This is a post I had on my WordPress Blog before the Jews that run WordPress killed the entire Blog without giving me any way to recover the contents of the Blog. Just remember who runs WordPress. But in this post I want to list assassinations that I identify as Jewish assassinations. In other words, (((they))) are behind these assassinations.
Since I view the CIA as nothing but a front for Jewish control in the United States, I include CIA assassinations as Jewish assassinations.
I also include FBI assassinations as Jewish Assassinations. The reason for this is that I view the U.S. Government as very corrupt and controlled by the Jewish Snake. In the Real World of the Two Worlds Paradigm, the FBI is involved in many murders to maintain the secrecy of the corrupt U.S. Government and corrupt members of the U.S. Government. IMO the FBI has committed many assassinations of U.S. citizens to cover up or hide the corruption of the U.S. Government. For example, it is my contention that Terrance Yeakey was murdered by members of the FBI. It is also my contention that many witnesses in the JFK assassination were murdered by the FBI. In addition, I contend that many 9-11 witnesses have been murdered by the FBI. The FBI is much more involved in domestic assassinations than the CIA is. The CIA is more involved in foreign assassinations.
Part of the Jewish Master Plan is to assassinate anyone who stands in their way and cannot be bribed.
So here are Jewish assassinations as I identify them. I will add names to this list as I go. There are a LOT of Jewish assassinations. There are so many Jewish assassinations that I am going to list them in categories to make this list easier to comprehend.
Political Leaders/Candidates
In this category are political leaders or candidates for political leadership who were assassinated by the Jews because they were not under the control of the Jewish Snake. The Jewish Snake only wants its puppets to be political leaders in a world which it controls.
Yassar Arafat, Palestinian political leader
Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela
Yitzhat Rabin, Jewish Israeli Prime Minister
People considered Security Threats
In this category are people who are considered to be security threats to the Jewish Snake based upon something they have seen or something they have said or something they have done. They are assassinated to eliminate them as a security threat.
Andrew Breitbart, political commentator
Investigating the Death of Andrew Breitbart
Ron Brown, former Commerce Secretary
William Colby, former CIA Director
Brian Epstein, Beatles Manager
James Forrestal, U.S. Government official
Vince Foster, deputy White House Counsel
Robert Hupp, Catholic church official in Omaha, NE.
Frank Olson
Salvatore Princiotta, 9-11 Firefighter
Salvatore Princiotta - Wikispooks
Patsy Ramsey, mother of SRA victim
Jack Rubenstein, Jewish Nightclub owner and Sayanim
Witness against the official explanation
In this category are people who have witnessed something which goes against the Jewish official explanation. Since these people can give testimony which contradicts the lie that the Jewish Snake wants the people to believe, these people are murdered.
Michael Cormier, Coroner's Technician
Terrance Yeakey, OKC Bombing first responder
Private Investigators
In this category are private investigators who have discovered things in the course of their investigations which the Jewish Snake considers a threat to itself. So the private investigator is assassinated to silence him.
Gary Caradori, Private Investigator
Ted Gunderson, Private Investigator
In this category are independent researchers who have discovered the truth about the Jewish Snake and are trying to wake up the public to it. Most researchers will be ignored or censored but some researchers are assassinated.
Whistleblowers are people who have seen Jewish corruption and talk about it publicly. They may be testifying in front of Congress about the corruption they have seen. Some whistleblowers are assassinated to silence them, especially ones who are testifying before Congress.
John Barnett, Boeing whistleblower
Thomas Ronald Baron, Quality Control and Safety Inspector (Apollo 1)
Dr. David M. Graham, 9-11 whistleblower
Gus Grissom, Apollo Program Whistleblower
Two Worlds Paradigm example of the death of Gus Grissom
Nancy Schaefer, CPS Whistleblower
Going down the Rabbit Hole in the case of Anton Schuessler Sr.
Kathleen Sorenson, SRA Whistleblower
Brandy Vaughn, Vaccine Whistleblower
Dan Wallace, son of 9-11 Firefighter
Dan Wallace speaks about 9/11 Truth
Killing exposed bad guys who can finger them
In this category are bad guys who were supported by the Jews but their bad behavior has been exposed to the public. The exposed bad guy then becomes a liability who knows too much and needs to be eliminated.
Frank Beck, trusted child care professional in UK
Collateral Damage
Collateral Damage in this context are people who are assassinated in relation to some other person who is the real target of assassination. The collateral damage person is killed along with the real target of the assassination.
Roger Chaffee, U.S. Astronaut (Apollo 1)
In this category are people who are usually public figures of some kind such as entertainers who say things in public that the Jewish Snake does not want said. They are assassinated to silence them.
Michael Jackson, Entertainer
George Patton, U.S. military general
A clarification about Aaron Russo
Honest Experts
In this category are experts in various fields who say things the Jewish Snake does not want said. They are assassinated to silence them.
David Kelly, Weapons Expert
People who know too much
In this category are people under the employ of one of companies owned by the Jewish Snake who know too much as part of their work at the company. Also in this category are experts in their field who have learned things that make them a threat to the operations of the Jewish Snake.
Dr. Benito Que, cell Biologist
Robert Schwartz, Biophysicist
Exposing the Jewish Snake
In this category are people who have exposed the Jewish Snake in some significant way and they are assassinated to punish them for daring to do that.
In this category are honest people who have become a nuisance and the Jewish Snake just wants to get rid of them.
In this category are patsies used in assassinations who are threatening to reveal that they did not commit the assassination. So the patsy is assassinated so he cannot reveal that he did not commit the assassination and to keep him as a patsy.
In support of a PSYOP
In this category are people who are murdered to support a Jewish PSYOP.
Father Michal Judge, 9-11 firefighter
So many others to add. Including several other Presidents
ReplyDeleteJames Trafficant, too!
Please tell me other assassinations which you believe the Jews are behind so I can research them. I do not claim to know all the assassination Jews have been involved with but I add them to this list as I find them. I will investigate James Trafficant as a possible Jewish assassination.
DeleteThe system is a roman saturnian death cult. Look no further than the flag which is the remphan, chiyyun star flag of saturn forbidden by God Almighty.
ReplyDeleteLook at Oppenheimer who was behind the Abomb. From the first detonation 7/16/1945 at the Trinity site to the birth of their moshiach, trump, is 333 days on 6/14/1946. Add 700 more from his birthday and it is the birthday of rothschild Israel 5/14/1948. There is 33 ritual weeks after that day to the end of the year .
From the first Abomb detonation 7/16/1945 to the birth of Israel is 1033 days. A day on Saturn is 10 hours and 33 minutes.
The 7/16 date has been used through time against Christianity.
Look at the satanic ritual murder of the Romanovs 16-17/1918. 666,666,666 seconds from midnight 7/17/1918 to 1:11:06 AM UTC 9/1/1939 which is the start of WW2.
The satanists are involved with advanced computers. The black cube, a preflood device is buried in the Atlantic Ocean in the devil’s triangle and works in concert with CERN to produce the matrix we live in.
Take a look at the English gematria value of “computer”. It is 666 and the Jewish value is 528 of which 528hz is the healing frequency.
On the future birthday of the US 7/4/1054AD a supernova appeared in the sky on the future birthday of the US. 12 days later on the 7/16 date the first major schism of Christianity occurred between the RCC and EOC. Look at the US nuclear testing program and you will see a satanic ritual which celebrates the initial seed sorcery cut. 1054 bombs were detonated in the program for the first schism year. 216 (6x6x6) were detonated aboveground in predominantly the US Southwest and Pacific Atolls. Once the prevailing westerlies and jetstream attached to the fallout at high altitudes it was carried over world and cancer rates skyrocketed as a result of it.
The program ended on the birthday of Jesus (contrived on the Gregorian calendar) 9/23/1992. 1992 - 1776 = 216. The program lasted 47 years which is their god of war cycle. Mars returns to its same place in the sky every 47 years. The ancient word for Mexico is mexhitli which means god of war. New Mexico means new god of war is 666 in English gematria and the 47th state for the cycle.
The process of the US satanic nuclear testing program was a baphomet process with abortion (child sacrifice to moloch) as a core part of the effort. From the fission (solve) portion 7/16/1945 to the fusion (coagula) portion with the detonation of the first hydrogen bomb on All Saints Day 11/1/1952 is 2666 days. The 26 value is the simple gematria value of God. G=7, O=15 and D =4. The sum is 26 and the YHVH Tetragrammaton is the same value. The God number is fused with the beast number for the 2666 code.
The big seed sorcery date for them is the birth of rome 4/21/753BC. The 4/21 date in a nonleap year is the sol magic square base root day of 111. Add 4 months and 21 days and it always lands on 9/11. There is a 111 day mirror on the other side.
753BC + the year the beast system came into existence 1913AD is the roman year 2666AUC. Starting to get the picture? There is a lot more. It is completely damning to them. There isn’t a damned thing they can do about it. It is game over.