Thursday, October 17, 2024

A closer look at the Assassin of JFK


In this post I show that Jackie Kennedy, pictured above, is the assassin of JFK but in that post I do not explain how or why she was the assassin.  It is not necessary to explain why she was the assassin to show she was the assassin so in that post I did not attempt to explain that.

But in this post I am going to put the magnifying glass of truth upon this woman, who was his wife and the father of his children. While it still may be incomprehensible to some reading this that she murdered her own husband in cold blood, the film taken by Abraham Zapruder (a Jew) establishes that beyond any doubt.  But in this post I want to attempt to explain why Jackie was the assassin.  

My accusation against Jackie Kennedy

My accusation against Jackie Kennedy is not that she was the assassin of her own husband. The Zapruder film establishes that as a fact beyond all doubt. My accusation against Jackie Kennedy is that she was a deep cover agent purposely sent to JFK to become romantically involved with him so she could spy on him, etc. for those intelligence agencies that employed her services. I see Jaqueline Bouvier as a sexual spy and its likely that JFK was not her first assignment.  But this post details my accusation against Jackie Kennedy in more detail.

As I have documented, Jacqueline Bouvier became an intelligence asset for the CIA but its my contention that Jackie became involved with another intelligence agency. Now we know about the state-associated intelligence agencies such as the CIA, the KGB, the Mossad, etc. But I contend that there are other private intelligence agencies that the public does not know about.  Certainly the Jewish Rothschilds family has one or more private intelligence agencies at its disposal and I say Jaqueline Bouvier was working for one of those Rothschild intelligence agencies.  Since the Rothschilds are associated with Israel, it would make a lot of sense for an intelligence agent working for the Rothschilds to assassinate JFK for Israel.  This is my accusation in as clear of terms as I have been able to state it.  But proving this would be very difficult if not impossible. You are not going to find anything about this on the internet to be sure.  

CIA background of Jaqueline Bouvier

First of all, there is an early CIA connection to Jackie Kennedy. Although its very difficult to find evidence of this on the Jew controlled web, Jackie Kennedy was working for the CIA long before she even met JFK.  The following post begins to describe this early CIA connection to Jackie Kennedy (formerly Jacqueline Bouvier).

As I have said many times, the CIA is a front for Jewish control. As such, the CIA would certainly be aware of and in bed with private intelligence agencies associated with the Jewish Rothschild family.  It would be expected that the CIA might introduce some of its intelligence assets to the Rothschild intelligence agencies. So this is how Jackie may very well have become employed by a private Rothschild intelligence agency.  If this happened, I say it happened while Jaqueline was in France.  But this is just an unproven theory of mine without evidence to support it.  But it would explain so much about why Jackie would later assassinate her own husband over Israel, which the Rothschild family is very heavily associated with.


Early History

After her father's divorce from Janet, Jack bought an apartment in Manhattan and Jackie spent the weekends with him while she attended Vassar College. 

Related Links

A secret about Jackie Kennedy <== RECOMMENDED READ

More to Come


  1. Re: contention: other, non-state or private intelligence operations, unknown to most people...

    The blogger, Anonymous Conservative, and his commentators, many of whom are extreamly intelligent and informed, discuss this reality daily.

    Apparently there exists an "American Stasi," encompassing perhaps even 10 percent of the population, with similar setups in other nation states. This operates at all levels, down to the neighborhood level, though it is not actively focused upon every individual at all times.
    One of their "trademarks" is assigning it's operatives and agents, to attract and marry people -- including 'gifted' normie students-- who may someday hneed influencing or derailment.
    So, it makes sense that Jacki could have played that part!
    Here is the site:

    His anonymousconservative dot com site's blog and recent comments pages should also offer useful intelligence.
    -- Ghost Who Walks-- an American

    1. By "American Stasi" do you mean evil Jews in America? But I am interested in hearing more about how this "American Stasi" assigns its operatives and agents to attract and marry people.

      My own conclusion about Jackie is that she was a sexual spy, likely for the Rothschilds and that its likely that JFK was not her first assignment. But I note that she was set up to meet and become romantically involved with JFK by another agent.

      I will investigate

      I took a brief look at and I did not like what I saw on two fronts. One I saw a laughing Donald Trump showing the site supports Trump. My own take on Trump is that he is a Jewish puppet and not to be trusted. Also, it is attacking liberals and defending conservatives. Those who have taken the true red pill know that Jews control both conservatives and liberals and use them as controlled opposition against each other. So I cannot recommend this web site as being red pilled. However I will not throw out the baby with the bathwater by dismissing the entire web site as controlled opposition but I will see what is of value there to me.
