Thursday, October 31, 2024

A case of Deception


Evidence exists that the man pictured at the top of this post is in fact not Barak Obama Jr.  This man's entire Presidency is a CIA created deception. There are so many things about him that scream this man is not who he appears to be.  But the below link shows evidence that pictures supposedly showing Obama Sr. with the above man are fake.  The CIA is very good at faking images. They have been doing it for a long time.

Fake Images

Take a close look at the above image. Do you see anything wrong with it?  Look at the present Ann Dunham is supposed to be holding, but she is not holding it all. The gift looks like it is levitating in thin air.  This is a fake image and I say it is one of many fake images featuring the young "Obama". Don't miss the quotes because his name is not Obama at all.

"Obama" born in Kenya

Before "Obama" was born in Hawaii he was born in Keyna. But the CIA didn't like that story because it prevented their boy from becoming POTUS so they changed the story.  Nobody knows better how to change the truth into a lie than the CIA.

"Obama" Social Security Number

"Obama" is using a dead person's Social Security Number from Connecticut. I kid you not.

More to Come

The World is Run by Jewish Script

This is an Advanced Red Pill but its never too soon to introduce this concept because it is very important to know to understand the world.

Before you can understand this you need to understand the Two Worlds Paradigm.  

In the False World of the Two Worlds Paradigm, significant things just happen on their own. Nobody makes them happen. Nobody controls them.  Things just happen coincidentally without anyone controlling what happens.  This is the way the world appears to the common man but its not the truth.

In the Real World of the Two Worlds Paradigm, the Jewish Snake plans for the future it wants to happen according to the Jewish Master Plan and it makes those things happen.  It plans for the future it wants according to its agendas and it makes those things happen.

Let me use 9-11 as an example.

In the False World of the Two Worlds Paradigm, nobody in the U.S. or the world knew that 9-11 was going to happen before it did.  It caught everyone by complete surprise.  That is the Lie they want you to believe.

In the Real World of the Two Worlds Paradigm, 9-11 was a long planned PSYOP.  For years before 9-11 happened it was planned and prepared for in secret. A lot of planning and preparation went into making that event happen.  For example, many crisis actors and Jewish Sayanim were prepared to play their part on that day. The global Jewish MSM was prepared to play its part on that day.  The U.S. Government and the Bush Administration was prepared to play its part on that day.  Everything was set up in advance, just waiting for the pre-designated time for the drama to unfold to an unsuspecting American public.

Besides 9-11, many other world events have been planned in advance by the Jewish Snake including this short list:

Pearl Harbor

The JFK Assassination

The Apollo Moon Landings Hoax

The Rwandan Genocide

October 7 (deception)

War of 1812

World War 1

World War 2

The current Russia-Ukraine War

The second Trump Administration

Today Jews know what is going to happen at least to the end of Trump's second term and probably far into the future past that.  How do they know?  They know because it is the future they are going to make into reality by their own cunning and deceit and the secret control they have over the world.

Two Worlds Paradigm Example of the Rwandan Genocide



The Rwandan genocide, also known as the genocide against the Tutsi, occurred from 7 April to 19 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War. Over a span of around 100 days, members of the Tutsi ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were systematically killed by Hutu militias. While the Rwandan Constitution states that over 1 million people were killed, most scholarly estimates suggest between 500,000 and 662,000 Tutsi died. The genocide was marked by extreme violence, with victims often murdered by neighbors, and widespread sexual violence, with between 250,000 and 500,000 women raped.

The genocide was rooted in long-standing ethnic tensions, exacerbated by the Rwandan Civil War, which began in 1990 when the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), a predominantly Tutsi rebel group, invaded Rwanda from Uganda. The war reached a tentative peace with the Arusha Accords in 1993. However, the assassination of President Juvénal Habyarimana on 6 April 1994 ignited the genocide, as Hutu extremists used the power vacuum to target Tutsi and moderate Hutu leaders.

Despite the scale of the atrocities, the international community failed to intervene to stop the killings.


Far from being a naturally occurring phenomenon, the Rwandan genocide was actually a mind control experiment conducted by the West. The CIA, the Mossad and other intelligence agencies were involved in this mind control experiment.  A Frenchman named Pierre Gilbert is the man who exposed the truth about this. What Pierre Gilbert exposed was an evil Jewish plot to use vaccines combined with EMF radiation to induce a population to do things they would not normally do; in other words mind control. Vaccines were given to almost the entire Rwandan population in 1992 and 1993 in anticipation of this event. EMF signals were broadcast down onto the Rwandan population from planes flown by CIA personnel. See below image. 

Operation Crimson Mist

The CIA has done extensive research into inducing behavioral changes onto a population based upon EMF signals. It is possible to induce a variety of behaviors on people based upon the frequency of EMF signals broadcast at them. The CIA determined by experimentation which behaviors could be induced by which EMF frequencies. They determined which EMF signals would cause extreme rage and sexual violence. The CIA then broadcast these pre-determined EMF frequencies onto the population of Rwanda to induce the extreme violence that was seen in the Rwandan genocide.  In other words, the genocide was purposely induced.

Now the vaccines that the Rwandan population were given in advance of this genocide play a central role in this. The vaccines given the population made the Rwandan people much more susceptible to the EMF signals than they normally would be.  The vaccines were specially designed to be used in conjunction with EMF signals to change the natural behavior of the Rwandan people in a way that was beyond their control.  It was the vaccines plus the EMF signals that artificially created this genocide

Dr. Pierre Gilbert

Dr. Pierre Gilbert Part Two

What Dr. Pierre Gilbert said about Rwanda

Dr. Pierre Gilbert and Rwanda Addendum

Connecting some Dots on the Rwandan Genocide

This relates to the Covid 19 Plandemic

Now this relates directly to Convid 19 in that it is my very strong opinion that the real purpose of the Convid 19 vaccines is mind control. The EMF signals can be delivered from 5G towers and do not require planes flying over the population to broadcast the signals.  The crude technology of 1994 has been refined and advanced so that the signals can be delivered from 5G cell towers.  What this means is that those who have taken a vaccine are unwilling participants in a massive mind control conspiracy that is world-wide. What this means is that behavioral changes in these people can be induced without their control or awareness in any way that is desired by those who are controlling the EMF signals. I say this is a nefarious Jewish plot to control people without them knowing they are even being controlled.  The 1994 Rwandan genocide was a test of the technology that was later improved upon in the Convid 19 Plandemic. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Connecting some dots on the Rwandan Genocide

There are times when things just fall into place and you know. I call them epiphany moments, but they are the result of doing a lot of research and connecting a lot of dots to reach a conclusion which is certainly the truth.  For me, my epiphany moment is when I saw CIA front man Barak Obama with the Rwandan President in the below image.

The man standing beside Obama is the Rwandan President Paul Kagame, who was President of Rwanda during the Rwandan genocide.  Now I have previously been down the rabbit hole on the Rwandan genocide which is why seeing that picture led to my "Ah ha" moment.

This topic is a rabbit hole but I think its important to go down it while I still see it. Following are some previous posts I have made on this Blog about the Rwandan genocide.

More to Come

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA


So lately I've been investigating the man shown in the above image. What is his real name?  Barak Obama? Barry Soetoro?  Some name nobody has ever heard of?  Who knows?  There are some U.S. Presidents that are far dirtier than others. George W. Bush was one of those because of his willing part in 9-11. And then there is Obama.  For the sake of this post I am going to call him Obama but I am not at all convinced that that is this man's name. That is just a name he goes by in the False World. I have no interest in the False World explanation of this man.  My interest is in the Real World and in the Real World Obama is a deception.

Now, as I have been investigating this man I have encountered a huge amount of disinformation which I have learned to recognize.  Wading through Establishment disinformation on the internet is like trying to cross a field littered in dog shit without getting any on your shoes. But after much searching I find a source I trust to look into this man for me.  Jim Fetzer told the truth about Sandy Hook and that makes him a trusted source.  Here is what Jim Fetzer has to say about Obama. Its a long read but very interesting.

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA

The Two Worlds Paradigm of the Death of Ambassador Chris Stevens



John Christopher Stevens (April 18, 1960 – September 11, 2012) was an American career diplomat and lawyer who served as the U.S. Ambassador to Libya from May 22, 2012, to September 11, 2012. Stevens was killed when the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked by members of Ansar al-Sharia on September 11–12, 2012.


Stevens was allowed to be murdered by the Obama Administration. Stevens requested extra security before his death which was purposely denied. Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, General Petraeus and Obama watched drone footage for nearly seven hours as Stevens and his party were murdered. Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, General Petraeus and Obama blocked AFRICOM Commander, General Ham and Commander of Carrier Task Force 3, Admiral Gayouette from rescuing the Stevens contingent, and then had both men arrested when they tried to disobey orders and rescue Stevens in violation of executive orders from the Obama Administration.  This was an act of Treason and Treachery by the Obama Administration.

Sacrificed At the Altar Of Obama: CIA Assets Ordered to “Stand Down” During Libya Attacks; Delta Force Spec Ops Waited For Hours For Deployment Orders

These two brave American Patriots attempted to save Ambassador Stevens but they were prevented from doing so. They were both relieved of command and arrested because of their attempted violation of the Commander in Chief's orders, which were to stand down and do nothing.

General Carter Ham

Admiral Gayouette

Although Ambassador Stevens was intentionally murdered, he was not an innocent, honest man. Stevens oversaw an illegal arms pipeline from Libya to Syria as part of Operation Timber Sycamore designed to overthrow the Assad government in Syria.


A question for the red pilled is this:

How did Ambassador Steven's involvement in Operation Sycamore lead to his death?  That is a very relevant question to ask. I perceive there is a direct connection between Steven's involvement in this operation and his death and this also relates to why the Obama Administration "sacrificed" Stevens and his party. 

Other questions for the red pilled:

Why did the Obama Administration sacrifice the lives of these four Americans and not allow assistance to be sent to them?  Why did the Obama Administration relieve of command the two U.S. military members (Ham and Gayouette) who tried to provide assistance?  What dark secrets are being covered up here? 

General Ham permanently relieved of Command

This has all been swept under the rug, but AFRICOM head General Carter Ham was permanently relieved of command because he defied orders from the Pentagon to stand down and provide no help to the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi which was under terrorist attack. Ham, a true American patriot, ignored the stand down orders and readied a response team to assist the U.S. Embassy under attack. Within minutes Ham was relieved of duty by his second in command and placed under arrest. This is a clear case of Treason but the U.S. Government and U.S. military is full of treason. And the Congressional committees that should have investigated this incident have all shown themselves to be traitors too, hiding the truth from the American people instead of revealing it.  The entire U.S. Government is guilty of Treason to the American people.  It is fit only for being overthrown by true American Patriots.  

Admiral Gayouette Fired by Obama

Like General Ham, Admiral Gayouette defied stand down orders and worked with General Ham (AFRICOM head) to provide assistance to the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi under terrorist attack. Like Ham, Gayouette was quickly relieved of command and placed under arrest. He was later fired by Obama.  This whole treasonous incident has been swept under the rug to this day and nobody talks about it.  Practically nobody even knows about it because the MSM told the public nothing about this.  Where are the true American patriots who know what is going on and do nothing to expose it?  How long will the treason go on?  How long will the bad guys get away with what they are doing?  Where are the Heroes who should be speaking up and yet are conspicuously silent?  Are there any heroes left in the U.S. military? I wonder.

More to Come

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of Freemasonry


Freemasonry is an organization based on doing charitable works that has nothing to do with Jews. Its an organization a lot of businessmen join to try to be successful in their community. Freemasonry is men wearing funny little hats and riding tricycles who do good things for children. It is a benevolent organization.


Freemasonry is an organization that Jews control but in secret. Jews infiltrated and subverted Freemasonry long ago. Far from a benevolent organization, Freemasonry is involved in many evil things but in secret.  Freemasonry is a False Front for Jewish Control that Jews use to accomplish many of their goals and agendas in secret. It is a tool for Jewish World Domination.

The Freemason Handshake

The Freemason handshake is a common way that Freemasons identify each other.  It is also a way to show fealty. Whenever you see two people giving a handshake like this then you know they are Freemasons. 

What follows are images of various Freemasons giving this handshake to each other, signifying that they are Freemasons.

Significant Freemasons

Following is a short list of some significant Freemasons. Whether you knew they were Freemasons or not is irrelevant. They revealed themselves to be Freemasons by giving Freemason handshakes and hand signs in public.

Buzz Aldrin, Fake moonwalker

Neil Armstrong, Fake moonwalker

Tony Blair, UK Prime Minister

George H.W. Bush, US Vice President and President

Michael Collins, Fake moonwalker

Winston Churchill, UK Prime Minister

Jerry Falwell, Fundamentalist Religious Leader

Billy Graham, Fundamentalist Religious Leader

John Lennon, Musician

Angela Merkel, German Head of State

François Mitterrand, French Head of State

Barack Obama, US illegitimate President

Pope Ratzinger, Pope

Harry Truman, US President

Other posts about Freemasonry