Tuesday, February 15, 2022


Any web site that claims to be Anti Jewish but that blesses a Jewish deception as the truth is not a truth oriented site.  Its a Jew owned Shill site.  I exposed that place so badly when I was a member.  All of my truths were suppressed and censored and I was repeatedly ridiculed by one of the Jewish shill Moderators.  Nobody should ever go to that site.  Let that site be an example of an anti Jewish site being run by Jews, and there are many others like it.  I exposed on one of my posts that most anti Jewish sites are shill sites run by Jews or Jew owned disinformation agents.  Just because a site appears to be anti Jewish means nada.  Its the content that matters and its usually not difficult at all to tell when you have proper discernment.  So many I do not trust not to be shills, including David Duke and others.  In a world controlled by Jews, it makes sense that Jews would dominate the so called anti Semitic anti Jewish sites, because the best way for (((them))) to control the opposition is to lead it themselves.  The actual truther sites get shut down but these shill sites stay up, unmolested.  That is another way to recognize them besides content.  They never get touched by the Jews. Big give away.

1 comment:

  1. My degree in engineering has shown me through chemistry and electricity, the alleged gas chambers could never be used to kill humans. The most common and safe gas on earth is N2 i.e. Nitrogen. It is about 69% of air. It could easily be used to kill, and much safer than the zyklon's. None of the joo gas chambers existing, blown up, or replicas show explosion proof lighting. The alleged Zyklon B is highly explosive and would need explosion proof lighting
