Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of Israel


False World Explanation:

The Israel of today is simply the Jews of the Bible reclaiming their ancestral homeland that was given to them by God.  They are God's Chosen people living in the land that God chose for them to live in according to the Bible and the Torah. All Israel wants is peace. Israel is an independent nation with no real connection to the USA. 

The Israeli flag is the Star of David from the Bible.

Real World Explanation:

The Jews living in Israel today have no lineage to the Jews of the Christian Bible. They are counterfeits. They are the descendants of the Khazarian nation that mass converted to Judaism in around the tenth century.  They have no claim to Palestine. Israel is a Rothschild creation. They gained control over Palestine by means of the evil Rothschild Balfour Declaration in 1916. Far from being God's Chosen people, they are Satan's chosen people doing all manner of evil around the entire world. All Israel wants is world conquest. Israel wants the destruction of the Palestinian people and it wants the land Palestinians are currently living on for Israeli citizens. God has nothing to do with this nation of great evil and inequity. Israel hates all its neighbors and goes to war against them. Israel sponsors terrorism and assassinations. This evil country should not exist but fortunately for it, Israel has a superpower in its hip pocket protecting it while it does its evil. The exact same evil Jews run both Israel and the USA behind the scenes. Israel and the USA are one under Jewish control. 

The flag was adopted by the Zionists as their standard and is still mistakenly called the "Star of David." Christians make the error of confusion, linking it with the Old Testament King David, when in fact there is no relation between the two.

The Israeli/Zionist flag is the personal flag of the Khazarian leader David al-Roi who was involved in the conversion of the Khazarian nation to Judaism.  So the flag of Israel today is the flag of the Khazarian nation from centuries ago!!!  Israel is really Khazaria. It has no lineage to ancient Israel from the Bible.

David al-Roi

Who was this mystery man David al-Roi?  According to this link, David al-Roi was a Khazar fortune-teller, sorcerer and black magician associated with the conversion of the Khazarian nation to Judaism in the tenth century. 

Now here is a web site I came across when doing this research. I will be reading this very carefully to see if it is truthful or disinformation. I look every gift horse in the mouth and trust nobody but me to tell me the truth.  I know the truth from within and I know the lie from within too. 

More to Come

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