Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of the Sandy Hook School Shooting


Two Worlds Paradigm

False World official explanation:  

Adam Lanza, the son of an NRA member took some of the guns his mother owned (which were big assault type weapons) and drove to the elementary school where his mother was employed as a teacher and viciously murdered twenty innocent first graders and multiple adults in one of the most tragic and horrendous school shootings in America's history. Twenty innocent young lives were snuffed out that day including the boy pictured at the top of this post, Noah Pozner.  This was a senseless tragedy and a reason why big assault type weapons need to be banned to prevent things like this from happening ever again.  

Real World official explanation:  

There was no school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary.  This school was not a functional school in 2012 but it was just being used for storage. No children and no adults died that day. Adam Lanza is a fictional character as part of a PSYOP who never existed in reality. The woman playing the role of his mother is a real woman whose name is definitely not Lanza.  She is one of the human actors in this PSYOP.  None of the names of the people portrayed in this PSYOP are their real names.  These are entirely fictional names as part of the PSYOP but the people in the PSYOP are real. The boy pictured at the top of this post is Jewish and his name is Michael Vabner.  At the time of the alleged shooting he was 12 or 13 but they used his childhood pictures in the PSYOP to make it appear he was only 6 at the time he was allegedly shot.  Far from being shot and killed, Michael Vabner is alive and well as are all the rest of the 20 "child victims" of this PSYOP. 

The Alex Jones Clown Show

Unless you have not been paying attention at all you will know that Alex Jones, the man pictured above was recently sued for like a billion dollars and forced to admit that the Sandy Hook School Shooting was, in his words, very real. Alex Jones is a Jew and a disinformation agent. The way Alex Jones deceives is that he tells the truth about some things and then later discredits that truth by doing such things as wearing tinfoil on his head, acting like an idiot on camera, making outrageous claims that are obvious lies, etc.  So he makes a pretense of being a truther but his purpose is not to tell the truth. His purpose is to discredit the truth. Him and Infowars are nothing but disinformation.  But in the case of Sandy Hook, this man is part of a ruse that has him and Infowars being sued for some ungodly amount of money over Sandy Hook and then publicly recanting what he said earlier about Sandy Hook being a lie and deception.  Need I say that Alex Jones is a complete scumbag? What is sad to see is that some people who should know better are defending Alex Jones over his "unfair treatment". They see Alex Jones as an honest man and victim. I roll my eyes at such blue pilled idiots defending Alex Jones who cannot see the forest for the trees. Whenever you see someone defending Alex Jones you know you are in the presence of a shill or an idiot.  Close that web site immediately lest you be deceived.  

Christmas 2009 Event

A very important event happened on Christmas day 2009 when many of the Sandy Hook "families" that would approximately three years later participate in the Sandy Hook Hoax were given free houses by the U.S. Government in return for their participation in the later Sandy Hook School Shooting deception. Specifically, residential and county property existing mortgages in the Newtown, Connecticut area were paid off on CHRISTMAS DAY, 2009 by the government as a bribe for the community’s participation in the later scam.  The following link discusses this:

Tax records prove that families involved in the Sandy Hook school shooting were given free houses for Christmas 2009

From that link: The whole town of Sandy Hook was bought off on Christmas Day 2009

Now please watch the video shown in the following link:

Sandy Hook School Shooting Actors Got FREE Houses' - 2014

The GE/CIA connection

Although most people are completely unaware of it, there is a connection between the Corporation General Electric (GE) and the Sandy Hook School Shooting Deception.  In this section I explore this connection. 

Some facts:

The CIA has a definite involvement in this deception. Where there is deception, there is the CIA or the Mossad.  Nobody should be surprised that the CIA is involved in Sandy Hook.  

GE is a CIA front organization.  See this link.

The HQ for GE used to be in Fairfield, CT before moving to Boston. The distance between Fairfield and Newtown is only 24.9 miles.

GE Suprise: 15 million dollars for Newtown

GE Halts Financing to Gun Shops following Sandy Hook

"Peter Lanza", father of the fake shooter "Adam Lanza" was an executive at the GE HQ at Fairfield, CT. 

Usage of Fake Names

What is important for you to know is that although this was a completely fake event, real people were used in this PSYOP but all the names of the actors are not their real names.  They are all using Fake names to conceal their true identities. So if you attempt to look up any of these people using their PSYOP names you will come up with nothing. For example, Robbie Parker. But all the alleged dead children are under fake names.  The dead adults are fake names. The parents of the allegedly slain children are using fake names. The family of the fictional Adam Lanza are using fake names.  Basically everyone you can think of in the deception is using a fake name. This is common to all PSYOPs and nobody should be surprised at this information. 

External Links

What follows are some external links exposing this deception. Please note that it is getting increasingly difficult to find these. For whatever reason the Jewish Snake really does not want people to know that this was a deception and they are going all out on the disinformation front, as evidenced by the recent Alex Jones clown show.  There are a million links on the internet saying Sandy Hook was a real school shooting and every single one of them are lying.  Here are some links teling the truth about Sandy Hook

The Sandy Hook Elementary shooting Deception in images

A based comment found in the above link:

The Sandy hook Hoax event was planned in advance by as early as three years when residential and county property existing mortgages in the Newtown, Corrupticut area were paid off on CHRISTMAS DAY, 2009 by the government as a bribe for the community’s participation in a government gun control scam contrived by then Atty. Gen., Eric Holder, who ,in a speech made to the Women’s Democratic Committee in 1994, felt that federal education departments weren’t investing enough of their resources on brainwashing people about guns in a vastly different way. The end result was a Two-day Capstone Homeland Security/FEMA planned active shooter drill exercise consisting of provisions that included pallets of bottled water, pizza deliveries, port-a-johns, 26 unsold Christmas trees, name tags on lanyards, and a D.O.T. trailer-mounted led road sign that told everyone where to check in. Which all took place at the local volunteer fire dept. that blocked the entrance to an abandoned elementary school that was closed since 2008 and was being used for storage, where students in a single conga line were seen evacuating the school from a staged photo taken two months earlier, that went live in the media on Dec. 14, 2012 as a real event utilizing a synthetic community of crisis actors to portray ’parents’ who faked the death of their child and collected $281,000 a piece from fake donation websites setup three days before the event for their ’pain and suffering’, who later complained that they wanted more money after the fact. (The same ’parents’ who couldn’t even identify their own kid EVEN IF they were singing at the Super Bowl). This event was brought to you by Obama, Eric Holder, Homeland Security/FEMA, the state of Corrupticut including the Governor, Dan Malloy(who stated on live t.v. that he and his Lt. Governor had ’been spoken to that something like this might play itself out in his state’,...then denied ever making such a statement three years later after the event and that it wasn’t him), state, county, and local town agencies, and the citizens in and around Newtown. The fake victims and perpetrator(a figment antagonist created by photoshop based on younger photos of Ryan Lanza) used were merely younger photos of older children of said community that were seen alive in well in front of millions on t.v. around the world at a major sporting event just a month and a half later as the Sandy Hook Choir, singing behind pop singer and confirmed gun control advocate, Jennifer Hudson. The government made this fraudulent act legal due to Obama signing into law the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 shortly before the event that reverses the Smith-Mundt act of 1948 which originally banned the use of domestic propaganda for political purposes. And to invalidate earlier points mentioned above, there is this wonderful ’factual’ website entitled "Sandyhookfactsdotcom", operated by paid government shills, that boldly disguises itself as pure propaganda against documented factual exhibits mentioned above that this event really did happen with all it’s fabricated ’evidence’ glory to support the Shady Hoax FRAUD on the citizens of the U.S.

Unravelling Sandy Hook <== MUST WATCH FULLSCREEN

Some images

Click on the below images to see them larger.

What is the agenda?

A question that any honest person should ask when looking at this is: what is the real agenda of this deception?  I have spent some time analyzing this. I note that many of the actors in this deception were Jewish.  Many or most of the allegedly slain children and their families are Jewish.  So Jews play a big role in this deception.  Certainly the U.S. Government is behind this deception, but even more importantly, Jews are behind this deception. This is a Jewish deception, in which Jews played key roles in it.  The deception is Jewish and the agenda behind it is Jewish.  

What is that agenda?  Notice that in this deception "Adam Lanza" used big assault type weapons to murder all those Jewish first graders, so whatever the agenda is, it involved big assault type weapons.  Jews want to remove those weapons from the hands of American citizens.  Why would they want to do that?  I can only surmise that Jews are afraid that there is going to be a rebellion against them and their control over the U.S. Government.  They fear a revolt against them and their control over America.  They fear Revolution.  If there is a Revolution against Jewish control, these big assault type weapons would be used by Americans to fight back.  Jews are anticipating this and so they stage deceptions such as Sandy Hook as a way to erode the Second Amendment and get these big guns out of American hands so American citizens are defenseless to whatever Jews and the Jew owned U.S. Government want to do against them.  This is my take on this question. Its not about stopping gun violence. Its about destroying the Second Amendment to the Constitution because Jews want American citizens powerless to whatever the Jew owned U.S. Government wants to do. Do you see this?


Michael Vabner's image used in Pakistan shooting

One of the more bizarre things in this deception is that the childhood picture of Michael Vabner when he was approximately six years old was portrayed as a victim of an apparent shooting in Pakistan.  I have not investigated this alleged shooting in Pakistan to see if it was a genuine shooting or a deception like Sandy Hook but what I do know is that the image of Michael Vabner was used in it to make it appear he was a victim of this Pakistan shooting. Its the very same exact picture of "Noah Pozner" from the Sandy Hook deception. I asked myself the question: why would they do such a thing? The only explanation I can come up with is: For the fuck of it.  Because they can.  Because they like to put the truth in front of us to see if anyone will notice.  Because they are Psychopaths who enjoy the thrill of lying and deceiving and are so jaded that they do things like this for the added thrill of it.  But this just shows who they are. It shows their nature. I learn from them about who they really are.  They teach me very well. 

More to Come


  1. I know it's a very hard and very debatable topic, but do you think 'Climate Change' is real or fake? Personally, I am sick of 'Climate Change' being used as an excuse to destroy public properties and historical artifacts in Western countries, ban or restrict gas cars, prevent people from using airplanes except when extremely necessary, etc., all in the name of 'environmental protest'. Countless right-wingers think "Climate Change" is as fake as the convid hoax, made up by (((their))) fraudulent scientists, to serve some agendas (maybe "Climate Change" agendas are to annoy the public, make people's lives more inconvenient, and distract people from the real world problems). But the concept of 'climate change' is too big to fake because it is taught universally in most countries.

  2. Add: Initially, they called it 'Global Warming', but after a long time, since the globe had not become warmer or hotter enough, they renamed it 'Climate Change'. As long as there is some change in the world climate, whether it is 'hotter' or 'colder', it is considered a 'world problem' that we should focus on instead of focus on their dark agendas (the actual problems). People even said that they can burn forests to prove Climate Change is real.

  3. The comments of this post are only for the Sandy Hook School Shooting deception. I will not address questions about any other topic here.
