Friday, February 4, 2022


Freemasonry was subverted long ago to serve the Jews and today it is a tool of the Jews.  There is a secret about the degrees to be understood.  Degrees 1 to 3 are just an initiation phase.  Most Freemasons never rise above the 3rd degree but from those Freemasons, a vetting process takes place to determine who is worthy to go beyond that.  It takes a certain character of person to be selected to go beyond that. High Ambition, a willingness to be evil, being trustworthy to keep secrets no matter what, obedience, serving the will of the group over the self, etc.  These are the character traits that Jews look for in their minions. The 33rd Degree Freemasons are the worst.  George H.W. Bush is one example.  

1 comment:

  1. Freemasonry is the blue collar goyim arm (for police, etc) of the plan.

    KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America (1984)
