Thursday, August 6, 2020

A word about Neil Degrasse Tyson:

This man is a completely dishonest lying Establishment Shill on the payroll of the Snakes.  He has zero credibility about anything.  He should be completely ignored by anyone who is interested in the truth.  But if you want to hear lies, Neil has plenty of them to tell you and he gets paid very well to do so.

Neil Degrasse Tyson, Notorious Establishment Paid Liar:


  1. I truly want to believe you as I too don't trust him... but do you have some more convincing arguments than this?

    1. He supports the fraudulent Apollo moon landings as legitimate and also supports NASA, which is one of the conspirators in that deception. I need no other argument to label this man as a fraud. He works for the bad guys to keep people clueless about that deception and many others. What other argument do you need?
