Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A First Look at the 2020 Nashville Bombing


So one of the commenters here asked me to look into the 2020 Nashville Bombing, which I have literally known nothing about.  My main focus has been the big Deceptions such as the JFK Assassination, the Apollo Moon Landings, 9-11 and Sandy Hook but I am certain there are many more deceptions of a smaller scale that I have missed and this may be one of them.  

I have just started looking into it and what I saw got me curious enough to want to start this thread.  Let me just say this before I get started going down this rabbit hole.  I do not trust most sources of information to be accurate.  These include Wikipedia of course and also all of the big Jewish newspapers (Washington Post, New York Times, etc.) and all the other Jewish news organizations. I completely ignore all those when searching for the truth. Besides these I do not trust many other sources of information to be legitimate, knowing what kind of country the USA really is.  The kind of sources I look for are the smaller independent sources who are really looking for the truth.  So I will be looking for those in the context of this incident, which may not be a deception at all.  I cannot say at this point if this just an attack by a lone nut as the Establishment is trying to paint it or if there is a deeper story here waiting to be uncovered.  But in so many cases there is a deeper story.  There is a story for the False World and a different story entirely for the Real World.  How many times have I shown that on this Blog?

But I will begin to dig into this to try to determine what the truth is, because this Blog is all about the Truth.  I care not one whit about propaganda.  My only motive for creating this Blog is to expose the truth the way I see it and I will do that on this post also.

So one thing I observe right away about this is a massive number of links all saying the same thing, which is that this was just a lone nut and nothing to see here.  That right there gets me suspicious that there is another story that is being buried.  It may be difficult to find that story buried under a million disinformation links but I suspect it is there.

Here are some initial links into this story that may or not be accurate but its from a local newspaper in Tennessee so I would expect to find more honesty there than from a source like the Washington Post:

Apparent Facts

One thing I try to do in any story I am investigating is to separate the actual facts from the propaganda or BS that the Establishment wants me to believe, so in this section I will list those apparent facts as I find them.

A witness said she awoke at about 4:30 a.m. Christmas morning after hearing what sounded like multiple rounds of loud, rapid-fire gunshots.

The bomb (if it was a single bomb) was apparently inside an RV parked outside of an AT&T facility.

Then, she said, she heard a repeated warning from the RV. A woman's voice warned downtown residents to evacuate before the Christmas morning explosion that rocked Nashville. “Evacuate now. There is a bomb. A bomb is in this vehicle and will explode,” she remembers the recorded warning saying.

Then, she said, the voice started a 15-minute countdown. “Whoever did it did give fair warning,” the witness said.

Although a man (Anthony Warner) is identified by authorities as the perp in this case, the recorded voice giving the warning of a bomb was that of a woman.

Later the witness saw a huge fireball fly over the AT&T building on second avenue.

The song “Downtown” by Petula Clark was playing from the RV right before the blast.

The bombing disabled a major communication network because it occurred near a significant AT&T facility. CNN reported that it knocked out much of the region’s wireless service and that authorities are investigating whether it was the bomber’s target.

In this case and all the other cases I investigate, I am not much interested in what they want me to know or believe.  Instead I am interested in knowing what they don't want me to know or believe.  I am always looking for the other story that the Jewish MSM is not telling. Now I am not saying in this case there is a hidden story but I am still investigating it.  Since I have seen deception in so many other cases I am expecting there to be deception of some kind in every case I look at.  

If you have any information or insights into this case, please leave a comment.

More to Come

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