Sunday, October 13, 2024

Human Destiny Hijacked


So as I was going down one of my rabbit holes, I came across this very insightful article by John Kaminski.  John Kaminski is a friend of the truth and belongs on my Friends of the Truth Page.  I will add his name there when I get a chance.  But I want all honest viewers of this Blog to read what John Kaminski said here. You want the red pill?  Here it is. But are you able to handle it?

Human Destiny Hijacked

Some relevant quotes

Freedom of speech in the United States has been terminated by Jews who now control the money, the media, and the minds of most deliberately deceived Americans.

The world has been turned upside down; the paupers of the world tell the truth and are put in jail; those who run the world tell nothing but lies and get richer by the day. 

We arrive today at an unmistakable crossroads in human history. The question is whether we will survive as independent individual entities in charge of our own fate who believe in liberty and justice for all, or march semi comatose into the future as preprogrammed slaves incapable of genuinely independent thought? If you ask most Americans about their role in history, you will see the question has already been answered. 

Jews present themselves as citizens of the country in which they live, but they’re not. First and foremost they are citizens of their worldwide Jewish community first; all other citizenships come after that as they constantly prefer their bizarre cultish allegiance over the countries they pretend to adopt as their own.

Freedom of speech in the United States has been terminated by Jews, who now control the money, the media and the minds of most deliberately deluded Americans. We can’t get a clear view of our past so our decisions in the present are necessarily corrupted by the historical propaganda we have been forced to believe is a true account of what happened, but isn’t. 

In country after country, leaders have always become corrupted by the international moneylenders, who are always Jews. Those who refuse to take the lucrative bait are killed in assassinations or wars, both of which are always engineered by Jews.

The day is coming when the whole world will realize the Jews are out to kill everyone who isn’t a member of their demonic tribe. Already people’s voices have been crippled by accepting orders that they must say only what is politically correct. Talk about the lies of World War II or September 11th or Sandy Hook and they’ll put you in jail, or maybe just wreck your right to do business in your chosen profession, just like they did to Rick Sanchez, James Tracy, Jim Fetzer and many other genuine patriots.  

More to Come

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