John Christopher Stevens (April 18, 1960 – September 11, 2012) was an American career diplomat and lawyer who served as the U.S. Ambassador to Libya from May 22, 2012, to September 11, 2012. Stevens was killed when the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked by members of Ansar al-Sharia on September 11–12, 2012.
Stevens was allowed to be murdered by the Obama Administration. Stevens requested extra security before his death which was purposely denied. Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, General Petraeus and Obama watched drone footage for nearly seven hours as Stevens and his party were murdered. Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, General Petraeus and Obama blocked AFRICOM Commander, General Ham and Commander of Carrier Task Force 3, Admiral Gayouette from rescuing the Stevens contingent, and then had both men arrested when they tried to disobey orders and rescue Stevens in violation of executive orders from the Obama Administration. This was an act of Treason and Treachery by the Obama Administration.
Sacrificed At the Altar Of Obama: CIA Assets Ordered to “Stand Down” During Libya Attacks; Delta Force Spec Ops Waited For Hours For Deployment Orders
These two brave American Patriots attempted to save Ambassador Stevens but they were prevented from doing so. They were both relieved of command and arrested because of their attempted violation of the Commander in Chief's orders, which were to stand down and do nothing.
General Carter Ham
Although Ambassador Stevens was intentionally murdered, he was not an innocent, honest man. Stevens oversaw an illegal arms pipeline from Libya to Syria as part of Operation Timber Sycamore designed to overthrow the Assad government in Syria.
A question for the red pilled is this:
How did Ambassador Steven's involvement in Operation Sycamore lead to his death? That is a very relevant question to ask. I perceive there is a direct connection between Steven's involvement in this operation and his death and this also relates to why the Obama Administration "sacrificed" Stevens and his party.
Other questions for the red pilled:
Why did the Obama Administration sacrifice the lives of these four Americans and not allow assistance to be sent to them? Why did the Obama Administration relieve of command the two U.S. military members (Ham and Gayouette) who tried to provide assistance? What dark secrets are being covered up here?
General Ham permanently relieved of Command
This has all been swept under the rug, but AFRICOM head General Carter Ham was permanently relieved of command because he defied orders from the Pentagon to stand down and provide no help to the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi which was under terrorist attack. Ham, a true American patriot, ignored the stand down orders and readied a response team to assist the U.S. Embassy under attack. Within minutes Ham was relieved of duty by his second in command and placed under arrest. This is a clear case of Treason but the U.S. Government and U.S. military is full of treason. And the Congressional committees that should have investigated this incident have all shown themselves to be traitors too, hiding the truth from the American people instead of revealing it. The entire U.S. Government is guilty of Treason to the American people. It is fit only for being overthrown by true American Patriots.
Admiral Gayouette Fired by Obama
Like General Ham, Admiral Gayouette defied stand down orders and worked with General Ham (AFRICOM head) to provide assistance to the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi under terrorist attack. Like Ham, Gayouette was quickly relieved of command and placed under arrest. He was later fired by Obama. This whole treasonous incident has been swept under the rug to this day and nobody talks about it. Practically nobody even knows about it because the MSM told the public nothing about this. Where are the true American patriots who know what is going on and do nothing to expose it? How long will the treason go on? How long will the bad guys get away with what they are doing? Where are the Heroes who should be speaking up and yet are conspicuously silent? Are there any heroes left in the U.S. military? I wonder.
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