Wednesday, October 16, 2024

This Blog is under Dynamic Silence


This Blog is under Dynamic Silence. As a non Jew I am not supposed to know what that means but I pay enough attention to what (((they))) say to learn a few things from them such as this.  

What is Dynamic Silence? Dynamic Silence is the way Jews deal with anyone who is not under their control who is telling the truth about them.  You know, people like me.

There are multiple levels to Dynamic Silence.  The first level is to simply ignore the person and their message.  Give it no attention at all or the least possible amount of attention.  Currently my little Blog appears to be at this level.  While the web site which is ran by a Jew gets thousands of hits and hundreds of commenters, my little Blog gets very little attention indeed. I watch the Blog statistics and see this.  Not many people come here.  While there should be many questions on my posts, there are basically none.  My posts are ignored.  My message is ignored.  Nobody wants to hear what I have to say.  The truth is not welcome in a Jewish world so it is ignored. But on the Jew owned shill sites like Unz people are flocking there by the thousands to hear the untruthful Jewish message reported by shills who never tell the whole truth like I do.  

Going beyond ignoring, there are other levels to Dynamic Silence.  Ridicule, mocking and criticism are another level for someone who persists.  When I was red pilling on Jewtube I was getting A LOT of this but I don't get this here.  They just ignore me like this Blog doesn't even exist.  They do not want to even give my posts attention by ridiculing them.

Then there is censorship.  Deleting posts and even deleting entire web sites is sometimes done. Jewtube is notorious for deleting videos and even entire channels.  Also Jewtube has bots that automatically scour the comments looking for any keywords that indicate truthful content and the bots automatically delete the comments before anyone honest has a chance to read them.  So if you think you are going to be able to wake anyone up by telling the truth in Jewtube comments, think again.  Your comment will be gone as soon as a bot sees it. The only way you can red pill in Jewtube comments is to leave a link there that the bots will not recognize as truthful content.  

Later levels of dynamic silence are harsher. Assassination is used when it is necessary as I believe they did to Dave McGowan by giving him fast acting cancer. 

But I just want to say to the Jews reading this, and I know you are, that I am very well aware I am being ignored but I am not going away.  I will continue to speak the truth and I will do everything in my power to spread this truth to honest people everywhere who are willing to hear my message.  I speak the truth to your lies and I do so proudly. 

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