Friday, October 4, 2024

Some epic songs

 Some epic songs are:

Bargain - The Who

Behind Blue Eyes - The Who

Hey Joe - Jimi Hendrix

Green Grass & High Tides - The Outlaws

Living in the Past - Jethro Tull

Teacher - Jethro Tull

Easy Livin' - Uriah Heep

Kicks - Paul Revere & the Raiders

Good Thing - Paul Revere & the Raiders

Hungry - Paul Revere & the Raiders

I got a line on you - Spirit

The Troggs - Love is all Around

A New Rabbit Hole

So a new Rabbit Hole has appeared in front of me with this Hurricane Helene in North Carolina and Tennessee.  I had not been paying much attention to this but I suspect something nefarious is going on here that is out of the ordinary.  What exactly am I referring to?  I am referring to the possibility that this Hurricane was not just a natural phenomenon but was a man made phenomenon and the reason that it was made to happen is that some powerful Jewish companies such as Blackrock are interested in mining Lithium and quartz in this region and so they made this hurricane happen to get rid of the people so they can mine the resources easily and cheaply.

I know that sounds like Conspiracy Theory and for now it is until proven but that is what this post is about to do.  We are about to fully explore this here to find out what the truth is.

One thing I notice is that FEMA and the Federal Government are acting very suspicious in all this.  Not only are they not providing assistance they are actively blocking citizens from providing assistance and threatening to arrest citizens if they provide help on their own.  What gives?  So something is definitely wrong about this and I am the perfect one to help uncover the hidden truth as I have done many times before on this Blog.   

To start out down the rabbit hole, I provide this link for you to fully read.  It also has some interesting videos in this link and in the comments section of it:

There’s something nefarious going on in the mountains of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee

More to Come

The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of the JFK Assassination


Two Worlds Paradigm

False World official explanation:  

Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone nut wanna-be Communist shot JFK from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.  He acted completely alone to kill the President.  Jackie Kennedy, the wife of JFK, was an innocent victim of Oswald's assassination of JFK.  The U.S. Secret Service did everything it could to protect the President.  The CIA and the rest of the U.S. Government was not involved in any way with the assassination.  It was all Oswald and nothing but Oswald.  He was the only bad guy in the JFK assassination but fortunately for the world Jack Ruby got justice by assassinating Oswald.  Killer dead. Case closed.  Abraham Zapruder, a Jew, just happened to be set up in the perfect position to capture the moment when JFK was fatally shot in the head. The assassination was a complete surprise and shock to everyone.  Nobody expected it to happen.  Texas Governor John Connally was an innocent victim of one of Oswald's bullets, who was badly injured by it and almost bled out in the Hospital.

Real World official explanation:  

The assassin of JFK was his wife, Jackie Kennedy sitting beside him in the back seat of the Limousine. The U.S. Secret Service purposely stood down and allowed the President to be assassinated by his wife. The CIA was heavily involved in the assassination, setting it up and making it possible for Jackie Kennedy to easily assassinate the President without him being able to resist being killed by her. Lee Harvey Oswald was the man chosen to be the patsy in the assassination, to take the blame for what Jackie did. Jack Rubenstein (a Jew) assassinated Oswald so it could not be determined that he was not the actual assassin of the President. Abraham Zapruder (a Jew) was in place to film the head shot by Jackie.  He was purposely there to film it. The assassination was well planned in advance and many people knew it was going to happen. Texas Governor John Connally was a coconspirator in the assassination who feigned being shot to give the false impression that bullets were being fired into the Limousine from outside the Limousine. In actuality Connally was not wounded at all. 

It is time for me to create a new page about the JFK assassination with everything I have learned about it since I created the original page several years ago.  I have learned a lot since I made that page. This new page will show everything I know about it up to now and show links to various other pages.

The Reason JFK was Assassinated

The reason JFK was assassinated is because he was insisting that Israel submit to routine U.S. inspections of its nuclear facility at Dimona and also insisting that Israel not attempt to develop nuclear weapons there.  But Israel was very determined to develop nuclear weapons. A conflict between JFK and Israel arose over this issue in 1963, leading JFK to issue a threat that U.S. aid to Israel would be seriously jeopardized unless Israel submitted to U.S. inspections.  One Israeli Prime Minister resigned so he would not have to answer JFK's letter. Another Israeli Prime Minister stonewalled JFK.  But this led to Israel instigating the plot to assassinate JFK to eliminate him as an obstacle to Israel creating nuclear weapons.

See this link for further details. 

Jackie Kennedy did the Head Shot

I don't know why more people don't know this since its shown in plain sight on the Zapruder film but Jackie Kennedy did the Head Shot that ended her husband's life.  Jackie had a small but powerful assassination weapon inside the Limousine.  She pressed the muzzle of this weapon underneath the left cheekbone of JFK and fired upward. The projectile that came out of the muzzle of the weapon entered JFK's lower cheek, went up through his head and exited out of a hole on the right side of his head. 

Frame 312:  Jackie about to pull the trigger.

Below is a gif showing the full head shot sequence taken from the stabilized Zapruder film showing Jackie killing her husband in plain sight for everyone to see. You don't need to think about Oswald in the Texas Schoolbook Depository doing the assassination when you can see Jackie doing it with your own eyes inside the Limousine.  Click on the below gif to view it full size.  


Note:  Some people are brainwashed not to see what is shown in plain sight on the Zapurder film.  I was one of those people. For many years I watched the Zapruder film trying to understand it and not once did I have a clue that Jackie was the assassin.  Other people had to point it out to me, what to look for to be able to see it. Even then I had to spend a long time and a lot of effort to be able to see it.  How do I explain this?  I explain it by me being so brainwashed by years of hearing Oswald did it that my mind would literally not let me see what was on this film.  I had to break my own brainwashing before I could see it but now I can see it every single time very easily.  If you cannot see Jackie doing the assassination in the above gif then you are similarly brainwashed not to see what is there. 

A quote from George Orwell seems appropriate at this point before I go further down this rabbit hole.  Believe me when I say that quote is applicable to this thread. Others have gone down this rabbit hole before me but never as deeply as I have.  I don't know why it falls upon me to expose this, but since nobody else is I feel a moral obligation to expose what God has allowed me to see. In this thread I am doing God's work by speaking the forbidden truth in a country where the lie is king (and that is the USA).  Will you help me spread this information?

More to Come

It is as I expected.

 Once you get red pilled enough you just know these things without having to read it on X or wherever this was posted from.  Yes, they are in control everywhere anything bad is going on because that is their true nature.  They want to get control and use that control to do bad things. They have the USA in the palm of their hands.  Be sure to voote.

The Search Engines are all controlled by Jews


All the Search Engines are controlled by Jews and its a no brainer why this would be.  Jews love information control.  Its why they have long controlled media of every kind.  Jews love to control what non Jews consider to be the truth.  This allows them to stage deceptions such as the Sandy Hook School shooting, 9-11 and others. 

This is the same reason why Jews control Wikipedia and why teams of Jews (mostly from Israel) are actively involved in editing Wikipedia pages to make them all say the "Jewish Truth". That is a term I just came up with but it is very appropriate.  "Jewish Truth" is not the truth.  "Jewish Truth" is what the Jews want non Jews to believe is the truth.  Its the False World of the Two Worlds Paradigm.  If you ever want a clear description of the False World on any topic, just look on Wikipedia and you will find it.  All those people using Wikipedia as their main source of information are idiots, but we already knew that about the blue pilled.

But back to search engines being controlled by Jews.  The CIA is actively involved in the control of search engines.  As I have stated many times, the CIA is a front organization proxie for Jewish control.  The CIA serves their Jewish masters, NOT the American people.  But what the CIA does is that it creates hundreds or even many thousands of links showing the Establishment/Jewish view about any topic and it floods the internet with these disinformation links.  So when you as an honest person try to look up anything on a serarch engine these disinformation links will be all you will see.  If you see enough links all saying the same thing you will come to the conclusion that it must be truth because so many different people are saying it.  Wrong.  No, what you are seeing is what they want you to believe.  You are not seeing the truth.  Any legitimate links speaking the truth are drowned out by the sheer quantity of these disinformation links which always appear at the top of every search.  You have to search long and hard to find a legitimate truthful link.  Its very difficult even for me to navigate the minefield of disinformation the internet has become under Jewish control.

But in terms of search engines, there are some that are worse than others in terms of disinformation. Google is probably the very worst.  You should never use it to search for anything of any controversy because it will feed you 100% disinformation as it is designed to do.  The CIA has a big hand in Google. I personally use DuckDuckgo but it also is full of disinformation.  I am sure every search engine is controlled like this.  

But the big thing I want to say is that you should never allow the links that come up in a search result to determine what you believe to be the truth.  That would not be smart at all. Instead, you should be aware that the search engines feed you disinformation in most cases. You should not trust that you are getting the truth from search engines.  You should go to sources that you previously know to be trustworthy and get the truth from them if you are not red pilled enough to determine it on your own.  

Lindsey Graham is a Zionist minion

On this Blog I have spoken about minions.  What is a minion? A minion is a non Jew that willingly serves Jews and the Jewish agenda. Why would a non Jew willingly serve the Jews? For several reasons.

One reason is for corruption's sake, because the non Jew is getting something out of the relationship such as monetary profit, sexual favors, etc.  We know of many minions in this category.

Another reason is because the non Jew is a Zionist.  These people have a belief in Israel. Perhaps that belief comes from Christianity or from another source. There are many examples of this in the US Congress today, particularly in the Republican party. The Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is in this category.

But Lindsey Graham is a Zionist who puts Israel over the American people.  This makes him a traitor to the American people.  This man should not be in office if he believes this way (and he does believe this way).

Any Zionist politician who puts the good of Israel above the good of the American people is a traitor to the American people and does not deserve to represent the American people in Congress or anywhere else.  He should go to Israel and represent his true allegiance.  I say the same thing goes for Donald J. Trump, another Zionist who puts Israel above the American people. 

A positive thing

The U.S. is just a lapdog for Israel, doing whatever Israel wants and completely enabling Israel to commit war crimes everywhere.  It is understandable to me why the U.S. is referred to as the "Great Satan" by some in the Middle East.  In this case, Satan is Jewish.  

But it is a positive thing that these nations refuse to allow Israel's lap dog to use their countries to launch an attack on Iran for Israel.  Some things come to my mind at this point.

Fuck Israel

Fuck the Jew owned U.S. Government

May they both fall together into the abyss of their own lies and deceit. 

Another indicator of WW3


Israel is like a mad dog, attacking all it's neighbors. Unfortunately this mad dog has a superpower in its hip pocket willing to do whatever it wants. Again, I sound the alarm that WW3 is approaching.

Israel deserves to be put in its place but the US will defend it, meaning WW3. The US is the lap dog of Israel, the great enabler of all Israeli war crimes. The US has blood all over its hands.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

A new epiphany about 9-11


So as I was watching September Clues again, which is a great video that every red pilled person should watch, I had a new epiphany about 9-11 and I want to document it for everyone while I still see it.  This epiphany concerns 9-11 being a completely fake event and yet there are web sites that appear to be very legitimate that make 9-11 appear to be a real event.  This post shows many web sites like that. 

There is something very wrong here. If 9-11 was a staged deception, which it obviously was, then why are all these links talking about it as if it were a real event?  The conclusion I reach is that the web sites talking about 9-11 as a real event are disinformation.  Not just disinformation but very clever disinformation intended to lead the red pilled away from the truth that 9-11 was a staged event and to instead indicate that 9-11 was a real event and to lead us to some of the perps.  Both of these stories cannot be true.  Either 9-11 was staged or it was real.  From everything I have seen as a red pilled person it was staged.  So these web sites saying it was real are disinformation no matter how legitimate they look and how believable they sound.  Which means the perps they are leading us to are not the real perps at all.  Do you see this?

If 9-11 was a staged event then all web sites portraying it as real are disinformation and nothing on them can be trusted to be true.  The Two Worlds Paradigm definitely applies here.  

The Truth is not what they want you to believe.  The Truth is what they do not want you to even suspect. 

Do you comprehend that these web sites talking about 9-11 as a real event MUST be disinformation and that nobody (except mavericks like Simon Shack) is actually telling the real story about 9-11.  I am here to open your eyes to the extreme disinformation they have created around this event to make it appear legitimate when it is NOT legitimate.   Let that sink in.  

9-11 was not legitimate and EVERY web site saying it was legitimate, no matter how believable it may appear to be, is disinformation.   That is the epiphany that I share with the red pilled.  DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY A VERY CLEVER PRESENATION THAT APPEARS TO MAKE 9-11 LEGITIMATE WHEN IT IS NOT.

If you do not understand what I am saying in this post, please ask in the comments because I want you to understand.

September Clues


Although I have never shared it here, I attribute my great epiphany about 9-11 being a staged deception to September Clues.  This video and the associated web site really opened my eyes that 9-11 was a deception and not a true terrorist attack on America as the lying MSM and U.S. Government said.  So in this post I want to document some of what September Clues said.  

First watch the main September Clues video Fullscreen.

The creator of this video, Simon Shack, did a fantastic job exposing the deception. (((They))) obviously never expected that someone would go back and carefully examine and compare all the MSM 9/11 footage to expose their deception.  

The reason I am making this post concerns the alleged death count of 9-11.  According the MSM and even from many web sites that claim to expose the truth about 9-11 this death count is high.  But September Clues tells another story, which is that the massive death count is disinformation.  

As you watch this, remember what they did in the Sandy Hook School shooting Hoax.  In that Hoax they had a large number of casualties in the False World but no casualties at all in the Real World.  How is 9-11 any different than that except to be on a far larger scale?  Consider that 9-11 was like Sandy Hook.  In the False World many deaths. In the Real World no deaths or a very low number of deaths.  

Consider the possibility that the WTC towers (1, 2 and 7) were empty of people at the time they collapsed, meaning no people actually died inside the 3 buildings.

Consider the possibility that the 4 passenger jets full of people were disinformation, meaning no people died in the 4 airplanes.

Consider that nobody died in the Pentagon.

If all those possibilities are true, then who really died during 9/11?

How many Sayanim were involved in 9/11 in NYC?  I suspect a lot!

More to Come

Erdogan warns of war between Israel and Turkey


Erdogan warns of war between Israel and Turkey

Another indication of WW3 approaching.

Some highlights of Erdogan's speech:

Israel will set its sights on Turkey after Palestine and Lebanon

The Zionist "Greater Israel" project includes Turkey.  Author's note:  I was not aware that Greater Israel extended to Turkey. I knew it included a large part of Syria but I did not know it included Turkey.

My assessment of Erdogan:

This man is red pilled. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets assassinated.

The Day of the Rope is coming


Another sign that the Day of the Rope is coming.  When the American people finally get tired of this insanity they will drag these evil politicians out into the street and execute justice.  Its high time.  But just keep in mind these people that you would execute are minions to the real power players who hide in the shadows.  (((They))) are the real enemy here but the minions deserve harsh pinishment for being minions.

Minion number one:

It is time for a Revolution to overthrow this evil Government

Christianity has become an enemy of the Truth


I feel compelled to make another post about Christianity and what I perceive about it. This is not my first post I have made about Christianity. Here are some others:

Christianity is part of the Jewish Master Plan

Christianity is not the Truth

Before I start this new post about Christianity I want to say what I have said before, which is that I perceive at least some of the people who view this Blog may consider themselves to be Christians and I do not want to offend these people in what I say about their Religion. But my desire to speak the truth as I see it is far greater than my desire not to offend.  So in this post I will be speaking the truth about Christianity as I see it bluntly.  If any Christian is offended by what I say in this post I do not apologize for that.  Instead I would ask that they think about what I have said here and consider if it could be true.  I only speak the truth as I see it.  I did not say you would like to hear it.

The main thing I want to state about Christianity as it is being taught today is that I consider it to be an enemy of the truth.  While I teach people to think, question, look for lies and deception in everything, to rebel against unlawful authority, to NOT support Israel and Jews, and many other things, Christianity as is it taught and practiced today is the opposite of what I teach.

Here is what the Christianity of today teaches its followers:

Do not think for yourself.  Simply have faith and Believe what is written in a Book.

Do not question. Questioning is a sin.

Do not trust your own judgement about things.

Accept the world around you as God's world that God controls.  Assume that things are the way God wants them to be.

Be meek and pacifist. Never fight back.  

Do not resist evil or evil ones. Pray for those who do evil and do NOTHING to stop them.

Love Israel in all cases.  God Loves Israel so you should love Israel too.  Your entire Religion is about Israel so of course you should love it.  Those who Bless Israel will be Blessed by God.

Love Jews because Jews are God's Chosen People.  Jesus was a Jew.  God loves Jews. So if you are a good Christian you will love Jews too and never think anything bad about them.

The enemies of the Jews such as the Palestinian people are your enemies too.  You should hate all enemies of Israel and the Jews as "from Satan".

You should allow yourself to be smitten, to be stolen from and to even be killed without doing anything to resist.

That in a nutshell is what the Christianity of today preaches and I just want to state clearly that to be this way makes a Goy the perfect willing slave to the Jews.  This is exactly the way the Jews want non Jews to be.  Willing Slaves.  Obedient Meek humble slaves who never think.  Who never question.  Who never fight back.  Who always submit.

This is why I say that Christianity as it is being taught today is an ENEMY OF THE TRUTH.  ABSOLUTELY. 

And now I want to move on to the topic of Jesus. Now in the Bible Jesus is quoted as saying some very red pilled things such as:

Jews are the Synagogue of Satan. Very True if you consider Satan to be the Jewish Snake, which I DO.

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

These are red pilled quotes attributed to Jesus which I agree with but there are other quotes attributed to Jesus that are very blue pilled and I 100% disagree with them.  The following illustration summariazes some of these:

In the above illustration are quotes attributed to Jesus which, if followed, would make a person the perfect slave to Jews.

The Meek shall inherit the Earth.  IMO this is a lie.  Jews are the least meek people on planet earth and they have control of this world.  As long as they maintain control the Meek will NEVER inherit the earth.  IMO saying the Meek shall inherit the earth is just telling Christians who are meek what they want to hear but that will never come true. 

Here is what I teach that is very much the opposite of what Christianity teaches: 

I do not teach pacifism as Christianity does.  I teach people to be warriors and to fight back against the evil Jewish Snake.

I expose Israel as the evil lying nation that it is, the direct opposite of a Godly peaceful nation.

I expose the Jews as an evil treacherous people who despicably use non Jews and kill non Jews.

I teach people to think and to question everything and to accept NOTHING on faith alone.  Faith in a Jewish slave Religion makes you a slave to the Jews in mind and body both.

I teach that you should trust your own God given Judgement about things and not simply dismiss it because it does not agree with "the word of the Jewish God".

I teach that you should NOT accept the world as it is but to expose the lies and deception in it and to wake up everyone you can as I am attempting to do.

I say you should not pray for the evil ones but to expose them and to fight back against them in any way you can.

Who is this Blog for?

 This Blog is mostly for the truly red pilled. As a red pilled person I speak to other red pilled people to communicate a shared truth that only the truly red pilled will recognize. But this Blog is also for the Blue pilled who are beginning to question their "reality". The truly Blue pilled won't come here but those who are waking up will seek the truth here. I have a mission from God to speak the truth and to expose the lies and deception of the world and to expose the liars and deceivers. Since I am an American my primary target audience is the American people but my message is to all people in every country. 

America is undoubtedly one of the most corrupt countries on the planet if not the most corrupt country but similar corruption exists in many other countries across the world. It seems the corruption is worst in the Western countries. Wherever there are Jews and their minions running the government and the media and the financial institutions and industry there will be corruption. But I digress.

My purpose in creating this Blog is to help people wake up. I woke up and now I want to wake other people up. I am a prophet of a new Religion called Truth. I am sent from a God who loves truth and hates lies and Deception.  I spread His message as it is given to me. 

That message is that truth is good and Lies and Deception are evil.  

All who follow the truth will hear my message but to the liars and deceivers I am the enemy because I expose them.  It is my great honor to expose them. I speak for those who are despicably used and against those who are snakes wearing sheep's clothing whose only purpose is to deceive. I don't need to identify those people because you should know who they are.  Two of them are currently running for POTUS in 2024.

What I can tell you all is that we live in very treacherous times. The bad guys have control and they are using that control to do bad things. In Gaza and the West Bank. In Lebanon. Soon to happen in Iran. In Ukraine and Russia. In Taiwan.  In other places. We may see WW3 break out soon. I see all the signs of it. We are in treacherous times. Now is the time to help wake up those who are blind and sleeping. We have a duty and responsibility to wake up everyone can.  Walking the Path means you spread the truth to the deceived. You do not just learn the truth for yourself and do nothing with it. That is what is referred to as keeping your candle under your bed. No, you learn the truth to spread it and to wake up others. All red pilled have that mission. I show the way as it has been shown to me. Do your part. Learn the truth and spread the truth. Awaken the sleeping. Bring sight to the blind. We are all in this together so let us work together in a unified mission to spread the truth and expose the lies and deception of the Jewish Snake

A better explanation of the Jewish Snake for those who want to know what it is and how it works.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

9-11: Another Look


So I have recently been taking another look at 9-11 based upon some other research I did about the 9/11 Put options or Insider trading that took place around this event.  See this post

That inquiry uncovered some new information that got me wanting to go back down the 9/11 rabbit hole once again to see what is there. Because you know I really want to uncover the real perps and also get a better handle on the hidden truth.  I have an insatiable appetite for the truth and when I do not believe I fully have understood it I want to understand it better.  

So here are some important links that I want to read and I want you to read as we go down this rabbit hole together:

Black 9/11: A walk on the Dark Side - Part 1

Black 9/11: A walk on the Dark Side - Part 2

Some relevant information from this link are as follows:

On September 10, 2001, one day before 9-11, U.S. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld announced the DOD could not account for 2.3 Trillion dollars and that an investigation was going to be started to look into this.

The very next day, September 11, the DOD's accounting office on the first floor of the Pentagon, the very same office that was going to be responsible for the investigation into the missing 2.3 Trillion was destroyed by what appears to be a missile.  The exact point of impact of this missile was this office.

The crash of AA 11 into the North Tower impacted the 95th and 96th floors, occupied by Marsh & McClellan, with family ties to the intelligence firm Kroll Associates.

The CEO of Marsh & McClellan was Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, pictured above.

Watch this entire video full screen:

Kroll Associates is suspected of being a CIA front.

Some important questions I have are as follows:

What is the role of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex (MIC) in 9/11, if any? I consider the MIC to be highly suspect in this event.

What is the role of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 9/11, if any? I consider the CIA to be highly suspect in this event.

More to Come

Iran is doing exactly what Israel wants


So I see on the Jews ... I mean the news that Iran recently made its biggest missile attack against Israel yet.  When I saw that my red pill told me a few things about it that the talking heads on the Zionist MSM did not.  

The first thing my red pill told me is that by making this large scale attack against Israel, Iran is doing exactly what Natenyahu and the Israeli government want, which is a pretext not only to hit Iran back HARD but also to completely overthrow the Iranian government.  Yes, (((they))) want regime change in Iran and this time I think they will get it. Natenyahu is on the warpath.  In Gaza and the West bank.  In Lebanon. In Syria. And now in Iran.  He wants an excuse for total war and Iran just handed it to him.  And the U.S. of course is just a lapdog for Israel who will go along with whatever Israel wants, as they always do.  If Israel attacks Iran the U.S. will likely be a partner in that attack. 

The Zionist MSM also said that they have moved up the calculation to when Iran will have the ability to develop a nuclear weapon to two weeks.  That right there told me they are going to at the very least strike all the Iranian nuclear sites very soon in a massive bombing campaign, but why just bomb to temporarily remove the "threat" when you can invade and install your own puppet government and permanently insure that you have a friendly regime in Iran?  

 Also I see this Iranian missile attack happened as the American people are about to go voote for one of two Zionist puppets.  This attack surely helps Trump.  Also I watched parts of the VP debate last night and saw that Walz did not look nearly as confident as I expected him to be.  He looked almost afraid of Vance.  What gives?  What happened to the confident well spoken Walz? The puppet plays the script he has been given. 

Its almost like someone got to Walz and told him he'd better not do good in the debate or else.

But the bigger picture I want to paint about all of this is an advanced red pill called: the World is run by Jewish script. Do you know of it?  I have spoken of it before here but I do not know how many understood it. What follows are links to posts I have made in the past concerning this advanced red pill. Note:  Google censored one post I made about this so (((they))) really do not want people to know about this. 

The World is run by Jewish script

The world is run by Jewish script

Let me explain this advanced red pill in general first and then apply it to what we see happening today.

The concept of the world being run by Jewish script

Here is an explanation of the world being run by Jewish script.  In the False World things appear to just happen, with nobody pulling any strings to make them happen but in the Real World Jews plan in advance for what they want to happen and they make those things happen behind the scenes.  In other words, Jews plan for a future that they want and they actively work to make that desired future a reality. So what appears to be just a coincidence in the False World is actually a plan (or script) in the Real World.  Do you understand that?  Of course they work very hard to hide the fact that it is a Jewish script but the red pilled can see through it while the blue pilled are totally deceived by the clown show.  

The Jewish script of today

What is the Jewish script of today?  Of course we who are not Jews do not get a copy of that script.  We have to deduce it by paying attention to what is going on in the False World.  We pay attention to the False World to deduce what is happening in the Real World.  Here is what I see:

1.  Jews are pulling the strings of Iran behind the scenes.  This may not be apparent to most.  Israel and Iran are controlled opposition and Jews are pulling the strings of BOTH.

2. Jews want war in the middle east.  When I say Jews I do not mean Israel but I mean the Jewish Snake.  Do you know what it is?

3. Jews want world war 3, which to them is a battle between Zionism and Islam.  This is perfectly represented in a war between Israel/U.S. and Iran/Lebanon/etc. And a war between the U.S. and Russia. And a war between the U.S. and China.  Jews are preparing the world for WW3 now. 

4. Jews may want Trump to be POTUS and what they are doing are manipulating events to help him win now. This was not apparent to me before but it is becoming more apparent to me that Trump may be the chosen one after all.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Regime change in Iran is coming up


My red pill tells me that an attack upon Iran to bring regime change is coming soon.  Natenyahu gave this away in a recent speech and now I see on the Zionist MSM that they are saying they have moved up the time for Iran to get a nuclear weapon to two weeks.  They are announcing what they are going to do.  The U.S. and Israel together will be involved in attacking Iran is what I predict.  This will be a military invasion.  This is what my red pill tells me.

How ironic that Iran launches the biggest attack on Israel yet right in the middle of a Presidential campaign here.  Its almost like its engineered to help Trump win the selection.  But I have a very bad feeling about the world right now.  The bad guys are in control and they are making their move and there are no good guys to stop them.  

Roger Waters is a Friend of the Truth


I have added Roger Waters (formerly of Pink Floyd) to my post Friends of the Truth.  He is definitely a friend of the truth when it comes to exposing the EVIL OF ISRAEL. I deeply respect this man. Of course he has created a lot of Jewish enemies but that just makes me respect him all the more.

Almost every link I find about him is negative because the Jews are really trying to smear this man but this is one of the good guys. 

Investigating the 9-11 Put Options


In this thread I want to go down the rabbit hole on the 9-11 put options.  In case you do not know what those are, in stock trading you can make bets that the stock value of a company will go down and make a profit off of it.  Well, come to find out someone did just that prior to 9-11 by placing put options on American Airlines and United Airlines, the two passenger jet airline companies whose planes were allegedly involved in 9-11.  

What this indicates is that someone had foreknowledge of the 9-11 "attack" and attempted to make a profit off of this knowledge.

The following is a good link to get us started down this rabbit hole:

Insider trading 9/11 ... the facts laid bare

The company placed these Put options is Deutsche Bank Alex Brown, which is a German Bank with a headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany.

Alex Brown & Sons (ABS) was the actual company that placed the Put Options. ABS was bought by Deutsche Bank in 1999, two years before 9-11.

Buzzy Krongard

An important person at ABS was a man named Buzzy Krongard, pictured above.  This man served as CEO and Chairman of the Board at ABS so he was very important in the company that placed the put options. Very notable is that this same man was appointed Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (the CIA) in March 2001.  So before we go any further down this rabbit hole we already have circumstantial evidence that this man became aware of 9-11 while at the CIA and that he used this information to try to make a quick and easy profit.  Notable also is that this man is a 33rd degree Freemason.  

Mayo A. Shattuck III

The rabbit hole goes deeper.  On September 12, 2001, one day after 9-11, the Chairman of the Board of Deutsche Bank Alex Brown suddenly resigned even though he still had a three year contract with an annual salary of several million dollars.  Clearly this man resigned because of 9-11. This man is Mayo A. Shattuck III (pictured above).

Other informative links are these:

Re: Deutsche Bank Alex Brown and 9/11 Insider Trading

Black 9/11: A walk on the Dark Side

A short list of the companies that have the anomalous put options:

American Airlines

United Airlines

Boeing. (a contractor for American Airlines and United Airlines).

Delta Airlines.


Merrill Lynch: Had offices in the Twin Towers.

Bank of America: Had offices in the Twin Towers.

Citigroup: Had offices in the Twin Towers.

Marsh & McLehnan: Had offices in the twin Towers.

J.P. Morgan: Had offices in the twin Towers.

Other Facts:

The profits from these Put options were enormous. For example, the Put options on Citigroup alone could have made more than 15 million dollars profit!

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the 9-11 Commission both concluded there was no insider trading.  In other words, they refused to even acknowledge it.  This shows deep corruption and collusion in both of these entities, which should be no surprise at all to everyone reading this post. 

One of the insider traders involved was tracked down and discovered to be Wirt Walker III, a distant cousin to then President George W. Bush!!!  Can you say Corruption?Link:

Link: A deeper dive into Wirt Walker III

Link: KuwAm and Stratesec: Directors and investors that link 9/11 to a private intelligence network

Link: The small world of 9/11 players: LS2, Vidient and AMEC

A short list of the companies involved in 9/11 insider trading:

Deutsche Bank Alex Brown


Viisage Corp

More to Come

Reconsidering the 9-11 death count


I felt compelled to create this post after watching this video exposing the atrocities of October 7.  My thought about October 7 is that it is a PSYOP and that has not changed.  What has changed is my willingness to admit that Israel/IDF (they are the same thing) killed a large number of its own citizens purposely and blamed it on Hamas to justify what they did in Gaza.  What did they do in Gaza?  They virtually leveled the place and killed tens of thousands of Palestinians.  In fact, that is still going on even today.  But it shocked me to realize that Israel slaughtered its own citizens in this PSYOP.  After seeing the above video I 100% believe this is true that they did that.  This makes the Israeli government far more evil than I had comprehended but then I got to thinking about 9-11 and all the alleged deaths there, which explains this post.

Concerning 9-11, my belief after looking at everything is that it was a PSYOP and not a terrorist attack.  But the question that has plagued me is the alleged deaths in 9-11.  

It has been my opinion up to now that the actual death count in the 9-11 PSYOP was very low. For example I have been of the opinion that WTC1 and WTC2 were completely evacuated and empty prior to their collapses.  I have also been of the opinion that nobody died in the Pentagon when it was struck by what appears to be a missile.  It has also been my opinion that the four planes full of passengers was disinformation and that those planes full of passengers did not exist.  I say real planes were flown into WTC 1 and 2 but they were remote control drones that did not contain passengers.  This is what I have believed up to now concerning 9-11 but I have always had the question of how many people died during 9-11. 

The primary question I must ask myself is this:  

Would (((they))) purposely kill large numbers of people during a PSYOP to justify taking an action such as starting wars in the middle east?  

My thought up to now before watching that October 7 video is that they would not actually kill large numbers of people but merely pretend to.  This makes (((them))) less evil that they would stage a deception and pretend to kill large numbers of people to justify taking an action.

But after watching that video I immediately suspected I could be very wrong in my assumption that they would merely pretend to kill large numbers of people and not actually do it.  I must consider that the actual death count during 9-11 may be much higher than I suspected and they purposely killed people in the WTC1 and WTC2 and the firefighters who were trying to rescue them.  This seems more true to me now than the simply staged pretend deaths, and if this is true it makes the perpetrators far more evil than I had considered.  

There is a linkage between October 7 and 9-11.  The same perps are involved in both.  If they killed large numbers of their citizens on October 7 and blamed it on Hamas to justify slaughtering Palestinians, then why not kill large numbers of Americans on 9-11 and blame it on Osama Bin Laden to justify the U.S. overthrowing two middle eastern countries who had nothing to do with 9-11 but were conquered for some other reason?

What I am saying to you is that I am adjusting my thinking.  I am always seeking the truth.  Sometimes I can reach a false conclusion based on apparent evidence I have seen but I can adjust my thinking to come closer to the actual truth and that is what I am attempting to do in this post.

In summary, what I am saying is that I am more suspicious that they purposely killed large numbers of Americans during 9-11 to provide justification for starting wars in the middle east and if so that makes the perpetrators absolutely evil.  It also makes the people in the U.S. Government who allowed this to happen absolutely evil, including George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and many others.  So I am still learning and hopefully in the process of learning I will come closer to the actual truth of the matter.

The Two Worlds Paradigm example of October 7

 Two Worlds Paradigm

False World Explanation:

On October 7, 2023 the terrorist organization Hamas brutally murdered over a thousand Israeli citizens and kidnapped hundreds of innocent Israeli citizens and brought them back to Gaza to hold them hostage.  Israel was a completely innocent victim in this unprovoked attack.  It had no foreknowledge of it and was caught completely by surprise. Israel is the victim of Hamas and by extension a victim of the Palestinian people who chose Hamas to represent them.  Hamas and the Palestinian people are evil.  Israel is innocent and good and the victim that is forced to defend itself against evil terrorism inflicted upon it.  Israel only wants peace.

Real World Explanation:

October 7 was a planned PSYOP by Mossad and Israel.  Hamas is a Mossad asset, secretly controlled by the Mossad.  The number of dead Israelis (if there are any actual dead) is much less than the number (((they))) say died.  The true purpose of this PSYOP is to destroy the Palestinian people in both Gaza and the West Bank and to steal their land.  Israel wants war and conquest of the Palestinian people.  It seeks the destruction and/or exportation of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank and the annexation of all their land for Israel. Israel and the Mossad were fully aware of October 7 before it happened because they made it happen and then made themselves look like a victim to the world. Israel is guilty of using this as a pretext to murder tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian people which they have done. Israel purposely manipulated the Palestinian people to choose Hamas (which Israel controls) to represent them. Hamas is a puppet for the Mossad and Israel.  It does not and has never represented the Palestinian people.  It does the bidding of the Mossad. Israel wants only war and conquest over the Palestinian people. It does not want peace. It wants conquest. 

How can I expose this PSYOP?  Let us begin with an article by Seymour Hersh.

Seymour Hersh questions October 7

The Mysteries of October 7

Questions asked by Seymour Hersh:

1. Why did Hamas stage an early morning raid on October 7 in what turned out to be a series of unguarded kibbutzim in Israel South?

2. Why were only a few Israeli soldiers on duty that morning?

Anomalies pointed out by Seymour Hersh:

1. Prime Minister Natenyahu is saying nothing about Israel's failure to defend its citizens.

2. There was no Israeli army presence in the kibbutzim and villages under attack for at least 8 hours.

3. It has been widely reported that Israel, at the instigation of Prime Minister Natenyahu, was financing Hamas.

Seymour Hersh is obviously not a red pilled person but at least he points out some strange anomalies and asks valid questions about October 7.  We will look deeper into the concept of October 7 being a Mossad PSYOP.

October 7 was an Inside Job

October 7 was an Inside Job   <== MUST SEE VIDEO!!!

More to Come

Avoid Wikipedia

Regarding the Two Worlds Paradigm and Wikipedia, you can always find the False World explanation on Wikipedia for a topic of any controversy.  If you want to know what the Establishment lie is, look at Wikipedia.

As I have said before more than once, teams of Jews edit the Wikipedia pages to state the Establishment/Jewish lie on many topics. You should never use Wikipedia as a legitimate source of information for this reason. You should instead completely avoid using Wikipedia as I do.  It is the Jewish lie.