Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of the Beatles

False World Explanation:

The Beatles were four individuals who finally struck it big after a long time performing in small time venues like the Cavern Club. They got lucky when a London record store owner named Brian Epstein happened to hear them perform one day, liked what he heard and signed them to a contract. With the help of Brian Epstein and EMI Studios, the Beatles eventually worked their way to great fame.  They became famous first in the UK and then their fame spread to other countries. Eventually they came to the USA in 1964 and performed on the Ed Sullivan show and became very famous in the USA. Lennon and McCartney were musical geniuses who wrote most of the music the Beatles performed. 

Real World Explanation:

The Beatles were a product of the Jewish Tavistock Institute, with the long-term goal of using the Beatles to transform America. The Beatles were actually a Jewish secret weapon to help destroy the culture of America as it existed in the early 1960's. The four members of this "band" were never four individuals.  From the very beginning there were multiple people playing the roles of these band members. This especially applies to the roles of John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Brian Epstein was a Jew who did not just happen to accidentally hear the Beatles but he was set up by the Tavistock Institute to be their manager. The fame of the Beatles was engineered, both in the UK and the USA and other countries.  For examples, fans were paid to cheer loudly for them everywhere they went. Lennon and McCartney could not even read music, much less write it.  All of the Beatles music was written by a Jew at the Tavistock Institute named Theodor W. Adorno. 


When I say Paul, I am not speaking of a person but a role in a fictional band. If the Beatles were a real band then there would be just one person playing this role but in the case of an Engineered band like the Beatles there were multiple people playing the role of Paul.  

Here is the person most people think of when they think of Paul.  This is James Paul McCartney, circa 1965.  But is this really his name?  In the False world this man is the one and only James Paul McCartney but in the Real World his name could be anything. Whover he was, this is the person most people know as "Paul".  But as you will see there were many other people playing this role who were not the man pictured above.  These are called look a likes. A look a like is someone with a facial resemblance to another person who is not that person but pretends to be.  I will be showing you some of the Paul look a likes shortly. 


P.I.D. stands for "Paul is Dead" and this is from a lot of Beatles fans noticing around 1969 that there were a lot of hints being added to Beatles music and album covers signifying that Paul McCarney was dead.  Now I am not saying that Paul McCartney died although he may have.  Or he may have just chose to leave the group and no longer be a part of the Beatles. In any case I see P.I.D. as deception and a way to explain the existence of Paul look a likes that some fans might notice.  If they noticed they might want to explain the look a likes by Paul being dead and being replaced.  But in the P.I.D. movement, the belief is that the original Paul died and he was replaced by a single look a like referred to as "Faul".  This is not the truth.  As I have said, all four Beatles members were played by multiple individuals from the beginning.  There were many Fauls in reality, not just one. 

More to Come

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