Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Disinformation Agent List


So as I said in this post, I discovered that someone who I had previously trusted to be honest was in actuality a disinformation agent.  It has been my experience that most people and web sites on the internet who say they are telling the truth are in fact disinformation agents and disinformation web sites. As a long time truth seeker, I have been misled many times by these wolves in sheep's clothing. Its easy to be deceived by a clever liar. But my purpose in creating this post is to list all of the Disinformation Agents and Disinformation web sites I have encountered in my long journey to know the truth and to warn honest people reading my Blog about this.  Because I do not want you to be deceived by any of these snakes. 

Here is an illuminating earlier post I created about disinformation agents posing as truthers. I suggest you read it.

Every one of these agents and web sites offers the Blue pill disguised as the Red pill but you should not take it.  I offer the true Red Pill and if you see anyone saying anything significantly different from me on any topic you should question it.  

But here is the list of agents and web sites I have personally encountered. There are probably a lot more I have not encountered.  If you personally know of any agent or web site that is a shill/disinformation site then leave a comment and I will add it to the list after checking it out.

First I list individual disinformation agents I have discovered, which may be only the public face of a larger intelligence operation involving multiple people.  Then I will list web sites I have discovered to be disinformation web sites. There are many, many disinformation web sites pretending to be telling the truth to deceive whoever is gullible enough to believe them.  Take care lest you be deceived. 

Fiona Barnett

Fiona Barnett is from Australia and is allegedly a whistleblower exposing Satanism in Australia.  Let me state very clearly that I believe there is blatant Satanism in Australia but Fiona Barnett is poisoning the well for any honest person who wants to discover the truth about Satanism in Australia. This woman had me deceived for a long time because I wanted to believe her story but the conclusion I reached about her after much study is that she is part of a PSYOP.  Australian intelligence and possibly also Russian intelligence is pulling this woman's strings.  Also, its not just one woman doing all this.  She is just the front face of a bigger intelligence operation involving multiple people. The biggest reveal that this woman is a liar is her claim that ex President Richard Nixon is an evil child raping Satanist who raped her in the back of a military plane that came to Australia in 1974 or 1975 after Nixon had resigned the Presidency.  I discovered that to be a fraud. Fiona makes all kinds of other wild claims against prominent people in Australia.  Basically nothing this woman says can be trusted to be the truth.  But she is a honeypot operation is what I surmise.  Anyone investigating Satanism in Australia is going to immediately find her BS and be deceived by it.  Do not be deceived by Fiona Barnett.  Satanism in Australia needs to be investigated but ignore Fiona Barnett, which is probably not even her real name. 

Christoper Bollyn

Christopher Bollyn pictured above is someone who says Israel is responsible for 9-11 but there is something very wrong with what this man is saying. He wants to blame Israel for 9-11 while giving the U.S. Government a total pass.  The U.S. Government itself was involved in 9-11. You do not need to go to the middle east to find who was behind 9-11. Also Bollyn paints 9-11 as a real event instead of as the PSYOP it really was.  This man is a disinformation agent to be sure.

Andrew Breitbart

Noam Chomsky

Besides being a Jew (always a bad thing when it comes to telling the truth), Noam Chomsky actually backs the official U.S. Government position on 9-11.  This guy should have the words "Jewish Shill" tattooed on his forehead.  Unfortunately for the truth, there are many people who see Chomsky as a truth teller.  As P.T. Barnum once said, "there is a sucker born every day".

Bill Cooper

For a long time I believed Bill Cooper was honest until I saw him pushing "the driver did it" Jewish disinformation campaign.  He exposed himself right there as being a Jew owned Snake. 

David Duke

David Duke is one of those controlled opposition disinformation agents controlled by the Jews.  Do not trust this guy at all.

David Icke

This guy has misled me with some things he has said in the past to make me think he is a genuine truther but I think he is nothing but Jew owned controlled opposition.  He sees Reptilians as the ultimate evil instead of Jews.  Do not listen to this shill or to his son.

Alex Jones

Of all the Jewish shills on the internet, Alex Jones is by far the most obvious. So if you see anyone saying Alex Jones is honest then you know the person or website saying that is a shill. What Alex Jones does is he tells the truth about some things such as that Sandy Hook was a lie and then he discredits that truth he told. For example, this shill recently participated in a ruse in which he and his organization Infowars "got sued" for like 1 Billion dollars in a mockery of a trial, during which Alex Jones said "Sandy Hook was very real". The man is beneath contempt but he still has some normies fooled apparently who see him as a victim because of the billion dollar judgment against him "to silence him". What more can I say about this fat Jewish clown than to say that you should completely ignore him and anyone else associated with Infowars. 

Isaac Kappy
Jim Marrs

Miles Mathis

Miles Mathis is a special kind of disinformation agent.  While most disinformation agents target the Blue pilled, Miles Mathis targets the red pilled.  He talks like me, which is one reason why he got under my radar initially but he revealed himself to be a disinformation agent, as all disinformation agents cannot help but do.  Now Miles Mathis does tell the truth about some things such as about Stephen Hawking dying and being replaced by at least one look a like.  He also exposes that the actor Paul Walker did not really die.  But the big expose of Miles Mathis is what he says about the JFK Assassination.  According to Miles Mathis, the JFK assassination was a hoax and JFK did not really die at all. By saying this he reveals himself as the enemy of the truth I have worked so hard on this Blog to reveal. I do not listen to anything Miles Mathis has to say now.  I will get my truth from an honest source, not a dishonest one like Miles Mathis.  But even today there are web sites saying this man is honest and truthful.  The following link is one of them:

Whenever you see a web site giving voice to shills you should probably avoid that web site.

Rusty Nelson

Tooj Nijenhuis

Micheal Collins Piper

What makes Michael Collins Piper a disinformation agent is that, although he correctly identifies Israel and Jews being behind the JFK assassination he only goes half way down the rabbit hole.  He does not identify the true assassin.  He tells outright lies in Final Judgement.  But the biggest reveal that Piper is a disinformation agent is that he fails to show the hand of the U.S. Government in the assassination and instead points to a CIA/Jewish company in Italy called Permindex as having a major role in the assassination.  So this man is not to be trusted.  I show more of the truth about the JFK assassination in this post than Michael Collins Piper ever did. Unlike Piper, I am not trying to point away from the real culprits.  

Mike Rivero

Joe Rogan

Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro is a Jew who is a very obvious disinformation agent.  For some reason the far right likes this guy.  I have no idea why.  And apparently he is a faggot too, as many Jews are. 

Edward Snowden

Alan Watt

Dr. Judy Wood

So I came across this third party web site listing Jewish Shills. I have not really gone over it yet to see if I agree with everything being said but I post it here for reference. I will be going over it.

List of Jewish Shills (third-party)

Now I list the disinformation web sites I have discovered.

Although you would think that Reddit would be a good place to spread the truth, you would be wrong.  I have tried to spread the truth on Reddit multiple times and I have always walked away from the site in despair and frustration and regretting I had ever gone there in the first place.  The place is full of shills is what is obvious to me and there appears to be no desire of the people posting there to actually learn the truth about anything.  

The person who runs this web site runs several other similar web sites. Now prior to today I have considered this to be a truthful, red-pilled web site but I discovered a deceiver. The person running this web site shows they are fully aware of the Jewish problem and yet their solution to the Jewish Problem is to obey the law and follow the commandments in the Bible. In other words, do fucking NOTHING and wait for God to save the day.  That is not my solution, which is to fight back against the evil, not submit to it.  And when I expressed this opinion respectfully on this person's web site I was viciously smeared and attacked by this person just for expressing that opinion. So as far as I am concerned this person is a disinformation agent and his web sites are disinformation web sites.  Not everyone who appears to be a truther is and the disinformation agents usually cannot help but to reveal themselves by what they say.  This man is a deceiver. Avoid him and his web sites.

Any web site that claims to be Anti Jewish but that blesses a Jewish deception as the truth is not a truth oriented site.  Its a Jew owned Shill site.  I exposed that place so badly when I was a member.  All of my truths were suppressed and censored and I was repeatedly ridiculed by one of the Jewish shill Moderators.  Nobody should ever go to that site.  Let that site be an example of an anti Jewish site being run by Jews, and there are many others like it.  I exposed in this post that most anti Jewish sites are shill sites run by Jews or Jew owned disinformation agents.  Just because a site appears to be anti Jewish means nada.  Its the content that matters and its usually not difficult at all to tell when you have proper discernment.  So many I do not trust not to be shills, including David Duke and others.  In a world controlled by Jews, it makes sense that Jews would dominate the so called anti Semitic anti Jewish sites, because the best way for (((them))) to control the opposition is to lead it themselves.  The actual truther sites get shut down but these shill sites stay up, unmolested.  That is another way to recognize them besides content.  They never get touched by the Jews. Big give away.

I have warned repeatedly on this Blog that Wikipedia is Jewish disinformation. Not only do Jews run Wikipedia but teams of Jews from Israel and other locations edit the Wikipedia pages so they reflect the Jewish lie in all cases across the board. Wikipedia is for the Blue pilled who don't know any better to consume. The red pilled would never trust Jewish Wikipedia in a million years. Unfortunately most Americans have been deceived into trusting it and quoting it as a source. That is tragic to me. If you want to know the False World of the Two Worlds Paradigm about any topic you can think of, go to Wikipedia and you will find it there. This is the Jewish Lie documented. So be smart and don't use Wikipedia as a source for anything truthful. Don't even look at it.  Treat it like Snopes.com, another notorious Jewish disinformation site. 

Why Fakeologist.com is on this list:  Fakeologist.com

Fake anti-Jewish web sites

There are a variety of apparently anti-Jewish web sites on the internet that are not what they appear to be.  These are fake anti-Jew web sites run by Jews themselves for a variety of reasons.  See the following link.


  1. It's very simple. Elite agents are promoted in elite media. True opponents of the new world order are ignored.

    1. I agree. Unz.com, which is ran by a Jew btw gets hundreds of views and dozens of comments and my little Blog of truth is ignored except by a handful of people such as yourself.

  2. David Shurter told me via YouTube that Ted Gundersson was in.
    When I asked for more background he gave non. Perhaps he suspected me to be one of his stalkers.

    1. I don't know David Shurter. I consider Ted Gunderson to be legitimate. I really think Ted Gunderson was killed by arsenic poisoning. I had planned to research Ted Gunderson's death more on this Blog.

    2. I initially thought T. Gunderson was one of the noisy disinfo agents who screams satanism about everything, but i did take a look and found him to have investigated many big and interesting cases now mostly forgotten. I came to understand that his labeling of Satanism was more generic than correct as groups he studied, probably did not worship Satan but had a more open and advanced ideology, though not less pervert and vile than satanists. This is the case with the vip commonwealth groups. I think their rituals are centered upon power trough domination/murder, and that there may be a link to the Phoenician practices, like throwing babies into fires (sacrifice to moloch)

  3. Having a television in your home is the same as having a Jew living with you.

    If you know their name, they're in the game.

    1. I agree. Television is one of the main tools of Jewish deception of the Goyim.
