Monday, October 14, 2024

Michael Collins Piper is a disinformation agent


So as some of you may know, I have seen Michael Collins Piper as honest and a friend of the truth for his exposure of the Israeli involvement in the JFK Assassination as in this post.  But there is something not right about Michael Collins Piper.

For one thing, why doesn't Michael Collins Piper identify Jackie as the assassin of JFK?  Why does he instead say a team of assassins came in from Europe to assassinate JFK?

Two explanations come to mind:

Michael Collins Piper was deceived not to see what is shown on the Zapruder film.  But how could that be with all the time this man spent researching the JFK Assassination?  It seems unlikely to me that he would miss something so big.

I thought that perhaps he knew Jackie did it but he did not want to say it because it was too big of a thing to expose that would derail the rest of his book. Well that may be possible, but it seems very odd that he would tell a lie instead of the truth.

Another thing is this.  Why does Michael Collins Piper point us to Permindex, a company in Europe as having a major role in the assassination but does not mention at all the role of the U.S. Government in the assassination that is clearly shown in the Zapruder film?  That exposes Michael Collins Piper as dishonest.

Michael Collins Piper is a disinformation agent of a type commonly known as a limited hangout. A limited hangout tells some truth about a topic but then he points away from the truth.  There are many examples of Limited hangouts on the internet.  

A viewer of this Blog told me he saw Michael Collings Piper giving Freemason hand signs and warned he was not to be trusted. I had forgotten about that until now.  But the sad truth is that even people who seem very honest and genuine like Michael Collins Piper are frequently deep cover agents in disguise sent to deceive the red pilled.  I was deceived by him but I am no longer deceived.   He is going on my disinformation agent page that I am about to create.  He is going off my Jewish assassinations page because they never assassinate their own.  For you Trump supporters, you need to listen to that extra carefully.  They never assassinate their own but they may pretend to in order to gain sympathy. 

As for Permindex, you don't need to go to Italy to find the truth about the JFK Assassination.  The truth is that the U.S. Government itself was involved directly in the assassination of its own President.  Permindex is a red herring.  Before you look at Permindex, you need to look at hidden Jewish control of the U.S. Government. That is where the truth leads. 

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