Wednesday, October 16, 2024

General Thomas McInerney is a Snake.


Snakes on a plane?  How about Snakes in the U.S. Government?  The man pictured above, retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney has been outed as a Snake in this post. My thanks to the good people at Veterans Today for exposing this snake.  He is far from the only Snake in the U.S. Government but just one of many enemies to the American people who has sold his soul to the evil Rothschilds. 

The reason I am making this separate post about him is because I was doing a little more digging into him and it turns out he has been involved in other evil things, such as in the following link:

This retired three-star falsely claims US soldiers died attacking a CIA facility in Germany tied to election fraud

In his unfounded version of events, U.S. special operations forces died in an attack on a CIA computer facility in Germany that was hiding information about a massive, covert effort to flip votes from President Donald Trump to his opponent, Joe Biden.  This was during the 2020 election. 

But even though big Army and U.S. Army Special Operations Command have told Military Times that there was no such attack, or loss of life, retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney is sticking by his claims.

They became so widely distributed on social media that numerous accounts on Twitter falsely claimed that five soldiers killed in a Sinai helicopter crash were really killed in the firefight with the CIA.

“President Trump won in a landslide and the Dems left so many footprints that this TREASON must be stopped!!!,” he told Military Times. “This will be the last free election we have and I predicted it on 2 Nov on the Steve Bannon Show!”

So what we see is that McInerney is a Trump supporter falsely claiming like his Zionist Boss that Trump won by a landslide and the election was stolen. So a known Snake and liar is telling the exact same story another Snake and liar by the name of Donald J. Trump is telling.  Color me surprised.

There is a JEWISH agenda to all this to be sure.  You can be certain that Jews are involved in this.

This man is a Rothschild agent embedded in the U.S. Establishment.  I say one of many Rothschild agents embedded in the U.S. Establishment.  He is not working for the American people although he pretends to be.  I know someone else like that who is running for President in 2024 but let's not give that drama queen any more attention than we have to.

McInerney is part of the Deep State shadow government and he supports Trump.  I thought Trump was supposed to be an enemy of the Deep State. Wrong.  Trump is part of the Deep State as much as anyone can be.  And there are some Americans who call themselves Patriots who support this man and plan to vote for him in November. How easily American Patriots are deceived by a lying deceptive con man. I along with many others have done our best to wake up the American people about Trump but unfortunately millions of Americans do not get it.  I am sorry they are so deceived. 

But back to McInerney. There is more to learn about this man. Please see the following link:

General Thomas McInerney and the Military-Industrial Complex

Like I said, once a Snake gets revealed, they reveal themselves over and over again. They cannot help but do so because they are acting as an Agent for others.

More to Come

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