I research a lot of different topics. In doing this I read a lot of information from everywhere in order to connect dots to arrive at the truth. The truth is not handed to you on a silver platter but the lie is. If you want the truth, you have to dig for it. But I read a lot of information from all over. Some of this information I recognize as being true from the inside. In other words, my inner self knows I am reading truth. My inner just tells me. Likewise, sometimes my inner self will alert me that what I am reading is a lie or disinformation or a limited hangout. The inner self knows all, usually. But there are some stories I have read that I don't know what to make of them. While they seem incredible in nature and I am tempted to dismiss them, something in me tells me I should not dismiss but to do further investigation into it. Such is the story I am about to describe in this post.
In 2008, the Democratic Party held its convention in Denver, Colorado. Barack Obama was U.S. Senator from Illinois at this time and he was the Democratic nominee. An influential member of the Democratic party who helped to organize the Democratic convention was Kam Kuwata, pictured below.
Kam Kuwata was from San Franciso, California. He was an aid to California Senator Diana Feinstein, chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee. Below is Senator Feinstein.
Now I am about to take you down a rabbit hole leading to a bizarre story that I first wanted to dismiss as disinformation but then something told me I should look into this more, so I am. Here is the story, and its a wild one.
Backstage at the Democratic convention, Kam Kuwata witnessed very strange and troubling behavior from Presidential candidate Obama before Obama took the stage to accept his party's nomination. Kam Kuwata witnessed a lot of strange things backstage at this convention. He was very troubled by the things he saw. He told other people what he saw, including California Senator Feinstein. Later, Kim Kuwata was murdered and his death made to appear as if by natural causes but it was not due to natural causes. Kam Kuwata was murdered to silence him so he could not tell anyone else what he saw backstage at the Denver convention.
This is a summary of the story. Now I am going to get into the details which will reveal the very bizarre nature of what Kam Kuwata saw and heard backstage and to explain why he was later murdered to silence him. Play twilight zone music here because we are about to go to the Twilight Zone with this story.
Here is a closer look of the details of this story, which I do not know if it is true or not.
When Kam Kuwata first saw Obama he was in a very disheveled state. He literally had to be carried into a room because he could not even walk. There were others in the room with Obama. And then the U.S. Secret Service came in and made everyone leave. Kam Kuwata left the room but he later came back to try to check on Obama. He was stopped by a guard standing outside the door who told Kam Kuwata very roughly that he should go away. While Kuwata was outside the door to the room, he heard weird chanting sounding like a Gregorian chant coming from inside the room. Later, Obama emerged from the room but he was no long disheveled and unable to walk. He was energized and he was different than he had been before. Kam Kuwata shook his hand and Obama did not even recognize him. Its like one version of Obama was carried into the room and another version of Obama walked out of it. This is what Kuwata saw and heard and this is what he told Senator Feinstein later. And then Kuwata ended up dead.
This is the story. Whether it is true or not I cannot say but I did my own preliminary investigation into it and found some things that really got my interest up, which I will be explaining later in this post.
More to Come
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