Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Worst People in the World

There are a lot of really bad people in the world.  Some are dead and some are still alive. This is my list of people who I identify as the worst people in the world.  You've got to be pretty bad to be on this list. Even Donald Trump as much as I dislike him doesn't make this list unless he does something to make him worthy of being on it (I am watching).

George W. Bush

Alex Jones

Jackie Kennedy

John McCain

Benjamin Natenyahu

Klaus Schwab

Josef Stalin

More to Come


  1. What did John McCain do wrong to deserve being on this "the worst people" list? I think he is a chill guy.

    1. Lied repeatedly to the American people about ISIS being a terrorist group. John McCain was fully in bed with ISIS. He was no hero.
