Saturday, August 1, 2020

The U.S. Navy Connection to the JonBenet Ramsey murder

When trying to solve a big mystery like the JonBenet Ramsey murder I assimilate a huge amount of information about the case and I look for patterns. I look for dots that appear to have no connection with each other and I try to connect them in new ways to gain understanding. So this is what I am doing with this post.

I have sensed before and I sense even stronger now that there is a hidden connection between the U.S. Navy and the JonBenet Ramsey murder. What I sense is that the U.S. Navy has a connection to the JonBenet Ramsey murder in two aspects:

1. SatanismI think there is a Satanist element within the U.S. Navy. Its not known to the public but it exists. Satanism is involved in the JonBenet Ramsey murder. The Satanism in the U.S. Navy connects to the murder.

2. Mind Control. The U.S. Navy is involved with mind control. Mind control was being performed on JonBenet Ramsey. Not just any mind control, but government sponsored mind control. The mind control that the U.S. Navy is involved in connects to this case.

Here are the various connections I make between the U.S. Navy and the JonBenet Ramsey murder.

1. Macky Boykin was in the U.S. Navy during the Korean war. He was an officer of unknown rank during the Korean war during the early 1950's. Toward the end of his life he lived in a section of land very close to the China Lake Naval Research Center in Southern California. He was employed in some capacity inside that center. It has been exposed by others that China Lake is involved in mind control.

2. John Ramsey joined the U.S. Navy. In 1966-67 he was stationed in Port Hueneme in Southern California. John Ramsey was an officer in military intelligence in the Navy with top secret security clearance. He was stationed for a time at a U.S. Naval base, Subic Bay in the Philippines.  Nobody knows what he did in the U.S. Navy.  Its all secret.

3. The children of Fleet White Jr., Fleet White III and Daphne White both joined the U.S. Navy and have involvement with it.  

Here are some other posts I have made previously about the U.S. Navy connection to the JonBenet Ramsey murder.

A new connection

As I was doing this research, something new was revealed to me that I want to document.

Nancy Krebs was moved to Trona, California by her mother and a lot of sexual abuse by Macky Boykin against Nancy Krebs happened while she was living in Trona with her mother.  

Although nobody has made the connection before now, the reason Gwen Krebs moved to Trona is to be close to Macky Boykin who was employed as a civilian inside the China Lake Naval Research Center. See the following maps for the close proximity between Trona and China Lake.

This is not a coincidence. The reason Gwen Krebs moved to Trona is to be close to Macky Boykin who she had been having sexual affairs with since the 1960's when she was living close to him in Beuna Park, California.  Macky Boykin worked inside of China Lake. This is very relevant to the whole story of Nancy Krebs and JonBenet also.

Macky Boykin was involved in mind control of children. He used mind control on Nancy Krebs and other children. He used mind control on the victims of Fleet White Sr. He knew how to use sexual asphyxiation on young children to make them sexually respond to sexual abuse.  He was an expert in all these things and I believe Macky Boykin was a Satanist. I believe Fleet White Sr. was a Satanist. I believe John Ramsey was a Satanist. Satanism runs in families. Entire families belong to it.  Freemasonry connects with Satanism under the surface (hidden from public view). I see all these families having a connection with Satanism and Freemasonry: The Christoff/Krebs family, the White Family, the Ramsey family, the Paugh family and many other families. This is the hidden reality behind what happened to Nancy Krebs and what happened to JonBenet too. Its the elephant in the room that hardly anyone talks about but I do talk about it because I am interested in uncovering the truth.  You cannot explain what happened to Nancy Krebs and what happened to JonBenet without talking about this Satanist subculture.  Very little is known about it but it exists.

All these things connect.

Fleet White III

In this section I want to focus on U.S. Navy connections to Fleet White III, son of Fleet White jr. and grandson of Fleet White Sr.

See the following link:

From this link we observe the following information:

1. Fleet White III received a B.S. degree from the U.S. Naval Academy in 2012.

2. Fleet White III was a submarine officer in the U.S. Navy from 2012 to 2019.

3. Fleet White III was on the Secretary of the Navy's staff in the Pentagon.

4. Fleet White III final assignment was on Capitol Hill as a Navy legislative liaison to the United States Senate where he advised lawmakers and traveled on congressional delegations throughout the world. This was in 2018-2019.

From the above you can see that Fleet White III had significant involvement with the U.S. Navy and he did not play a minor role in the U.S. Navy. He played a significant role. This connects to the topic of this post. 

More to Come

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