Wednesday, February 2, 2022

People still pushing Trump.

I still see people pushing Trump who should know better.  They want that Jew clown back in office in 2024 who did NOTHING to make America Great Again but who did loads for Israel, his true priority.  The concept that my very misguided brothers and sisters are pushing is that Donald Trump is somehow a somehow a somehow a Savior.  Even though he didn't save shit the first tine around and made a complete mockery of his office, this time will be different.  You think?  How can people not see Trump for who he is?  His words mean nothing if there is no action behind them.  A fake extended showdown over the wall that got nothing done is no action.  Anyone but Trump in 2024.  I hate Joe Biden but at least Joe Biden is honest enough to let you know who he is and what he stands for.  Trump on the other hand is a two faced hypocrite who says one thing (for effect only) and then does the opposite.  Anyone but that man as U.S. President again.  Those who would support Trump just to get rid of Biden (or Harris) is not doing anyone any favor.  We don't want that man back in office...ever!


  1. This is exactly how I feel about Gorland Blormph.
    I will always call him Gorland Blormph, I got that from a funny writer with a clue, on a website blog I will not name but let's just say it's one of those fake anti-jew groups that is easy to spot because they tread the well-paved path of jewry: "divide and conquer"...they're easy to spot because they use the N-word and have mostly racist material. "Racism" and the illusion of such is one of their favorite scams and they want to lump themselves in as victims of course.

    Anyways, I liked the site OK because they had a very funny writer who had a clue and was quite witty, they banned him completely removing all his essays from the web. I'm certain it was because he was attacking trump (blormph).

    This gives me a BIG CLUE that they're STILL gonna try to derail the minds of those who might do some real research...and NUMB IT with the re-election of Pied Piper Blormph - the user of twitter, etc.... A President using social media to voice every whim (told to him by those above)...We might as well have Daffy Duck.

    1. I fully expect Trump to be the Republican candidate in 2024 based upon what I have seen and its very possible he could become President again just because so many people hate Biden. I do not think the Jews really care which one is President because either way Jews will be served. American Democracy has been derailed and replaced with a System of perpetual Jewish puppets who speak for the American people and then once in office serve the Jews. That is why we cannot go on with this charade.

  2. It has been my experience that it is the Christians who are pushing the completely false narrative about Trump being a God sent Savior for America and the world. There is a complete disconnect from reality in the Christian mind concerning Trump and everything else.

  3. The Jews are finished with the use of the US—they gave everything away so any one person can be president; it obviously takes nothing at all to succeed to that base position.
