Sunday, August 2, 2020

An explanation for Jackie being the assassin of JFK

When you are a truth seeker like me, the truth does not come all at once. Instead the truth is revealed a little bit at a time. Truth begets other truth until the whole truth unfolds.  I have said it before and I fully believe it that the truth cannot be hidden from the Red Pilled. It may be hidden for a long while, but eventually the truth will be revealed to those who seek to know it.  Well I seek to know the truth about the assassin of John F. Kennedy whose picture is shown at the top of this post. Although the Zapruder film clearly shows that she was the sole assassin who murdered her husband, what the Zapruder film does not show is why she did it. 

I as a truth seeker have been looking for an explanation for her being the assassin for years. I have had multiple theories to explain why she would kill her own husband and the father of her children. Its horrifying what she did but to explain it is what I have long wanted to do.

Recently some new information came to my attention that explains why Jackie would kill her husband. Maybe God revealed this to me since I have been wanting to know so bad but when I saw this information I just knew I had found the explanation I have been seeking for a LONG TIME.

This is the post that is going to connect all the dots to explain Jackie being the assassin. Now there have been some to suggest that some type of CIA mind control was used on Jackie to get her to kill her husband but this is not the truth.  No mind control had to be used to get her to kill her husband. She did it knowingly and willingly and I will explain why and how it happened and who else is involved besides her.  

Before I go on, I want to say that nobody in the world is doing what I am doing. I don't know why it falls upon me to do this but since nobody else is telling the truth, I feel compelled to be the one to tell it.  And my only reason for telling this is because I want the truth about the JFK Assassination to be known to everyone in the world. I don't understand why I of all people have been chosen to tell this truth but it has fallen upon me to do it and I am doing it. 

I perceive that there is a God inside of me that loves Truth and that hates Lies and Deception.  It hates all the Lies and Deception surrounding the JFK Assassination since it happened in November, 1963. This God tells me its high time for the Truth to be known and it has directed me to tell it.  There is no way that I could see what I have seen or know what I know without God helping me. Without God, I am nobody but with God helping me, I am God's messenger against the evil Jewish empire of murder and corruption that is behind this assassination.  Its an offense to God that all the lies that have been told about this assassination continue and I am exposing it to the best of my ability as God directs me. I am far from a perfect person, but in this I am serving God and doing God's will. God seeks the destruction of the evil Jewish empire and I am His emissary, one of many. 


Sexpionage is defined as the exploitation of Sex for intelligence.  Another term for it is "Sexual spying". This is a deep rabbit hole to go down that most people have no clue about. I have been completely ignorant about this topic until recent research revealed it.

Sexpionage involves spies who use sex to get information from a target so they can report it back to their masters via secret contacts. 

These spies can be women for heterosexual sexual encounters or men for homosexual encounters.

Many such sexual spies have been specifically trained in the art of Sexpionage at special instructional camps.  Many such camps were located in the former Soviet Union. Many such camps are located in Israel. Besides these, these camps can be located in any country. For example, they can be in Europe or in the U.K. 

Jaqueline Bouvier as a Sexual Spy

I have been saying for a long time that I believe Jacqueline Bouvier was a sexual spy who was purposely sent to John F. Kennedy to become romantically involved with him. This was before I knew about Sexpionage. What I learned about Sexpionage has made me even more certain of the following allegation against Jacqueline Bouvier:

Jacquiline Bouvier was an agent trained in Sexpionage who was sent to John F. Kennedy in the early 1950's to become romantically involved with him. She was sent to John F. Kennedy by others who wanted to spy on him.  I will be delving into the question of who these others were later, but for now, Jackie was sent to JFK to spy on him for people who wanted to spy on him.

Now the question may be asked, what kind of information were they trying to get on John F. Kennedy?  It could be many things, including compromising information that could be used to blackmail and control JFK. 

But Jaqueline Bouvier did not just have a sexual affair with JFK. She married him and became his wife. Just because she became his wife does not mean she stopped being a sexual spy for those who sent her to JFK.  She continued to spy on JFK and report what she found out to secret contacts.

Later Jackie had two children by JFK, but just because she had children by JFK does not mean she stopped being a sexual spy for those who sent her to JFK.  She continued to spy on JFK and report what she found out to secret contacts.

Later Jackie became First Lady of the United States of America when JFK became President in 1961. But just because she became First Lady does not mean she stopped being a sexual spy for those who sent her to JFK. She continued to spy on JFK and report what she found out to secret contacts.  Now here I want to reveal that it is very likely that U.S. Secret Service Agent Clint Hill, pictured below, was one of Jackie's secret contacts.  I contend that besides being the U.S. Service Agent personally assigned to Jackie, that Clint Hill was a Mossad Agent.

The JEW Clint Hill, Jackie's personal Secret Service Agent:

The Sexual Spy becomes the Assassin

I am not going to rehash the Dimona Controversy here. Anyone wanting to know about it can learn about Dimona from this link. What I am going to present here is a direct link between the Dimona Controversy and the JFK Assassination. I have long been searching for this hidden missing link that I deduced must be to explain what is seen in the Zapruder film. Now I am going to explain how Jackie the Sexual Spy became Jackie the Assassin.

There was a need to replace JFK because JFK was cockblocking Israel from developing nuclear weapons. Jews wanted to replace JFK with a Zionist lackey by the name of Lyndon Baynes Johnson, who they had set up to be JFK's VP in advance in case there was a need to replace JFK. And when that need to replace JFK came because of Dimona, Jews needed someone to assassinate JFK for them so LBJ could take over the Presidency. 

Because they already had Jackie spying on JFK and because her marriage to JFK was just an assignment to her and there was no real love in her for her husband beyond her job assignment, Jews were able to convince Jackie to assassinate JFK for them. Its likely she was offered marriage to Aristotle Onassis (the richest man in the world at that time) as a reward if she did this.  Now it has been memory holed but it is a fact that Jackie left the United States during the summer of 1963 and went to Greece and other places. During this time she was with Aristotle Onassis. She spent time on one of his boats with him.  Who knows what kind of an arrangement was made to get her to agree to assassinate her husband but after returning to the U.S., she did assassinate her husband several months later: 

When Jackie threw the assassination weapon behind her onto the trunk of the Presidential Limousine, it was Clint Hill, her JEWISH Secret Service Agent (and Mossad Agent) who ran up to the back of the Limousine to retrieve it for her.

After retrieving the assassination weapon for her, Clint Hill handed it back to Jackie.

I am sure Jackie got some pay off for doing this immediately afterwards but after a five year waiting period (so it wouldn't look so obvious), Jackie married Aristotle Onassis, the richest man in the world and lived in luxury for the rest of her life.

Who was Jackie working for?

A very important question to ask is who was Jackie working for when she was sent to JFK to become a sexual spy against him?  I do not know who she was working for but I have very strong suspicions.

Now we know for a fact that Jackie was working for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) very early in her career. See this link. Jackie was set up by a family member with Allen Dulles of the CIA and given some secret assignment in Europe. We do not know what this assignment was but it may have been to turn Jaqueline Bouvier into a honeypot to entrap politicians. This is speculation on my part but what I contend is that Jackie at some point was approached by or became involved with some other intelligence agency besides the CIA. Perhaps she became introduced to this other intelligence agency by the CIA. 

Here is where I contend that Jackie was trained to be a sexual spy for this other intelligence agency that later sent her to become romantically involved with John F. Kennedy.

What was this other intelligence agency?  I have three primary suspects, as follows:

1. The intelligence agency was associated with Israel.

2. The intelligence agency was associated with the Jewish Rothschild family.

3. The intelligence agency was associated with the Soviet Union.

In all three of those cases, Jews control the intelligence agency. Jews control Israel. The Rothschilds family is Jewish. The Soviet Union was run by Jews at the very top. So whichever intelligence agency Jackie was working for was run by Jews. This is very important to understand.

More to Come

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