Sunday, February 13, 2022

A World I will never accept

I can accept an honest but imperfect world.  But a world I cannot accept is a dishonest, deceptive world, which is the world we have.  Although the world pretends to be honest, anyone who is even remotely aware can see that it is dishonest.  The Plandemic and many other Jewish deceptions are proof that the world is dishonest and deceptive.  What should our response to this be?  To be in the world but not of the world, because the world blatantly lies.  I would prefer to make the world honest by exposing and revealing the deceptions but I have done what I can on that front for every subject I can see.  Even though my message appears to be ignored by most, I hope I have done some good by at least speaking the truth as I see it.  Even though I have been censored many times, its always better to speak the truth.  Truth is what matters and if a person is unwilling to even face the truth then that person has become comfortable with living in a false world.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a christian, I consider the ultimate truth to be what the advaitin sages have said all along, this world is maya/illusion. One thing these horrid times have inspired in me is to drop this world like water off a duck's back, in a conscious fashion at least once a day - If nothing else it stops feeding it- I think the gnostics were on to something saying the archons feed off fear, anger etc.
    Anyways I'm talking too much- couple quotes alleged from Jesus keep popping into my mind:
    1. I have conquered the world - he didn't mean it's physical
    form - pure advaita.
    2. Let the Dead bury their Dead - the masked members of the
    covidian cult come to mind.

    Keep writing - there are so few blogs willing to face the truth, as far as truth goes in this world.
