Monday, October 28, 2024

Recommended Web Sites List

So in my journey to find the truth and spread the truth, I find I am not alone in this task. Others are doing what I am doing, seeing the truth and spreading the truth.  They may not be doing it in exactly the same way I am but they are all speaking the truth in their own voices and I commend them for it.  They are doing God's Will, in opposition to the evil Jewish will of Lies and Deception that most of the internet is. 

But here is a short list of web sites I have discovered that are speaking the truth. As I find new web sites speaking the truth I will post them here. Also, if I discover one of these web sites is lying or deceptive I will remove it from this list. Because no Jewish deceiver belongs on this list.

Aangirfan Aangirfan

Aletho News Aletho News

Anthony Colpo

Birth of a New Earth Blog Birth of a New Earth Blog – Creating our own New World – Leaving Evil Behind

Caitlin Johnstone Caitlin Johnstone – Daily writings about the end of illusions.

The Website of Carlos Whitlock Porter

Center for an Informed America The Center for an Informed America | The Internet's Best Source for Disinformation-free News and Commentary!

Christians for Truth Christians For Truth | The Truth Will Set You Free

Concise Politics Concise Politics -- Your Time should NOT be wasted. | Because you don't have time for the EXTRANEOUS BS! Please Comment at Bottom

Covert Action Magazine Home - CovertAction Magazine

David Erickson

DecentraliseP’s Substack DecentraliseP’s Substack | Decentralise Party | Substack

Due Diligence and Art

Francis's Substack Francis’s Substack | Francis O'Neill | Substack

Gang Stalking Mind Control Cults Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults – Exposing and Defeating Organized Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults – Webmaster: Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, Stanislaus

Gary D Barnett - Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Global Delinquents Global Delinquents | Kit Klarenberg | Substack

Globalists vs Humanity Globalists Versus Humanity | Binky LaRue | Substack

History Heist HISTORY HEIST – Taking Back Our Stolen History

Interest of Justice Interest of Justice | Substack

Lies your Teacher Taught You LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU

Michael's Substack Michael’s Substack | Substack

Mint Press News MintPress News

Mothman777's Blog Mothman777's Blog | A different perspective, suggestions for a better way of life for a better future for all

News Follow Up Plandemic/JFK assassination/9-11 Truth all connected

Off Guardian OffGuardian – because facts really should be sacred

Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti

Peace of Mindful Piece of Mindful – How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again! (Mark Twain)

Reverent Merrick’s Truthful Righteous Indignation Substack Reverent Merrick’s Truthful Righteous Indignation Substack | Substack

Spectral-Effect I Told You So – Making Philosophy Great Again.

Stand for Truth Blog - Stand For Truth

Terra Times

The Toll Online – Nothing is transient. Restitutions are inevitable. All prices must be paid. All collections will be made.

The Unz Review The Unz Review • An Alternative Media Selection - The Unz Review

Uppity Upstart Uppity Upstart | Cat McGuire | Substack

Video Rebel's Blog Video Rebel's Blog | Just another site


Wide Awake Gentile Wide Awake Gentile | A fine site

Zion Crime Factory The Works and Research of ZionCrimeFactory

More to Come


  1. Other

  2. You might want to take vigilant citizen off that list, it seems I broke the forum by outing Jews, Islam and freemasonry.
    Even called out VC for what he/she is.

    Add to your list.

  3. I consider most of the above listed websites to be controlled opposition.
    One website you may want to check out is

    1. Which web sites on this list do you consider to be controlled opposition and why do you make that assessment of them?

    2. Just because a web site does not name the Jew does not make them controlled opposition.


