Monday, February 14, 2022

A Conversation with a Jew

I would be willing to have a conversation with a Jew about matters pertaining to Jews, if a Jew is honest enough to do that.  My first question would be concerning the Talmud.  The question would be this:  Do you consider the Talmud to be racist?  Do you consider the Jewish viewpoint as presented in the Talmud to be racist against non Jews?  If you say yes, then you are an honest Jew.  If you say No, then you are dishonest. If you refuse to answer the question then you are also dishonest.  Is there an honest Jew willing to talk with me or are you so ashamed of your own race that you will not talk openly about your racism?  I expect crickets in response to this post but who knows.  An honest Jew may appear.  I am not holding my breath waiting for an answer.  I predict that no Jew will answer this question because no Jew is willing to be honest enough with a non Jew to do so.  And that is a big part of the Jewish problem.  Bur if a Jew is willing to admit that the Talmud is racist against non Jews, then that is a Jew I can talk with.


  1. Just wanted to call your attention to this website I found today.

    I think it belongs on your recommended websites, see if you agree.

    1. No. Its talking about aliens and Archons. You have to draw a line in the sand about what you accept as truth and what you refuse to accept as truth. I have drawn that line and so I know when I see a web site that I agree with and I know when I see one I do not. A web site that tells the truth part of the lies and lies the rest of the time is of no value at all. You can get the truth from anyone, but if you accept the truth from a liar and deceiver than that makes a person no better than a fool. Our job here is to find the truth and reject the lies. There are very few honest people running web sites on the web, regardless of appearances.

    2. On all subjects there are deceivers, including the subject of the Jewish question. The perfect web site for a Jew to run is an anti Jewish one, because with that they can fuck with our minds by introducing any subject they want and saying lies such as the Apollo moon landings are truth. Let be an example for you. A supposedly anti Jewish web site that sanctifies a Jewish lie as the truth. Anyone who visits ought to be ashamed of themselves. Its a Jewish shill site. Many more examples can be found all over the web.
