Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A Review of the Testimony of Nancy Krebs, Part 1 of 2

In this post I will be discussing the testimony of Nancy Krebs. Part 1 is the testimony that was made through her lawyer (Lee Hill) who contacted Boulder, Colorado authorities on her behalf in the year 2000 shortly before she herself travelled to Boulder to testify personally.  Part 2 concerns her personal testimony. In these posts I will be discussing all the relevant information gleaned from her testimony. 

Part 1 is based on transcripts taken by Linda Wickman of a meeting held between Boulder, Colorado D.A. Alex Hunter, Lee Hill, Steven Singular (a book author who spoke to Nancy Krebs via telephone conversation) and one other person. Here is a link to the transcripts.

Following is significant information gleaned from these transcripts to shed light on the truth. I speak only the truth here.

Nancy Krebs had a life-long relationship to the White Family through her family.

Nancy Krebs was ritualistically, routinely and systematically sexually abused from Age 3.

Daphne White (daughter of Fleet White Jr.) is a victim of sexual abuse.

The official (UNTRUE) story is that John Ramsey and Fleet White Jr. met by coincidence in 1994 because they were living in houses next to each other. The truth is that they knew each other long before then and had had a long relationship for many years. Fleet White Jr. sent gifts to one or John Ramsey's children when they were born. Fleet White Jr. attended John and Patsy's 1980 wedding in Atlanta, Ga. See below images.

The first image is from John and Patsy's 1980 wedding with Fleet White Jr.'s face in the background circled in red. The second image is a later picture of Fleet White Jr. with his wife, Priscilla. There is no doubt in my mind that Fleet White Jr. was at the 1980 wedding.

The breakdown of communication between the Ramsey and White families after the murder was deception or a show for the public to consume. In reality there was no disagreement between the Whites and the Ramseys. It was all for appearance sake.

Fleet White Sr. found out that Nancy Krebs was trying to contact Boulder authorities about the JonBenet Ramsey investigation. He initially offered her a cash bribe of 50K to keep quiet. He increased that offer to 75K. This was a test of her loyalty. Nancy Krebs wisely did not accept the bribe but if she would have taken it then she would have been murdered.

Nancy Krebs has a niece who was five years old at the time of the JonBenet Ramsey murder. The niece was eight years old in 2000. This girl was present at the party where JonBenet died. She witnessed it. She was later moved to Ramstein Air Base, Germany so she could not be questioned. Nancy Krebs was worried about her safety.

There is a type of sexual abuse that involves ligatures. The purpose of it is to cause sexual response in a young child by restricting air flow. Some refer to this as sexual asphyxiation. (I have no personal knowledge of this, but apparently this is a common thing, to cause a young child to feel sexual response in this way. In the interest of truth I would like to do more research about this). This was used on Nancy Krebs. (Although not shown in these transcripts, I believe this was used on JonBenet Ramsey and was a direct cause of her death. In other words, she was accidentally strangled to death and could not be revived). 

Whenever a child did not respond in a desired way, they were rapped over the head as a punishment. The hair would hide any bruising that this caused.

Ritualistic sexual abuse would frequently occur on Holidays such as Christmas and Easter. 

Two members of Nancy Krebs family were present when JonBenet died. These were her mother, GWEN KREBS, and her then five year old niece (name unknown).

At least three female children were passed around for sexual abuse at this party. They were:

1) JonBenet Ramsey.

2) Daphne White

3) the five year old niece of Nancy Krebs.

The sexual abuse of JonBenet was being filmed at the time she died. This became a snuff film. It exists in private collections today. (The person who filmed it is not known but it could very well be that John Ramsey was filming his daughter's sexual abuse so he could profit off of it.  From my investigation it appears that John Ramsey was doing this since he was in his twenties).

Nancy Krebs' niece who witnessed the death was terrified that she was going to be killed too. She was threatened with death by her grandmother (GWEN KREBS) and probably by Fleet White Sr.

Nancy Krebs was sexually abused by a man named Macky Boykin. She filed charges against him for rape and other sexual abuse and got him to sent to jail for a short time. He got out quickly and came back into Nancy Krebs life and abused her for years more.

Nancy Krebs saw Lee Hill on Fox News and that is how she knew to contact him to help her.

Stephen Singular is a book author who at least suspects and maybe knows about the Satanist aspect of all this and he wants that to be investigated.

Fleet White Sr. sexually abused Nancy Krebs when she was a child.

Fleet White Jr. sexually abused Nancy Krens when she was a child.

Other people outside of the family sexually abused Nancy Krebs when she was a child. This implies that Nancy Krebs was being used in child prostitution by her mother (GWEN KREBS) and I believe she was.

There is mention of something called an "IZON" which is apparently some kind of preparation used to scare small children into silence about sexual abuse. I can find no definition of this term and have no idea what it means.

The ritualistic sexual abuse is always filmed and the film sold to select people so that the sexual abuse can be profited from. (I believe this is common thing in Satanic Ritual Abuse). This is the "business aspect" of the sexual abuse. Its not done just for sexual gratification of adults but also to profit off of it monetarily. 

The ritualistic sexual abuse is attended by a close, selective (in other words, carefully vetted) group. 

There is some importance placed on who attended the Christmas party at the Ramsey house on 12-23-1996 but this has been blacked out.

There is some importance placed on a Teddy Bear given to JonBenet. There might have been a note to JonBenet hidden inside this bear. This has been blacked out. Stephen Singular implies that the Teddy Bear was a gift to JonBenet in exchange for some future service she would give to someone else. This implies child prostitution of JonBenet which I very strongly suspect.

JonBenet might have been physically tied to something while she was being sexually abused. Maybe a table.

Pornographic pictures of Daphne White as a child may have been put on the internet. 

Singular said that he thought that the crime occurred elsewhere.  JonBenet was killed, brought home and given to John Ramsey.  The scene was staged. (I agree except for one thing. I think John Ramsey was present when his daughter died. I will go further to say that I think John Ramsey was filming his daughter when she died so he could profit from it). 

John Ramsey sexually abused Nancy Krebs earlier in his life. John Ramsey had a social and sexual relationship with Nancy Krebs' mother (GWEN KREBS) and through this relationship he sexually abused her daughter. This is when John Ramsey was in his 20's and mid 30's, before he met Patsy Ramsey.

Shirley L. Reed, who is the sister of Nancy Krebs and the mother of the five year old girl who witnessed the murder, knowingly put her daughter at risk. In other words, Shirley Reed knew that her daughter would be sexually abused at that party and she allowed it.

JonBenet was brought home from the party dead. She did not die inside her home.

John Ramsey was made into the suspect in his daughter's death to conceal the truth. He willingly played along with this. He knew he was not the murderer. This was deception to hide the truth from the public. (Later on Patsy Ramsey also become the prime suspect for the same reason and then Burke. Its all deception).

Shortly before Christmas 1996, Gwen Krebs flew from Southern California where she lived to Arvada, Colorado where her daughter Shirley L Reed lived with her husband and five year old daughter. Gwen Krebs flew there for the specific purpose of bringing her five year old granddaughter to the party on Christmas night to be sexually abused. That is the only reason why Gwen Krebs and her granddaughter attended that party, because they were personally invited to do so by Fleet White Sr. so the five year old girl could be sexual entertainment to the adult males at this party.

Stephen Singular said be believes prominent people in Colorado were involved with JonBenet sexually prior to her death. This implies child prostitution of JonBenet to wealthy and politically connected people in Colorado.  

JonBenet was trained to interact and entertain adult males. I believe that mind control (such as Monarch mind control) was involved in this.

John Andrew Ramsey, her 20 year old brother, was one of the people sexually abusing JonBenet.

Lee Hill saw pictures of Nancy Krebs when she was six years old and said that she looked very similar to JonBenet. 

Lee Hill saw pictures of the five year old niece wearing lipstick and boa feathers. This implies the girl was being used in child pornography and also possibly that mind control was being used on her to change her behavior to sexual.

Fleet White has put pressure on Boulder County Commissioner Paul Danish, among others, not to authorize more money for this investigation. (I don't know which Fleet White is being referred to here but it would have to be Fleet White Sr. What pressure could Fleet Jr. apply? His father was powerful. He was not powerful).

John Ramsey is protecting Fleet White Jr. because John Ramsey is culpable in his daughter's death.

Nancy Krebs attempted to report what happened to her in to California authorities but each time she did she was labeled as crazy. 

All this information ties together and paints a clear cohesive picture of what was taking place behind the scenes. 

Expect to see Part 2 posted soon that is based on the actual transcripts from Nancy Krebs herself.

Edit to Add:

I did some further research about this last night and it appears that the author Stephen Singular discovered people on the dark web asking to see the snuff film of JonBenet and also asking to see nude pics of JonBenet. I believe JonBenet was being filmed when she died and this became a snuff film that exists in private collections today. I also believe a lot of child pornography was taken of JonBenet but this pornography would only be seen by certain corrupt people such as Satanists who could be trusted never to disclose it. Her own father and Randy Simmons would be the ones who took the child pornography. 

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