John and Nellie Connally are crouched down in the back seat.  In that image you are witnessing CIA and Jewish treachery against JFK to murder him in cold blood using CIA and Mossad Deception. Greatest Magic Trick under the Sun Indeed! 

Additionally, also note that the same man who later feigned being shot by the Magic Bullet is feigning being terrified of being shot by a sniper while the calm CIA agents taking pictures n the background show there is no danger to John and Nellie Connally at all.  I just picked up two evil Zionist Rats by the tail and here they are!  Busted like a Mother Fucker!

This Solves the JFK Assassination

At this point I have solved the assassination portion of the case myself.  I did not read ANY of the books written about the JFK assassination to do this.  Instead I watched the Zapruder film and the truth unraveled.  Although it took many years of difficult searching to unravel the mystery, the Truth cannot be hidden from the Red Pilled.  If anyone refuses to see this, I no longer care.  I have done my duty to expose it to you and I wash my hands of how you choose to respond to it.  How you choose to respond to the truth has no bearing on its truthfulness.  Whether you deny this or not, it is the truth. And to the Jews reading this I say: FUCK YOUR DYNAMIC SILENCE!

The only thing remaining for me to do is to unmask who Jackie Kennedy really was and to show clear linkage or connection between her and Israel.  Since she is a Jew, that connection is already made but I want to make it a lot stronger by showing that Jackie Kennedy was a deep cover agent for the Jews.  That will be the final indictment against Israel and the Jews in the assassination of the U.S. President. Beyond Israel, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Secret Service are BOTH GUILTY AS FUCK in the Assassination.  Will they be held accountable by the American people?

After investigating this I am very angry.  How do you feel?

See also:

Israel is Behind the JFK Assassination, Part 1

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Another comment about the JFK Assassination

When it rains it pours, it seems.  After being completely ignored for so long (Dynamic Silence wink wink wink), I am finally getting the comments I have been wanting all along.  Although some of these comments are negative, I would much rather have negative comments than no comments at all.  Even negative comments allow the truth to be exposed better.  So here is another comment about the JFK assassination I want to make a post around.

I am sorry but your theory about shots fired from the grassy knoll to make people turn their heads and not notice Jackie shooting her husband does not hold water. One single person not turning their head in time would have observed Jackie doing it. As far as Bob Dylan is concerned, why do you believe him? He is a Jew himself after all, isn't he?

First, there is no need to apologize to me about anything.  Whether you believe what I say is true or not, it is not against me and I do not take it that way.  The beliefs of others about what I say is of secondary concern to me.  My main priority for everything I say on this Blog is to speak the truth as I see it and let the pieces fall where they may.  How my posts are accepted is much less important to me and I take no personal offense if I am disbelieved.  

It is my theory that shots were fired from the grassy knoll around the time of the head shot to distract attention away from the Limousine at the critical moment when Jackie fired the projectile through her husband's head.  Nobody told me that.  I did not read it from any source.  It came from my own inner intuition from studying everything I could find about the case. It makes sense to me based upon everything else I have seen in the Zapruder film and also about Israel being behind the assassination.

As I have tried to document, the crowd at Dealey Plaza was not made up of honest people who knew nothing about the assassination.  Some of the crowd was honest but there was a significant portion of the crowd that was complicit with the assassination, especially those around the Limousine when the head shot was fired.  Those people you see in the background as Jackie is firing the head shot are NOT honest individuals.  They are corrupt and part of the assassination plot.  But there were many others who were honest and the distracting shots from the grassy knoll were for their benefit, so they would be crouched down on the ground in fear looking towards the grassy knoll and away from the Limo at the critical moment when Jackie committed her infamous crime.  

Another thing to point out is that many witnesses in that crowd were later murdered to silence them.  If anyone did see or hear anything regarding the REAL assassination happening within the Limousine then they were either discredited or murdered to silence them.  So anyone who was not distracted by the grassy knoll shots were dealt with.

As for Bob Dylan, yes he is a Jew and he is also telling the truth about the JFK assassination without telling it.  He gives enough hints in Murder Most Foul to let me know that he knows Jackie is the assassin and he is giving strong hints about that for those whose minds are able to accept it such as Greatest Magic Trick Under the Sun.  It does not matter to me that Bob Dylan is a Jew as long as he is telling the truth.  My Beef with Jews is not that they are Jews but that they lie, deceive, etc.  If a Jew is not doing this then I have no problem with him or her.  I respect Bob Dylan for creating and performing this song.  Its the first step toward some badly needed honesty about the JFK Assassination.  

Speaking of Jews hinting at the truth about the JFK Assassination, Queen did a better job than Dylan. Note: This song is filled with hidden clues about Jackie's TRUE identity and her secret role in the Assassination, which I am going to be examining later.  If Jews are telling me the truth in a song then I am going to listen to them.

Its time to stop hinting and just admit the truth that is already known to the red pilled.  Its already known so to continue to lie about it just makes the Establishment look like Fools.  Same for the faked Apollo moon landings.  Its time to stop lying and just admit the truth.  But Jews have bet the House on their lies and deception so they will never admit a lie even one that has been totally exposed as Lie or a Fraud or Deception.  The Talmud is leading the Jews down the path of total destruction.

A comment about Jackie being the Assassin

So I received another comment that I want to address in a new post, this one being about Jackie Kennedy being the assassin of her husband.  After being ignored for so long by so many, I welcome a comment like this because it gives me the opportunity to defend my argument and to help wake up others to the hidden truths about the JFK Assassination.

While I find much here on this site worthy of consideration at the very least (your analysis of the JonBenet case is exemplary) and I would not be surprised if Israel were behind the JFK assassination, accusing Jackie Kennedy herself of having perpetrated the crime is really going out on a limb. It may even be true she was a tool of the CIA and Israel - but for God's sake, how could she have assassinated her husband while sitting next to him in an open car, driving through a street with throngs of people at both sides seeing everything that is going on? Everybody could watch her completely losing her wits and climbing on top of the car. Would everybody have closed their eyes while she shot the man sitting in the same backseat?

From this comment, I see the person making it is not a disinformation agent who is here to attack my credibility but is instead someone who cannot believe that Jackie Kennedy assassinated her husband.  I perfectly understand why a person would have a difficult time believing this and yet I say it is the truth.  

It is not going out on a limb, as you put it, to say that Jackie was the assassin.  She was the assassin and the Zapruder fiilm is documented proof of this in two major ways.  What are these major ways? First by showing a clear image of Jackie shooting her husband in the head (see the below gif). 

You see the proof with your own eyes but do not accept what your eyes are telling you because of all the brainwashing you have received about Oswald, etc.  I understand better than you might think because I was there myself for a long time but I transcended that and went straight to the truth about it.

But for those who do not accept what their own eyes are telling them, the Zapruder film is filled with other evidence that shows her getting rid of the murder weapon.  Although various tricks have been used to hide it, the Zapruder film shows Jackie getting rid of the weapon post assassination, once more proving she was the assassin of her husband.  The following links are my best argument to show this.

Common questions about the JFK Assassination

JFK Assassination:  Sequence of Events

The Path of the thrown murder weapon after it left Jackie's hand

My suggestion to the commenter is that they read those links carefully and ask any questions they have afterwards because I am happy to answer them.

A Comment I want to address

As I said, I read the comments on this Blog and I respond to those I feel are worthy of my response.  If I think the comment is relevant enough then I will create an entire post around it to address so that all readers of this Blog can see my response.  Here is such a comment that I want to address. 

I received the biggest insults in my life. I often visit a forum about discussing new articles in my country. There was a thread about a news article called "NASA wants to reclaim the moon dust in 1969 and the corpses of 3 cockroaches". I said the moon landing was fake and gave them evidence. So many forum members laughed at me and insulted me as "retarded", "dumb", etc. because I believe in a "conspiracy theory" (in their mind, conspiracy theories are always bullshit, dumb and false). They had only one major argument but I could not do anything to counter this argument: "so tens of thousands of scientists at NASA, the US, and around the world who know or involve in the moon landing are liars or dumb enough not to know the moon landing is fake?". I cannot answer their argument, and I lost to them. Hundreds of people gave me bricks to my comment about debunking a fake moon landing (a brick is like throwing a brick into your head, which means expressing hate or dislike for a comment).

Previously I have asked readers of this Blog to spread my message, so the truth that I see gets spread to the unaware.  This is the work of a Light bringer.  This comment is from someone who tried to spread my message and documents his negative experience in doing so.  When I read the comment I instantly understood it because I went through a very similar experience early on.  Because of this, I know what the commenter has gone through and what a bitter pill it must seem to be.  But the bitter pill is just an illusion as I will show.  

To the commenter I say this: You have read this Blog but have you understood this Blog?  Based upon your comment, you have not understood it.  Trying to spread a message that you yourself do not understand and believe in is destined to fail.  Before you can spread a message, you ,must fully understand and believe in its truth.  You should not attempt to spread something which you do not believe is true.  Before you can tell the truth to others, you must know it yourself. 

The most basic truth of this Blog, which the commenter fails to understand, is that the world is corrupt and filled with lies and deception.  An illusion is presented to the clueless that the world is not corrupt and is not dishonest and does not deceive but that is just an illusion.  I call the illusion the Two Worlds Paradigm, which the commenter has completely failed to understand.  The commenter is not red pilled. There is a big difference between wanting to see the truth and knowing what the truth is.  The commenter does not know what the truth is himself so how can he spread the truth and defend it in a corrupt world?  He cannot.  He should become well grounded in the truth himself before he attempts to spread it to others using his knowledge.  I say this to everyone.

Here is another relevant truth to be understood.  The places where a person might go to attempt to spread truth such as Reddit are filled with disinformation agents just waiting to pounce on your post and to very heavily ridicule and condemn it and you along with it.  They are there to make your message of truth look like the trolling of a fool or an idiot because that is how they want to make you and your message appear to the clueless.  Do you get that? You are the one who is fooled by the illusion if you do not get that.  Those people attacking your posts so hard are doing so because that is their job as disinformation agents.  While you believe they are just regular people, in reality their job is to do exactly what they did to you.  There are two goals of it.  One is to discredit you and your message.  The second is to make you feel so disillusioned by the response you get that you just give up and stop trying to spread the truth.  This is an aspect of Dynamic Silence, another concept the commenter has not understood at all.  

The Corrupt Town Allegory

Let me give an illustration at this point.  Suppose there is a corrupt town run by a crooked corrupt Sheriff.  The entire town is corrupt but a lot of money is being made by the corruption so nobody in the town says anything about it.  Corruption is a way of life in this town and its never even discussed publicly by those who live there.  Now suppose you as an outsider has become aware of the corruption of the Sheriff and the town and you go there trying to tell people about that.  What response do you think you are going to receive?  Will you and your message be accepted with open arms in that corrupt town?  Hell No!  You will be ridiculed.  You will be insulted. You will be made to look like a fool. You will be spit on. You will probably be run out of town.  Can everyone understand that example? The corrupt town run by the corrupt Sheriff is an allegory about the world we live in today.

Now let me deconstruct the "major argument" made to you about the fake Apollo moon landings by the disinformation agents of Reddit. I am assuming its Reddit but it could have been any other social network. You could not answer it so I will answer it for you and for all others reading this Blog.

"So tens of thousands of scientists at NASA, the US, and around the world who know or involve in the moon landing are liars or dumb enough not to know the moon landing is fake?"

Again, you are being fooled by a carefully crafted illusion that (((they))) want you to believe about the world, which is that the world is honest and filled with honest people who would never be part of a lie or deception.  That is the FAKE WORLD of the Two Worlds Paradigm.  That world is for the clueless to believe in, not the red pilled.  Some of those scientists may be fooled by the illusion themselves but its much more likely that they are corrupt and owned by the crooked Sheriff to present the false illusion to the clueless about the world.  This applies not just to the Apollo moon landings but to the JFK Assassination, 9-11, Sandy Hook and many other topics.  You have to see the big picture to understand it and the commenter has NOT understood it.  

You cannot answer their argument because you have not seen the REAL WORLD.  Although I have tried diligently to show you the REAL WORLD using many examples on this Blog, you have not understood it so how can you defend what you do not understand?

You say you lost to them.  What you mean is that you failed to convince them of your argument.  You cannot convince a disinformation agent of anything.  A disinformation agent will automatically attack you when you speak the truth and to go up against them you must have the knowledge to do so.  I do not go to places like Reddit to spread the truth because I know that my post will be either completely ignored or ridiculed.  I choose to state the truth on this Blog instead of going to web sites that are supposed to be about the truth but instead are nothing but controlled opposition at best to keep everyone from knowing what the truth is.  

Finally to this commenter I say this.  Before you attempt to spread what is said on this Blog, you need to understand this Blog.   Read.  Ask questions.  Do your own independent research to confirm what I am saying.  It is one thing to believe in something theoretically as an intellectual concept and another thing entirely to know what the truth is.  Understand the truth before you attempt to spread it.  If you do not understand, ask for help.  I am open to any question about anything as long as the question is honest. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Unmasking Jackie

As readers of this Blog already know, I have identified Jackie Kennedy as the assassin of her husband, John F. Kennedy.  However incredible as this may seem to some people, it is the truth which I have carefully documented on this Blog.  But the story about the JFK Assassination goes beyond Jackie Kennedy to the Jews of Israel who wanted to prevent U.S. inspections of its nuclear program, as I documented in this post It is my strong desire to show the link or connection between Dimona and Jackie Kennedy but this requires a greater understanding of who Jackie Kennedy really was.   Understand my logic.  I have already predicted that this woman was a Jew and in fact strong evidence exists of her being a Jew, but it has been carefully hidden from the public to this day. Beyond her being a Jew, I also suspect her of being a deep cover agent who was purposely introduced to JFK in the 1950's.  I have stated my suspicions about her but in this post I am going to be doing my own independent investigation into her past before she married JFK.  I believe this investigation will prove my suspicions about her being a Jew and a deep cover Jewish agent are correct.  I am trying to solve the JFK Assassination here for real but first I need to do this preliminary work to unmask who the assassin of JFK really was, beyond the illusion presented to the public about her.  The truth cannot hide from the red pilled so I am doing this to uncover the secret truth about the woman who later assassinated John F. Kennedy in November of 1963.  Once I have unmasked her, then my intention is to do a second post about Israel being being behind the JFK Assassination that explains how Jackie killed JFK for the Jews.  I badly want to do that post but first we go down the rabbit hole about the assassin, to show her true face.

In an earlier post I started discussing what I refer to as Infiltrators and their attributes.  When I made that post, I had Jackie Kennedy in mind but I wanted to introduce the concept to show that there were many infiltrators of the U.S. Government.  I believe Jackie Kennedy is an Infiltrator.  What are the attributes of an Infiltrator that I documented in that earlier post that can be applied to Jackie Kennedy?  They are as follows.

They are Deep Cover agents working for others in secret.

They are corrupt.

They lead double lives.  They have a public life which is a deception and a private life which is who they really are.

They may be openly Jewish or secretly Jewish or not Jewish at all but in all cases they are controlled by Jews pulling their strings.

They are trained in infiltration techniques.  This training may take place in Russia or Israel.

They may be using a fake name that has been provided to them for cover to conceal their real identity.  They may be known in public by one name but privately they use a different name that only they and their secret contacts know about.  

They may have a secret history created for them by those who have sent them to infiltrate.

I suspect that all of these attributes may apply to this treacherous evil woman but in this post I want to look for evidence to prove these suspicions.  Here is another post about Deep Cover Agents (AKA Infiltrators).

The following is a list of things I have read about Jackie Kennedy's history, which may or may not be true.  The internet is full of disinformation so we take everything with a grain of salt until it has been vetted as the truth.  Some of this may be a carefully crafted cover story, but we list them anyway just to prove or disprove them.

Alleged Truth: She was raised in a Jesuit Convent.  This is obvious disinformation.

Truth:  Jackie Kennedy's mother Janet was Jewish, making Jackie a Jew. This is very relevant to Jackie assassinating JFK for the Jews in Israel who wanted him dead over Dimona.

Truth:  Jackie Kennedy became a willing agent of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) prior to ever knowing John F. Kennedy.  She wrote to the director of the CIA (Allen Dulles) personally requesting assignment.  In other words, someone set her up with the CIA.  This is what you would expect of a deep cover agent, especially since it is well known that the CIA is corrupt and in bed with Jews and Israel and the Mossad.  Connect the dots.

The movie Salt as an Example

When you think about Deep Cover agents, think about the role of Liev Schreiber in the movie "Salt".  In that movie, here is a spy who came to the U.S. and lived for years undercover.  He worked his way up the ranks in the U.S. intelligence community until he was a high ranking, very trusted official with high security clearances. Although not shown in the movie, other deep cover agents already embedded inside the U.S. intelligence community undoubtedly helped him to achieve his position.  So he was trusted by everyone around him. Nobody even had a hint he was a deep cover agent.  That is what I am talking about in this post.  Now you think that was just a fictional movie but I 100% believe that that has actually happened many times in the USA. Its called infiltration and subversion and the Jews are masters at it.  

So what I am suggesting not so subtlety is that Jackie was not at all what she appeared to be in the False World of the Two Worlds Paradigm.  In the Real World she was a deep cover agent who was spying on JFK for the Rothschilds and reporting back everything she knew.  When the time came to assassinate JFK over Dimona, she became the perfect choice to be the assassin. Even though she had kids by JFK she had no loyalty to him.  She never loved him.  It was just an assignment to her.  And when the assignment changed from spying on him to assassinating him, she had no problem doing it.  That is why we see her do what she did in the Zapruder film.  

A new Post about P.I.D.

As you may or may not know, there is a thing called P.I.D., which stands for Paul is Dead.  What this means is that Paul McCartney of the Beatles died in 1966 and was replaced with a single substitute referred to by the P.I.D. crowd as Faul.  Ever the truth seeker, I have gone down the rabbit hole on P.I.D. multiple times to determine what the truth is.  What my previous assessment has been is as follows.

Paul McCartney did not die in 1966.

Paul McCartney left the Beatles in 1966 because he wanted out of the group.

Multiple look a likes played the role of Paul McCartney starting in late 1966 (in Africa) and especially in 1967.

The original Paul may have returned to the group in 1968.

This is what I previously discovered about P.I.D. but in this post I want to go deeper down the rabbit hole on this while I can see it.  It is the nature of going down rabbit holes that you never see everything at once.  You see some things during initial investigation and then later you see the picture better based upon additional information.  So it is with the Paul McCartney story.  Why am I talking about this?  Because I want the truth to be known to all.  But here is some additional evidence that Paul McCartney did NOT die in 1966.  Instead he was purposely switched with a substitute that looked nothing like the earlier Paul McCartney.  Here is what I have been able to deduce using intuition.

At some point during 1966, the decision was made that Paul McCartney would leave the Beatles because he no longer wanted to be in the group. 

He was helped by others (his Jewish and U.K. handlers) to leave the group using a deceptive cover story.  This cover story involved Paul McCartney growing a mustache before leaving the U.K. and going to France in 1966.  The mustache was just to disguise the fact that Paul McCartney was replaced by look a likes.  Below is a picture of the original Paul McCartney wearing a mustache and glasses so he could go to France Incognito in 1966 without being immediately recognized.  If you compare the faces you can see this is the original Paul but with different hair, wearing glasses and wearing a mustache.  Click on the below image to verify that.

Supposedly Paul McCartney wanted to go to France in late 1966 without being recognized as a Beatle for a holiday but my investigation leads me to believe it was much more than this.  In actuality, Paul McCartney went to France and later Africa so he could be substituted with a look a like who was also wearing a mustache.  Here is a picture of that early Paul McCartney look a like in Africa in late 1966.  You have to see that this is not the man pictured above to understand the trick that was played on the public.  Its a very poor illusion that falls completely apart when examined.

Notice this man is wearing a mustache just as the original Paul was wearing but its not the same man at all.  So the first obvious Paul McCartney substitute appeared in Africa in late 1966 and there were many other people playing his role in the Beatles in 1967, including the one featured in the Sgt. Pepper album.  This is documented with photographic evidence.  

So Paul did not die but he was willingly replaced in the Beatles with a number of look a likes from the end of 1966 all the way to 1968.  At this point I believe the original Paul returned to the Beatles but it is possible that different look a likes were found so the original Paul never returned.

If anyone has evidence to contradict this, please state your claim and I will look at it.