Friday, October 11, 2024

An Observation


So lately I have been going down the rabbit hole of the Oklahoma City Bombing and the brutal murder of Terrance Yeakey and some observations come to my mind.  I want to record these while I see them.  It is time to step back to see the forest for the trees and these two cases are a perfect opportunity to do that.

Terrance Yeakey discovered the Real World the hard way.  He discovered who controls that world.  He discovered that the police department who he worked for was controlled by (((them))). He discovered the FBI was controlled by (((them))).  He discovered that the ATF was controlled by (((them))).  He discovered that the False World was just a deception once he crossed the line from being just a clueless pawn into someone who was trying to expose (((them))). 

Question:  Who killed Terrance Yeakey?

Answer:  Evil Jews. The CIA. The FBI. The Mossad.  The U.S. Federal Government. All of those are encapsulated in the Jewish Snake that I have been describing on this Blog from Day one.

What are the attributes of the Jewish Snake? They are manifold:

It controls the U.S. Federal Government and many other governments across the world. All the major governments are controlled by it.

It controls the CIA.

It controls the FBI

It controls the ATF

It controls the Mossad

It has infiltrated and subverted and controls law enforcement on all levels.  What this means is that law enforcement will never investigate or prosecute the Snake. I have described this before many times.  Law Enforcement applies to humanity. It does not apply to the Snake.

It is unspeakably evil.  When you think of evil Satanists, think of these people.

They have no morality.  They have no conscience. 

They love power and they love control. That is their main attributes, but they also love corruption. 

They use Lies and Deception to control.

They control the main stream media.

They control the money.  They have endless finances to accomplish whatever goals they desire.

They are associated with the nation of Israel.

Tear off the mask and this is the Jew. Perhaps not all Jews are like this but the evil ones who control the U.S. and the world are exactly as I have described in the above and the below.

It loves assassination.

It loves Chaos.

It loves murder

It loves terrorism.

It loves war.

It hates Peace.

It hates natural love and wants to replace that with sexual perversion

It only worships power and control and money and corruption and lust. 

So I open your eyes to the true nature of the Jewish Snake.

IMO J. Edgar Hoover was fully aware of the Jewish Snake when he said this. His words are exactly what I would use to describe this evil.

What did they do in the case of the Oklahoma City Bombing? They planted a bomb under a daycare center and detonated it.  They willfully murdered babies.

What did they do in the case of Terrance Yeakey? They could have easily killed Terrance Yeakey in a quick and easy manner but instead they tortured him.  They dragged him behind a vehicle by a rope around his neck.  They murdered him in the most vicious and brutal way imaginable.  And then they called it suicide.

They are evil.  They are beyond evil. If there is a literal Satan, these people represent Satan.

We have seen them before in the following cases:

In the JonBenet Ramsey murder where they brutally strangled and murdered an innocent six year old girl.

In the JFK Assassination, where they slaughtered an innocent man in the most brutal way imaginable and used his own wife to do it.

In the RFK Assassination.

In many other Assassinations.

In the murders of the three Apollo 1 Astronauts

In the murder of Thomas Baron and his family

In countless murders

In World War 1

In World War 2

Hopefully this is not too much red pill for you to swallow but you need to clearly see the forest for the trees. I am here to show you what I see and in the process hopefully open your eyes to (((them))). Because we all need to see (((them))) at all times.  Even though they love to hide in the shadows and let others do their dirty work for them, we must always see (((them))). 

Do you see (((them)))?


  1. “It loves war.
    It hates peace.”
    Very true. Today, I read new articles about many men in Ukraine being raided by the police and the military to force them into service despite their unwillingness. It is disheartening. Why are there wars? Why is there militaries? Why can't all countries live in peace without any military and stupid, meaningless wars? The controlled/Jewish leaders want wars and conflicts to make the goyim suffer.

    1. Jews have instigated many wars. Jews instigated WW1 and WW2. Jews are trying to instigate WW3 now. Humanity wants peace but the Jews want chaos and war because they benefit from it. Notice I separate Jews from humanity because I see them as a different animal. Without the malevolent Jewish influence there would be world peace. Peace is the natural order of things but we live in a very unnatural world where Jews control in secret. Its a secret from most but more and more people are coming to an awakening about the Jews. I am doing my part to bring about this great awakening that is long overdue. The Jews are evil. What more can I say? They prove it every single day.
