Monday, October 7, 2024

Two Worlds Paradigm example of the Apollo Moon Landings of 1969-73

Two Worlds Paradigm

False World Explanation:

NASA and the Government of the United States of America sent men to walk on the moon six different times starting in 1969 and ending in 1973, all during the Presidential term of Richard M. Nixon.  Before it sent U.S. Astronauts to walk on the moon, U.S. Astronauts orbited the moon.

Real World Explanation:

NASA and the Government of the United States of America staged a Hoax (or deception if you prefer that word) six different times starting in 1969 and ending in 1973, all during the Presidential term of Richard M. Nixon. The deception was that men walked on the actual moon when in reality agents walked on a moon like set on planet earth. The victims of this deception were not only the American people but all honest people of the world.  U.S. Astronauts never orbited the moon or got even close to the moon. 

I am updating my all my deception posts with all the latest information so everything gets included and everything is up to date.  Here is the previous post I made about this deception. I want to present the best possible information in this post to expose the lie that the U.S. Government has propagated and is still propagating to this day.  Once you become aware of their lies the U.S. Government and NASA are both revealed as shameless liars with no credibility whatsoever.  This is because Jewish liars and deceivers are running both the U.S. Government and NASA (and the CIA that also played a huge role in this deception). 

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon

There are many different ways to expose the very obvious lie of the Apollo Moon Landings which any thinking intelligent person can easily see through, but this video by Bart Sibrel is a great beginning to expose this Jewish BIG LIE.  And it is Jewish.  Even though people want to blame the U.S. Government and NASA for it, those are just False Fronts for the real perpetrators of this lie and those perpetrators are JEWISH.  But enough about that for now. Here is the great video by Bart Sibrel to open the eyes of anyone who still believes we sent men to the moon.  It is really fantastic to see someone expose this Jewish lie with such dignity and grace, which is why the Jews hate Bart Sibrel and smear him as they smear all people who speak the forbidden truth against (((them))).  

This video is getting increasingly difficult to find.  Jewtube is actively deleting it and also the Jews have created their own videos using this same name, so that when people search for this video they will find one of the Jew created videos.  This is the way of the Jewish Snake.  It censors and it creates its own lies and deceptions to hide the truth.  We know it very well.  

Fact: The three Apollo 11 U.S. Astronauts were all Freemasons

Click on the above image to see it in detail.  It is not a coincidence that all three of the Apollo 11 Astronauts were Freemasons because Freemasons instill in their members the importance of secrecy and not disclosing secret information.  Additionally, Freemasonry is Jewish at its core as I exposed in this post. Behind the scenes, Jews control Freemasonry and Freemasons.  Its one of the many front organizations that Jews use to conceal their world control.  So for the three men in the above image to all be Freemasons is not surprising to me at all.

The Apollo Program was a Simulation from Day One

The big truth that I discovered during my investigation into this is that the Apollo program was never intended to put men on the moon.  From Day one it was a simulation.  What do I mean by a simulation?   It was designed not to put men on the actual moon but to present a simulation to the American people and the entire world of a moon landing. From Day one. Understand that.  What this means is that when President Kennedy gave his 1962 speech saying "We intend to go to the moon" he knew damn well we were not going to the moon by the end of the decade.  Many people revere John F. Kennedy, including me, but he was not honest in this. But again, the big thing for people to know is that this program was never about putting men on the actual moon but to create a simulation of it that would be used to deceive.  Now you know.  Of course not everyone knew this nor did they have to know.  Some found out the hard way, like Gus Grissom and his two fellow Astronauts who were intentionally murdered because of what Gus Grissom did to expose the sham of the Apollo program. 

The CIA was very heavily involved in this Deception 

People think NASA was responsible for the Apollo moon landings but what people don't know is that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had a far bigger role in this deception than NASA did.  NASA was just the public face of the deception to deceive the public that the Apollo program was a legitimate mission to put U.S. Astronauts on the moon, but it was the CIA that was the private face of the deception.  So if you want to blame NASA for being a lying fraud (which it is), you should first blame the CIA as being far more guilty than NASA in this deception.  In fact, it can be said that NASA is a creation of the CIA that was meant to deceive from Day one.  Do you have an American flag?  Maybe now would be a good time to burn it once you become aware of what the U.S. really is and has been for a long time under Jewish control.

Massive corruption was involved in this deception

An enormous amount of American taxpayer money went into this deception.  For example, the three "Lunar Rovers" which were in reality just modified dune buggies cost sixty million dollars each.  That is just for these three dune buggies.  So just try to comprehend how much money was spent in the entire Apollo program.  Its astronomical.  Where did all this money go?  Into corrupt people's pockets.  A whole lot of corrupt people were involved in this and they all got very well paid for lying to and deceiving the American people and the world.  Really, you should burn that American flag. 

The Apollo 11 Astronauts never got above LEO

This is exposed by Bart Sibrel, but the three Apollo Astronauts actually did go into space but they never went above LEO (low earth orbit).  Their part in the deception was to pretend to be in space approaching the moon and landing on it but in reality they never went above earth orbit.  What this means is that those men in space suits we see in the NASA imagery are NOT these three U.S. Astronauts.  The men in those space suits were agents of the U.S. Government (likely CIA agents) and not the astronauts themselves.  The voices of the three U.S. Astronauts were used in the deception to make it appear the U.S. Astronauts were inside those space suits walking on the moon but the fact is the three Astronauts were in earth orbit and agents were filmed walking on a set made to appear as if it were the moon. 

The obvious sham of the Apollo Lunar Module

Click on the above image to see it in more detail.  Supposedly this was the spacecraft that landed on the moon and took off again but if you take a close look at this thing it appears obvious that this thing whatever it is has no ability to fly whatsoever.  It looks like some cheap prop that someone created in their basement.  Since the conspirators were stealing money hand over fist in this deception, you would think they would have spent more of it to create a more realistic looking spacecraft but no, they obviously think the American people are too stupid to ever see the truth (and for most Americans this is a sad reality). But this thing was just a prop in the deception. It never flew. It has no need to fly as a prop used in a deception.

The Flag that Flew Too Soon

Click on the above image to see it in better detail.  The hoax is exposed in a million different ways by many different people.  Any American who still believes man walked on the moon is a brainwashed idiot.  Fact: The USA is full of brainwashed idiots. 

A reflection that the CIA missed

Click on the above image to see it in better detail. A reflection is shown in the visor of one of the lights on the moon set.  The CIA was not nearly careful enough when they staged this deception to miss things like this.  Fortunately for the CIA most Americans are so brainwashed they would not believe what they see here even if it were pointed out to them.

The revealing Apollo 11 news conference

For those not convinced of the deception, a careful watching of the Apollo 11 news conference reveals that these men never went to the moon.  They know it.  At least some members of the audience (for example, the man who asked if they ever saw stars) appear to know it.  The look of these men is not what you would expect of three men who had just made the greatest accomplishment of mankind.  If the moon landing was real you would expect these men would be smiling, happy, jubilant and other positive emotions would be shown.  Instead what I see when I watch them in that video is shame, disgust, powerlessness, and some other negative emotions.  Now, it has been asked of me this question:

If they wanted to make the deception appear real, why did these men act so ashamed?  Why did they did not smile and pretend it was real as part of the deception?

This is a good revealing question to ask.  If they wanted to present a convincing deception then why not get the U.S. Astronauts to put on a better show that it was real?  All I can say is that these three men felt ashamed for being part of this hoax.  What I surmise is that they were led to believe it was real until the last moment when they discovered it was a deception and by that time they were forced to participate in it.  Perhaps threats were made against these men or their families to get them not to reveal the deception.  I cannot say.  All I can say is that these men look ashamed and guilty and perhaps even afraid (because they have been threatened).  Perhaps they know what really happened to the three Apollo 1 astronauts and others who tried to expose the lie and they do not want to end up dead too.  But it is my opinion that had they known all along it was a deception that they would have put on a much more convincing act during this press conference.  The fact that they did not tells me that they did not know until the very last that it was a deception.  Once they found out the truth, they were forced to participate in the lie but they did not like it.  It is noteworthy that all three of these men resigned shortly after this because they did not want to be part of this lie any longer.  So at least these men had a conscience.

Dave McGowan's exposure of this Deception

Dave McGowan was an honest researcher who exposed the deception of the Apollo Moon Landings, 9-11 and others.  Unfortunately it appears that he was murdered by giving him fast acting cancer by the Jewish Snake.  This is what the Jewish Snake does to people who get too close to the truth but I am not afraid because I am doing God's will here.  May the God of Truth protect me so I can spread the truth to the sleeping.

But here is a link to a very good PDF by Dave McGowan called Wagging the Moondoggie that exposes this deception in great detail.

Ralph Rene's exposure of this Deception

Ralph Rene was an author who exposed the deception of the Apollo Moon Landings in his book called "NASA mooned America!"  The following link is a PDF of that book.

NASA Mooned America! - Ralph Rene

Apollo Smoke and Mirrors

Here is another video called "Apollo Smoke and Mirrors" exposing the deception in a different way. 

The Murder of the three Apollo 1 Astronauts

It is important for me to state that the three Apollo 1 Astronauts (Gus Grissom, Roger Chaffee, Edward White) were intentionally murdered because Gus Grissom was exposing the sham of the Apollo program.  Others have posted about this truthfully on the internet as have I.  The main thing to know about this is that Gus Grissom was trying to expose that the Apollo program was a lie.  As a result there were threats made against him and his entire family.  The U.S. Secret Service started watching them.  The Apollo 1 "plugs out" test was not a legitimate test but a deliberate murder of all three Apollo 1 Astronauts not just to silence Grissom but to send a clear message to all other U.S. Astronauts in the Apollo program the price to be paid for trying to expose the deception.  The U.S. Government is murderous. But here is a link to a post of mine where I discuss Gus Grissom and what he did to expose the Apollo sham which resulted in his murder as well as the murder of Chaffee and White.

The Murder of Thomas Ronald Baron and his entire family

Thomas Ronald Baron was an inspector of the NASA Apollo program who wrote a very disparaging report about it and was scheduled to testify in front of Congress about his findings but before he could testify he and his entire family suddenly died.  In the False World, the car the family was in was "accidentally" hit by a train but in the Real World they were all murdered. Thomas Baron's 500 page report on the NASA Apollo program mysteriously disappeared.  As I said, the U.S. Government is murderous, especially when someone threatens to expose that it is really a treasonous snake to the American people.  It is far better that Thomas Baron and his family died than to have the credibility of the U.S. Government die by exposure of their lies and deception.  I have not created a Two Worlds Paradigm page about Thomas Baron yet but maybe I should.

Some Based comments

The rockets were real. They just couldn't send people to the moon so they spent a few days in orbit of Earth instead. Nasa filmed all the moon landings in a studio. Why do you think Neil Armstrong never said anything to anyone? NASA built a satellite to orbit the moon that sent pre-recorded video and audio back to earth and launched it just before Apollo 11 and then sent it to the moon when Apollo was in orbit of Earth, so people who tracked the signal would think it was really on the moon. The "moon rocks" are all earth rocks Wehner von Braun and his team brought back from Antartica that have been bombarded with x-rays and hit with high speed dust and dirt to simulate impacts on the moon. When they analyse all the moon rocks they say hey they're just like Earth rocks!!

Disinformation campaigns started by the Jews

There have been multiple disinformation campaigns started by the Jews to attempt to make the Apollo Moon Landings appear to be real and not fake.  I note these in the order I became aware of them.

Disinformation campaign 1:  Reflectors left on the moon.  One of the pieces of disinformation that the shills use to give false credibility to the Apollo moon landings FRAUD is the claim that reflectors were placed on the moon and that these are proof that the moon landings were real.  This is 100% disinformation.  They can no more prove the reflectors are there than they can prove anything else that was supposedly left on the moon by the Astronauts are there.  Its all Bullshit to keep the lie going for as long as they possibly can.

Disinformation campaign 2:  Aliens on the moon.  This Conspiracy theory says the Apollo Astronauts really went to the moon but they saw aliens there and that is why they look so upset at the Apollo 11 news conference.  Leave it to the Jews to create a lie so ridiculous to cover up another lie.  Nobody lies better than a Jew does.

Disinformation campaign 3:  The Earth is flat and space is not real.  When all their other lies have been exposed as lies, the last refuge for a lying Jew is this:  The Earth is flat and space is not real.  Denying reality is where the Jews go when cornered.  But whenever anyone tries to expose the moon landings as fake you will frequently find a shill will post the earth is flat or accuse the original poster of being a flat earther.  Again, nobody knows how to lie better than Jews and always with a completely straight face. 

The Apollo deception exposes 9-11

Once you understand the deception and fraud of the Apollo Moon Landings, then 9-11 becomes much easier to understand as a similar deception and fraud by the very same people.  Neither the Apollo moon landings missions nor 9-11 were legitimate.  They were both lies and deception and fraud, which the U.S. Government and the CIA were very heavily involved in.  One deception exposes another once your eyes are opened.  If you are an honest person who wants to know the truth, I am here to open your eyes.  While your brainwashing may prevent you from seeing what I am trying to tell you, it is time for you to wake up from your slumber now and realize that they have been lying to you for a LONG time and are still lying their asses off today.  It is time for all good honest people to wake up and recognize. Turn off the news which only feeds you 24-7 lies and disinformation and realize the kind of country the USA really is.  I call it the Land of the Lie because nobody lies like the USA lies and that is because Jews are running the U.S. Government. 

More to Come

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