So various people have sent me e-mails requesting the PDF of the Jewish Master Plan that I created based on a post I created on this Blog that Google (Jewish) forcibly unpublished without my consent. Obviously I got too close to some truth in that post that the Jewish censors at Google felt compelled to censor it. I sent that PDF to many people but I lost the PC it was on and no longer have access to it. But the good news is that I am in a position now to create a much better post describing the Jewish Master Plan as I see it. I see much more now than I did earlier and so I am able (with God's help) to document what the Jews have planned for the future of the world for all non Jews who want to know it. In this post I will document everything that God has shown me. God is still showing me many things about the Jewish Master Plan and so I really need to document these things in one place for non Jews to reference. I will do the best I can to describe what the Jews have planned in multiple areas. I will pin this post to my important posts section so people can easily find it.
Before I go on I want to state clearly that this plan does not have to become reality but it will unless non-Jews wake up and do something to stop it. This is what Jews have planned for the world but non-Jews can rise up and stop it once enough of them become awake to what is going on. I am doing my part to help bring on that awakening.
Killing/Exporting Palestinians
The Jewish Master Plan is to kill as many Palestinians as they can get away with in Gaza and the West Bank, deport the rest, Annex Gaza and the West Bank so the land becomes part of Israel and to settle Israeli citizens on the land once occupied by Palestinians. The end Goal is for there to be no Palestinians at all in Palestine and that all of Palestine is Israel and occupied by Jews. This is the real purpose of the October 7 PSYOP.
Creation of New Israel in Ukraine
The Jewish Master Plan is that a "new Israel" be created on the territory of the current country of Ukraine. The Russian - Ukraine wars (ongoing) are all about depopulation of the native Ukranian population who are not wanted in "new Israel". Many are being killed off in the war. Those who are not killed off will be forced to move from the territory of "New Israel" to go to the North of it. Jews have planned for the first settlers from the current Israel to arrive in "new Israel" late in this decade around 2029. The Ukranian government, the Russian government, the U.S. government, the U.K. government and the governments of western Europe are all in on this plan. Behind the scenes, Jews control both the Russian government and the western governments as controlled opposition to each other. At the highest levels, these governments are all ran by Jews and serve long-term Jewish interests in secret. All of this is kept from the people but only the Jews know what they are doing.
The Jewish Master Plan is for this New Israel or Heavenly Jerusalem as it is also known to the capital of the entire world under Jewish control.
A mass reduction of non-Jews
The Jewish Master Plan is that there be a massive reduction in the number of Jews living in the world that Jews consider their own. This reduction will be brought about by multiple methods. Some of the methods I have identified are:
1. Wars engineered by Jews between non-Jewish nations. This is happening now in the Russia - Ukraine war.
2. Purposely releasing known diseases among non-Jewish populations to kill them.
3. Purposely creating bio-weapons in Jewish labs that are lethal to non-Jews but not to Jews and releasing them in non-Jewish populations.
4. Forced vaccinations to deliver Jewish bio-weapons to non Jews. This is what the Plandemic was about. These vaccinations are not to help the people but to kill them, permanently damage them, make them infertile, etc. There will be future Plandemics if the Jews get their way.
5. Spreading various poisons to non Jews in food, in the air (e.g. chem trails), in water, and in many other ways.
Creation of Greater Israel in Middle East
The Jewish Master Plan is to create Greater Israel in the Middle East that occupies much of current Syria and takes a part of other current nations. The Jews have no respect at all for these non Jewish Nations except to assimilate them into the nefarious Jewish plans for the world.
The Death of the White Race
The Jewish Master Plan is to eliminate the White Race world-wide.
Tyrannical One World Government
The Jewish Master Plan is to create a One World Government. In fact, this One World Government already exists but it rules in secrecy. The Jewish Master Plan is for this One World Government to be revealed to all of the remaining humanity. This One World Government will be a tyrannical dictatorship very much like the Bolshevik Government that took control of Russia in 1917. What happened to Russia in 1917 is what the Jews want to happen on a world wide basis.
The Destruction of Religion
The Jewish Master Plan is to destroy Christianity and all other Religion. Currently Jews are exploiting Christianity for their own purposes so non Jews look favorably on Jews and Israel but once they no longer have a need to do that, the Jews plan to completely outlaw Christianity as was done in the USSR after the Bolshevik Revolution. The Jews are anti Religion because Religion interferes with (((their))) control over the people. The long term goal is no Religion at all.
Different Laws for non-Jews
The Jewish Master Plan is that there be one set of Laws for Jews and a different set of Laws for non-Jews. Non-Jews will be greatly restricted on what they are free to do in a Jewish world, including not being allowed to own property (see next section).
Transfer of all Property to Jews
The Jewish Master Plan is that all property and wealth all over the world will belong to Jews. Whatever property and wealth that non-Jews have will be stolen from them, likely by (Jew owned) government decree. In the world of the future, non-Jews will be prohibited from owning any property at all. They will be able to rent from Jewish landlords but they will not be able to own any property or land. Ownership of property and land will be reserved for Jews only. The deeds that non-Jews have stating they own their property will become null and void.
More to Come
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