Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Maybe Trump is the Chosen one after all


In a previous post I predicted that Harris was the Chosen one of the 2024 selection but when I see Trump making such statements as this I began to reconsider my position.

First of all let me state very clearly for all to know that I have the most condemnation for Donald J. Trump that I could possibly have.  This man is unlike anything I thought I would ever see in my lifetime.  He is like a bad penny that you cannot get rid of no matter how hard you try.

I have stated before that Donald Trump is a Jew and I really believe that.  In the False World he is just a corrupt Zionist but in the Real World he is a Jew, a Freemason and very likely a Satanist.  He is controlled by the Mossad.  He is the worst Presidential candidate this country has ever seen and IMO ever will see.

I have been paying attention to what this madman has been saying and I would put nothing past him.  If he makes statements like this in public, then what are the odds that he and the Jew controlled Republican Party are going to pass new Anti Semitism Laws to forbid "hate speech" against Jews?  It is in my opinion very high.  The entire Republican party is owned by Jews and is doing the bidding of Jews. If they get "in power" again, then look out.  It would mean very bad things not just for America but for the entire world.  It would be a green light to Israel to go wild.  It would mean the forcible overthrow of Iran certainly.

I am certainly one of the Jew Haters (even though I don't hate all Jews, just the corrupt ones which is the majority of them) that Donald Trump is referring to who does nothing to help corrupt Jew controlled America and yes, he would probably want to forcibly deport me if he could get away with such a thing.  He cannot do it now, but just imagine a scenario where America goes to war and martial law is declared in the USA with Trump as the President.  Can you imagine that nightmare?  I can.  With Jews being in control as they are, anything is possible.  Remember, Donald Trump said that if you vote for him this time you will never have to vote again.  He said it several times and never explained to anyone what he meant.  Maybe I know what he meant.

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