Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of 9-11


The Two Worlds Paradigm

False World Explanation:

Islamic terrorists led by evil mastermind Osama Bin Laden made a very successful attack against the completely innocent United States of America.  Four passenger airliners were hijacked. Two were flown into WTC 1 and WTC 2.  One crashed into the Pentagon.  One crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Each of the planes was filled with innocent passengers who all met their untimely deaths on that fateful day.  WTC 1 and WTC 2 were both filled with people many of whom perished on that fateful day.  People died inside the Pentagon when the plane hit there.  All told over 3000 American citizens died that day in this tragic terrorist attack.  In addition to WTC 1 and WTC 2, another building WTC 7 also collapsed because it was so weakened by fires. 

Real World Explanation:

9-11 was not a terrorist attack against America or an attack of any kind.  Instead it was a PSYOP and a deception, much like the Apollo Moon Landings were a PSYOP and a deception.  The same people were involved in both of these PSYOPs. Osama Bin Laden, whoever he was, did not make a terrorist attack against America. The U.S. Government fully participated in this PSYOP just as they participated in the Apollo Moon Landings PSYOP.  The four hijacked passenger liners full of passengers are a deception as part of the PSYOP. No passengers inside four planes died. IMO at least one real plane was flown into WTC 1 or WTC 2 but it was a remote controlled plane and had nobody living inside of it when it crashed into one of the towers. In other cases the planes shown on television were CGI. No plane crashed into the Pentagon but apparently a missile (a U.S. missile) did. WTC 1, 2 and 7 had been completely evacuated at the time of their collapses.  Nobody died inside these three buildings because they were empty. Some people may have died in this incident.  For example, it may be true that the DOD accounting office in the Pentagon may have been destroyed by a missile and people died in that OR it could be that this is also deception and nobody died in the Pentagon, just as nobody died in the twin towers. WTC 1, 2 and 7 were all brought down by controlled demolition.  WTC 7 was brought down by a more perfect controlled demolition than WTC 1 and 2.  All three buildings had been set up for controlled demolition before 9-11-2001.

Building 7

Building 7 (or WTC 7 as it is commonly referred to) collapsed straight into its own foot print and yet it was not hit by "a plane" unlike WTC 1 and 2. While the Jewish MSM showed WTC 1 and 2 falling over and over and over and over again, strangely the Jewish MSM said very little about the WTC 7 collapse.  Why this would be is a no brainer.  Here was a building that was actually reinforced that had not been hit by any "plane" that collapsed exactly like a controlled demolition.  In fact, the Building 7 collapse is as good as any controlled demolition has ever been. And the only excuse that the lying snakes could come up with to explain this perfect collapse is that this building had been weakened by fires.  Even a blind idiot could see through this obvious lie so the Jewish MSM just didn't talk about Building 7 outside of saying very briefly that it had collapsed.  That is how the Jews hid their very clumsy effort to make it appear as if the Building 7 collapse was legitimate.  Anyone even halfway awake can see it was not legitimate but the American people are blind and stupid and only pay attention to what the Jewish MSM tells them they need to know. Very sad to see the American people in such a deceived state.

September Clues

September Clues was my 9/11 red pill. Before I found it I was led around in circles endlessly looking at a thousand disinformation web sites. For a long time I just gave up trying to understand 9-11 because every lead I investigated led to a dead end.  It seemed I would never understand.  And then I found September Clues which opened my eyes like no other 9/11 web site I had looked at before did.  What was the difference in September Clues and the other web sites?  Very simple.  All the other web sites I had looked at before painted 9-11 as a false flag, meaning a real event.  But September Clues revealed 9-11 was a fake event. ie. a PSYOP.  Please see the following post:

9/11 Disinformation

One thing I became aware of when I was investigating 9-11 is that there is a HUGE amount of disinformation on the internet about it to make it appear as if it was a legitimate attack of some kind and not a PSYOP.  The deceivers would rather you believe 9-11 was a False Flag as long as you think it was a legitimate attack and not a PSYOP.  The truth is that 9-11 was NOT a False Flag. It was a PSYOP.  There are a million web sites out there, some of them very convincing I might add, that make it appear as if 9-11 was a real thing but it was not a real thing.  That is the big red pill about 9-11: that no matter how real it appears to be, it is not real.  It is a fraudulent PSYOP just as the Apollo moon landings were a fraudulent PSYOP.  Do not be deceived by the disinformation.  It is easy even for me to be deceived by disinformation and to be tempted to think of 9/11 as real and legitimate but I have already proven that it was not.  

Here is a post where I discuss this.

Urban Moving Systems

Urban Moving Systems was a Mossad front organization located in New York City. Incredibly, their trucks were emblazoned with an image of a plane flying into the twin towers.  See below image.

Five suspects from this company (all Mossad agents) were arrested by honest New York City LE. They were held and investigated by both the NYPD and apparently an honest part of the CIA before the investigations were suddenly stopped. The five Mossad agents were later quietly deported back to their native Israel by the Bush Administration. 

Lucky Larry Silverstein

Larry Silverstein (pictured above) is a Jewish real estate developer in New York City who had a lease on the World Trade Center complex.  He did not own the WTC complex but he merely had a 99 year lease for it from the true owner which was the New York City Port Authority.  Even though he was just leasing the complex and was not the owner, Silverstein took out a huge insurance policy on the the WTC complex specifically against a terrorist attack shortly before 9-11.  As a result, he got a huge pay off when 9-11 took place.  Not only did he get paid once, he got paid TWICE.  He claimed the "planes" flying into WTC 1 and 2 were two seperate attacks and a Jewish judge in NYC agreed with this. So Silverstein scored big monetarily off of 9-11.  In addition to this, Silverstein and his children went to the WTC every day.  They worked in the building(s).  But on the day of 9-11 they mysteriously were not there.  Larry Silverstein was not there because he had a doctors appointment that he hadn't told anybody about.  His kids also were not there.  So luckily for them, they survived the "terrorist attack" on 9-11-2001 and Larry got a huge payout over it.  When I see a picture of Larry Silverstein, the word cockroach comes into my mind for some reason but to compare Larry to a cockroach would be an insult to cockroaches everywhere.  Like many Jews, this man has no shame at all.

More to Come

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