Sunday, October 6, 2024

Who is the Chosen one of the 2024 selection?


It came to me this morning to create this post, which is: who is the chosen one of the 2024 selection.  In this selection we have a choice between two Zionist puppets, pictured above. But what do I mean by the term "Chosen one"?

This relates to an advanced red pill called "The world is run by Jewish script". I have made several posts about this and I will not explain it here. If anyone has any questions about what I mean by "the world is run by Jewish script" then please ask.  But in this explanation, the Jewish Snake has already planned for the future it wants.  Its already chosen one of these two puppets to be the next POTUS and its even planned what that puppet will do during the next four years.  The Snake plans for the world it wants and then it works to make its plans a reality.  That is the M.O. of the Jewish Snake.  

Of course what we see in the controlled opposition clown show of the False World is that both candidates are basically tied.  They are evenly matched and nobody can predict who will win.  That is how controlled opposition works.  They want to give the illusion that it is evenly matched and nobody can predict until election day who will win but that is not the truth.  That is the truth in the False World but not the truth in the Real World.  The Truth in the Real World is that one of these two people has already been chosen to be the next POTUS.  Voting means shit.  The will of the people means shit.  The will of Snake means everything in the Real World, where the Snake has assumed control over basically everything.

So the real question being asked here is: which of these two puppets has the Snake chosen to be the next POTUS?  I will give my opinion on that in this post. 

My analysis as a red pilled person has been that Harris is the chosen one. Why? Because she is a woman and she is Black and she is liberal. Those are her qualifications to the Snake.  Trump's stated policies are definitely against the will of the Snake.  No matter what Trump is in reality, if you just look at his stated policies, those policies are clearly not the policies of the Snake.  Anyone can see this.  IMO Trump is nothing more than controlled opposition to Harris and that Harris is intended to be the next POTUS. 

Now it is time for three more Two Worlds Paradigm examples.

The Two Worlds Paradigm example of Voting:

False World Explanation:

Voting matters. The will of the people matters.  It is the people who choose who gets to be President.

Real World Explanation:

Voting does not matter at all. Voting serves the purpose of creating the illusion that the people choose their leaders but the reality is that power and money and corruption chooses the leaders and that the leaders chosen are corrupt puppets to the Jewish Snake. The will of the people does not matter.  The will of the Jewish Snake matters.  The Jewish Snake chooses its corrupt minions to be the leaders of the country.

The Two Worlds Paradigm example of Democracy:

False World Explanation:

The will of the people matters. The people choose the leaders to represent them in the government.  The people are in control.

Real World Explanation:

Democracy is a facade; an illusion.  In actuality there is no Democracy. The will of the people does not matter at all. The people do not choose their leaders. The Jewish Snake chooses its corrupt minions to be the leaders of the nations it controls. And have no doubt that the USA is controlled by the Jewish Snake. The people are just pawns in reality and have no political power and no control.

The Two Worlds Paradigm example of the 2016 election:

False World Explanation:

Hillary was supposed to win the election. Everyone thought she would win.  That Donald Trump won the election was a total surprise to everyone that nobody expected until it happened on election day.  Donald Trump is an outsider who assumed control from the evil deep state and swamp.  

Real World Explanation:

Donald Trump was the chosen one in 2016. Hillary was never intended to win but the illusion was presented that she was intended to win.  This was deception. Donald Trump, although an outsider in terms of politics was a Zionist and Freemason and whatever else he is behind the scenes. He is as much in bed with the Jewish Snake as he can be. Donald Trump became the leader of the deep state and the swamp. He was chosen to be President because of his deep corruption, his Zionism, his deep Jewish ties and allegiance and other reasons that this post will not cover.  But the big thing is that Trump was meant to win, not Hillary.  We were deceived into thinking Hillary was meant to win.

My 2021 prediction about Harris becoming POTUS in 2024:

As early as March 2021 I predicted in this post that Kamala Harris would be POTUS in 2024. In that post I got it wrong when I said Biden would be taken out before the 2024 election but everything else in that post I stand by.  What I said in that post is that Biden is merely a transition to Harris and its very interesting to me that Biden himself used those very words recently referring to himself as a transition to Harris.  So I believe I accurately predicted the future in that 2021 post.

So I expect that Harris is the Chosen one for 2024 but there is still some doubt in my mind that there is a Jewish trick afoot and that Trump is really the chosen one. When dealing with a devious clever conniving Snake, you can never be too sure of what their plans really are. Perhaps they have some plan for Trump being POTUS that escapes my awareness.


  1. I think, if they choose a Republican President, it means they want to cause destruction outside the country by starting big wars (like Geroge W. Bush did), if they choose a Democratic President, it means they want to cause destruction inside the country by far-left/communist/radical liberal policies (like Biden/Harris did). The chance to be President between Harris and Trump is still tied IMO because it is extremely hard for me to imagine a relaxed woman like Harris acting as a wartime President who started a big war for the Jews in the Middle East (you have written posts sensing that WW3 or a big war is incoming). They need an aggressive male figure to be a wartime President who will start the war for them.

    1. You may be correct. Trump has been saying all kinds of things about destroying Iran. Although it is true he started no new wars during his first term I can see him going to war against Iran in his second term. God forbid he gets a second term.

  2. war-gamed already

    1. Please give me a different source. It is trying to make me subscribe to read that article.

    2. aplogies - Artifex

      its not the selection but the outcome;

    3. I watched the trailer but I don't find it very believable. What I have learned is that the enemy will never tell you their plans directly like this. They will instead tell you a convincing lie they want you to believe but it won't be the truth. The truth is what they don't want you to even suspect. That is the red pill in this context.
